
Schema - Awesome knowledge management for teams from your GDrive 🤓


Schema is a beautiful cloud drive that allows you to store and manage all your files (PDFs, Images, MS Word, links, Google docs etc.) within a context. Collaborate with teams and organise your knowledge in a clean structure.

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Dustin Glendinning
Looks like a copy of workflowy. www.workflowy.com
@dustying Hi! We are using a similar collapsible bullet point system to Workflowy but Schema is about sharing knowledge! We have an explore page where you can see the best notes for learning that users have created! You can also add to this knowledge base! :)
Deqian Jia
Hey @amrith, thanks a lot for featuring us! Schema started as a vision to organise the world's knowledge. In today's fast pacing world, learning is a theme for everyone. But there are surprisingly few places that offer a comprehensive and reliable knowledge database for learning as well as the ability to easily collaborate. Among the few ones like Wikipedia, the user experience is far from optimal. Schema is our answer. It's a new way to make elegant notes and it's a community around learning. In the process of making Schema, we did extensive user study to find out what's the best way to structure information so it's easy to read and remember (i.e. optimised for learning) - that's the unique "schema" structure. We then launched the public platform for people to share their schemas and learn from others. We are really amazed by the schemas people are sharing. They range from Computer Science to Management study and you can actually learn a lot just by reading the schemas. Looking ahead, we want to build Schema into the go-to place for learning. So the next time when you want to learn anything or share anything, you'd check out Schema rather than Google or Wikipedia ;)
Pablo Antonio Moreno Casares

I believe Schema can be very helpful for making good notes that improve the study experience afterwards. In particular, I think it helps to learn faster, although studying is not the only way to use it. Any kind of notes can be taken and shared


Design is clear and makes it very helpful to study afterwards


No easy way of importing previous notes and no way of writting equations

João Vitor Sahadi

I came across Schema during the freshers fair at Oxford last year. I am impressed by its simple and elegant design. I love how you can include PDFs and images on your notes and see them parallel to the notes or inline with the text. The explore note features is also really cool, you can find amazing notes using it!


The collapsible bullet point structure is amazing! It makes my notes very easy to read and edit!


None so far.

Lama Al Rajih
Just signed up @deqianjia @rango! I really like the community/notes sharing feature. Is there any way we can save a community Schema to our dashboard? I'd also love it if a folder feature could be added to organize schemas.
@deqianjia @lamaalrajih Hiya! We are working on a folder structure, its one of the most requested features. At the moment the community is view only, but we will open it up, so you can save it to your dashboard. Thank you! :)
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Is a mobile-friendly version in you product plan? ETA?
Deqian Jia
@kkdub Hi! A mobile friendly version is definitely on our product roadmap :) we hope to ship it later this summer. so stay tuned!
Jordan Pavelich

Fantastic. I've been looking for a clean, notes app with easily condensible bullets, for forever. Sure it's highly subjective but Schema has native support for the way I love to take notes: beginning with a condensed outline and expanding on topics that I have a lot to say about. I love that the note taking window is clean and empty.

My cons are wishlist features, and I'll caveat by saying I approach this as a worker, not a student. My thoughts are based on Schema as a note taking tool, not as an educational content or lesson delivery product.


Collapsible and expandible bullets. Distraction free interface. Solid tutorial.


No markdown. Would love to drag and drop bullets.

Hi Jordan, thank you for the review! On your personal notes, you can drag and drop bullets! Its just not possible for public notes. Just click on the dot and drag it to the position you want! :)
Sh.Shanmuga Raja
Thats WorkFlowy with upload option.
@shrp7 Hi! That is a feature of the note taking application but the main value of Schema is the explore feature where you can share and view notes from everyone!
@shrp7 Thank you! Really appreciate your support :)
Tuan Anh Le

Excited about the new sharing feature and the possibilities it opens.


Potential to be the Wikipedia of specialized knowledge.




It’s such a great experience using Schema. I love how all my images can be beautifully organized along with texts. Life saver! and look forward to joining the knowledge community!


Best platform to manage images-texts, great learning community


More features needed

Welcome to Product Hunt, @deqianjia 😸 Schema looks great! Both @helmi and I came across this from @biz's tweet 👊 Can you tell us a little more about how this app came to be?
Biz Stone

It's as if Medium were to design a note-taking app. Pure delight.


Super simple, learning community.


Too simple?

Zachary Hunt
This is one of the most refreshIng products I’ve seen in sometime. Can’t wait to give it a try!
@zachmelikey Thank you, that really means a lot to us! Hope you find it useful and do give us a shout if you have any feedback or ideas!
Carlos V

Pasaré todas las notas del teléfono a Schema :)





Carl Vega
I wanted to use it for school notes, so I took a few weeks to test it with my Physics course. It is great for growing from concepts to examples. A few pitfalls I noticed were that during export it lost the formatting inputing, and I would like to see an association with a PDF or image. As an example of that, I would like to see notes to the side of a PPT directly related to that page. So, if you export it would have slides with notes section, similar to how Microsoft has for PPT, but instead of lines it would have specific information.
Deqian Jia
@carljasonvega Thanks a lot for your review! We are working on improving the export functionality so please stay tuned :)
Lyondhür Picciarelli
This looks beautiful and quite a nice approach to Knowledge Base building and note taking.
@lyondhur Thank you, we are really excited to create a new way to make notes that helps people retain more info and organise it more easily!
Nishchit Dhanani
very clean interface, too good. what is the future plan? I'm much interested to follow schema.
Deqian Jia
@nishchit_dhanani Hi Nitish, thanks a lot for checking us out! We are looking to expand our feature list and also build up the public community. We've just released a new version of it. Please have a look :)

Sometimes select command note (backspace) doesn't work bc it will trigger the browser's Previous page so cant delete a txt row. And Ctrl-U for file upload triggers Inspect Element so sometimes using buttons is needed, I don't know when it does this exactly, seems random.


Very clear and fast in usage. Good clear interface


Not much storage for free and sometimes commands don't work

Deqian Jia
Gu Seann, thanks a lot for your feedback! We've just released a major update to our backend system. Perhaps give it a try and see if it's better now?
Andrew Zhou
It's an excellent product with potential. It didn't meed my very specific needs, but I think that it can overtake Notion. As others have mentioned, the lack of Markdown support is definitely a con. Still, I'm definitely going to re-evaluate it for when I outgrow Vim+Markdown. Also, I typed feedback into chat, and @deqianjia responded, which was a very nice human touch.
Deqian Jia
@afzhou Thank you very much for your kind feedback Andrew! Much appreciated. Feel free to get in touch with me again if there is anything else!
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
The first I saw is a video popup with the message "Ouch. You are disconnected from the database. Changes will not be saved. Please refresh the page." over the close button.
@bogomep Hey, we are in Beta and working on a fix for this! Sorry this was your first experience