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Elayan Hamamrah
Sawia โ€” Find trending open source projects to contribute to
A community for sharing curated list of open source projects to contribute, Join & share your work.
Roman Khafizianov
@ehamamrah Nice idea, but currently site show Heroku's Application error
Elayan Hamamrah
@requilence Working to fix the issue :)
Elayan Hamamrah
@yazeedaloyoun Thanks for your Awesome Support.
Elayan Hamamrah
Recently I was working on a side project to fill my time, As lately I do care more about open-source projects & contributions. Many times I faced an issue to find a project that could match my skills and really having good documentation for contribution. Therefore, Swyya has launched a few days ago. My aim is to help and support the open-source community and developers who aim to find projects to work on.
Elayan Hamamrah
Added Trending on Github section to Homepage
Yu Yamanaka
Swyya is a great way to find and choose between as many projects as I like and work on topics that attract me. This is really helpful for someone who wants to learn without devoting the time of a full-time employee.
Elayan Hamamrah
@yurelx Thank you so much for your words, It really means too much for me. My aim from building Swyya is to help community of developers specially beginners who are seeking for contribution.
Rafat Alkhateeb
All the best man
Elayan Hamamrah
@rafat_alkhateeb Thanks for your continuous support mate.
Ryan Leverington๐Ÿ’Ž
Like the design. Good luck with it!
Elayan Hamamrah
@ryanleverington Thanks Ryan for your feedback, I'm really happy that layout design is good and people like it. Swyya is open sourced you can have a closer look into the code :)