A modern JavaScript event calendar and alternative to Fullcalendar.
Open source at its core, with the possibility to add premium plugins for enhancing the calendar and shipping faster.
I'm Tom, and I started building Schedule-X last year. At that point, I had been building calendars for the past couple of years, and I noticed the lack of a framework-agnostic modern take on event calendars in the JavaScript world.
The calendars out there lacked a sense of modern design and modern requirements for web apps, like responsiveness & dark mode. And I wanted to fix this.
With Schedule-X, I'm offering the JavaScript community a full event calendar, open sourced and for free.
Meanwhile, I'm also monetizing the project through selling premium plugins that help software teams ship faster, and enhance their calendars.
Looking into the future, I'm now also considering taking a first few steps to enhancing the project with AI tools. This is an area where I'm curious for any type of input, so if you have any ideas on how to enhance a calendar with AI, feel free to throw those ideas at me 😊
I currently don't use Schedule-X because I'm not building an app that currently needs a calendar but if I'll need a calendar in the future I will instantly use Schedule-X! It's really well built and it will save you a lot of hours of work, effort and frustrations. Also, I've been engaging with Tom on Twitter/X and he's one of the nicest persons I've met there. Love reading his posts about pragmatic ways of building an open-core SaaS and his build in public journey in general. I'm sure a lot of people (including me) are learning a lot from what he's sharing. Give him a follow on X, he deserves it - https://twitter.com/TomOesterlund
@john200ok I can agree and can relate to this. Tom has been super nice and supportive to every question I threw at him.
I can already see that he will be a super support for all his customers.
I wish him luck with this one.
Congratrulations on your launch @tom_osterlund, Would love to know what has been the motivation behind Schedule-x, how did you identify the problem, what got you started?
@bilalasif it started back when I was building a startup a couple of years ago, and we needed an event calendar. I was just not impressed with the available options out there, because they all looked outdated, and didn't offer the flexibility we needed.
That's how I started building a JS calendar.
Then the project I built got some traction, and companies worldwide started using my calendar. That's when I decided to build a product out of it
Thanks a lot for your support :)
@tom_osterlund Makes sense, i love all the founders who identify the problem in house and start working on it and eventually it becomes a huge success all the very best.
Congrats on the launch Tom and good luck!
This deserves a lot of love and support, it's looking so polished and refined. Love it.
PS: Nice you've included Dark Mode 🤩
@mig_loren Thanks a lot Miguel!
Yea, I'm doing my best to match the expectations of emerging web projects, and dark mode is definitely one of those things many people expect today 😊
I mean, the amount of polish on this thing is insane. Amazing job Tom. Your attention to detail shines in this product. Truly a craftsman making something amazing.
Sounds like a very useful tool, @tom_osterlund. Have just looked into Schedule-X from the outside, but it looks promising. Modern design, responsiveness, and dark mode are def needed features. Congratulations on the launch!
Seeing @tom_osterlund build Schedule-X has been super inspiring! It looks awesome and is only going to get better. When I'm in the need for an Event Calendar, Schedule-X will be my go to! Super clean and crisp! Thanks for sharing your journey of Schedule-X on X (😆)! And congrats on the launch! 🎉
Hey @tom_osterlund congrats on your launch! 🥳🥳. I've been looking for a good schedule for my app and after using yours for a while it has all I'm asking for and I'm excited to see what it's to come! Absolutely recommended.
@abhaytalreja definitely! built a prototype for scheduling, and removing events using prompts. But haven't tried launching this yet. Also curious to see if there is potential for other types of AI features in a calendar
Schedule-X looks fantastic! 🎉 I love the focus on modern design and features like dark mode! Can't wait to see how it evolves with AI. Great job, @tom_osterlund! Keep up the amazing work! 🚀
Wonderful project. Calendar UI is no easy task, and here's Tom just giving it away for free. This is the beauty of the open-source community. Thanks, Tom and Godspeed on launch!
Hello Mr. Tom, I recently came across one of your JavaScript projects, and I must say, it's incredibly impressive! Your work truly inspires me, and I wanted to take a moment to express my admiration.
As a junior software engineer with a deep passion for technology, I’m eager to continue growing and advancing in this field. I would love to know if you have any advice or insights that could help me on my journey, especially to move beyond my current stage and reach new heights in my career.
Congratulations again on your recent big achievement, and thank you for being such an inspiration.
Best regards.
This sounds like an incredibly promising project! 🎉 Open-sourcing a modern JavaScript event calendar that rivals FullCalendar is not just ambitious but genuinely beneficial for the developer community.
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