Thanesh Rajandran

Meet Transcript — Record Google Meet captions and screenshots to Google Doc

- Automatically record Google Meet captions.
- Take screenshots during a Google Meet session.
- Google Doc filename includes start time & meeting name.
- Option to hide on-screen captions.

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Love this. Need to slightly redesign the transcripts and then use the meeting title as the doc title but I'm a huge fan!! Now figure out how to auto record screen and meeting automatically so we don't have to pay Google!
Thanesh Rajandran
@estomes Thanks for your feedback. 1. If a meeting title is provided for the Google Meet session, Meet Transcript will automatically append it to the Google Doc title. 2. How would you redesign the transcript?
Look at how some of the others handle the transcript specifically tactiq. It just looks much much better. If you can figure out how to auto record the actual meeting instead of having to pay Google, you'd be rich! I don't want to upgrade all 30 of my g suite accounts and only want to upgrade a few but this isn't an option. Big problem for those that still want to use meet.
Thanesh Rajandran
Hi all, I built a chrome extension that transcribes your Google Meet session into Google Doc. Feedback is appreciated!