Do yourself a small favor and mention in the description that it's a paid app AND has in app purchase for key features. I don't know why you would do that combo, but in any event it should be mentioned that you aren't buying he whole app. It would be interesting to compare results on free plus in app vs paid(full price) vs. what you are doing now paid(+in-app purchase).
@surfy so the idea is: $1.99 gets you access to create your morning routine,and track them with stats ie the original app,v1.0 - now in v2.0 you can add unlimited routines for a buck, which I think is fair. developers have to eat and pay their rent like everyone else 😸
@londonrom I agree with mark, it's not that you don't deserve money, it just feels deceitful. When you buy a paid app like this, you expect to have bought all the features. That's why you paid. To get hit with an additional charge inside after just buying it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Just make the app a dollar more expensive up front if you want the added revenue
@londonrom That's great. Eating is great. I totally endorse eating. Now tell everyone up front in your description that you want to eat and it's going to cost extra. The app is really $4 not $2. The unlimited routines add-on were $2, not $1. I can't believe I'm actually spending time on this and telling you that you don't know what you are charging for your product. Someone shoot me.
@groupfire thanks, this was an error and I just corrected it in itunes connect. The final 3 days to get the app update were crazy 15 hours days and I must admit that was not set up correctly. Once again thank you for pointing this out and please no one shoot this nice person!
After reading the Miracle Morning book from Hal Elrod, I decided to implement a simple routine each morning but struggled to be consistent and setting 6 alarms on my iPhone was just not practical, so I coded an app for it. After 7 months of gathering feedback on the morning rituals MVP, I was able to launch Morning Routines 2.0 yesterday. It's all coded in SWIFT and was my first big app project from scratch; I have learnt so much along the way and met great people. A few days ago, the app was trending on the appStore and reached top #14 paid app in the US, and top #2 in the health and fitness category! A big part of this success is due to Product Hunt and you, the users, who gave me brutal, honest, intelligent feedback. Thank you Product hunt Community for helping me along the way, you guys rock!
@aramiggs if you don't want to stay 30 min under the shower and be late for work + implement 10 min of daily meditation, then maybe! if you read the Slight Edge, the compound Effect or the Miracle Morning, this is the tool to help you implement small consistent habits that are easy to do, but also easy not to do.
@outhipped you can set daily local notification reminders for your different routines already, swipe the notification from your lock screen to open the right routine. Is that what you meant?
@londonrom As "morning routine" is the main use case it would make sense if the countdown would start at the moment i wake up. Now i have to set up alarm clock app then remember to launch your app every time i turn off my alarm clock (in different app). If I would see that the countdown starts the moment i turn off my clock id be more motivated to proceed with my routine.
@outhipped you can add reminders(alarm) for each routine so your phone will tell you it's time to do your routine, then hit start when you are ready to begin.
Eh... Seems doomed with the ceteris paribus fallacy-based UX. and what's with the collection of motivational speeches on the website? Are those in the app, or are you just trying to sell potential users on the idea of being more productive in life generally?
@elizabethhunker the videos are curated to give routine ideas, handpicked from successful people. I believe there is a common point to all of them : good, consistent habits.
@londonrom cool product. Mostly impressed with the way you handled some of the negative comments on this thread. Your ability to implement the useful feedback without getting lost in the weeds is solid.
@kwabboateng interesting request, I am still wondering how people can share their achievements and add a bit more gamification btw! I'll keep that in mind for future improvements. In what format would you like the export?
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