Ria Blagburn

SaveMyTime - Time Tracker - A new way to track time and analyse productivity


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Benjamin Kimo Twichell
Any plans for iOS release?
Paweł Majda
@benkimotwichell We plan to do it after we get some more feedback from Android users but I don't have any dates yet for that. We are also wondering what will be the best option to prompt iOS users with question about activities. For example we think about using new lock screen capabilities from iOS 10. What do you think about that?
Benjamin Kimo Twichell
@mrpawelmajda Thanks for getting back to me. Looking forward to ios version. The new ios 10 prompts sound like a great feature, but I wouldn't recommend your whole app requiring the new OS. A lot of people are resistant to upgrading (I have a 6s and I still don't want to). While we're talking about product, it might be a good idea to build in some type of auto tracking / integrations to make the app not completely reliant and user input. (If I missed those features, apologies, but I can't be sure as I can't download the app)
Paweł Majda
@benkimotwichell Thanks for the info! Auto-tracing integrations are something we are interested in but we want users have good control over it. We need to figure out good way of asking about recent activities on iOS anyway in order to give users ability to track everything they want. I curious what integrations would you be interested in?
Benjamin Kimo Twichell
@mrpawelmajda for switching between activities like working and exercising, self tracking makes sense. However, getting more specific data within those two activities could be super interesting. For example, and integration with something like https://www.rescuetime.com/ could be great to see how much of 'work' time was actually productive. The same thing could apply with any fitness tracking app to see how productive any workout was. For me it's all about what you can make out of the data, and adding that second layer would make it more reliable and pull out any trends that I don't find with self reporting.
Paweł Majda
@benkimotwichell That seems like a very good idea - thanks. I was wondering how to provide information about productivity level on each occurrence of some activity. We will definitely think about implementing that.
Emil Zwierzchowski
looks dope, I was actually searching for a neat time management tool and since it appears to be a pretty insightful app, I am most probably going to give it a go, fingers crossed pals! :)
Paweł Majda
@emil_zwierzchowski Thanks a lot - great to hear that! If you have any questions, let us know ;)
Paweł Majda
Hello Product Hunt and thanks to @riaface for hunting us! We started SaveMyTime with the goal to create first time tracker that will picture the whole time distribution during the day. Not only sport, sleep or time spent on devices. We’ve always been obsessed with tracking our lives, but end up automatically tracking online activities using RescueTime and other activities using manual time trackers - but remembering to set up time tracker every time you begin new activity just isn’t right. That’s why we took advantage of nasty habit humans have - we unlock our phone over 120 times a day, which means every few minutes. The app replaces your standard lock screen with a simple question “What have you been doing since you last checked your phone?” and a few options. We simply analyze this data and provide users with statistics. PS. We’d love to give some giveaways to you guys but we can’t since everything we built is free :) Please hit us if you’ve got any feedback or suggestions for improvement. We’ve spent a year with 150 beta testers to make this product as simple and useful as possible and still looking for something to improve.
Ela Bednarek
Hey guys! I've tested your app and it's really neat and simple to use. Setting the categories was a bit of a challenge - at some point I just had too many (ran out of space on home screen as well), but with fewer it was just not the right level of detail. Any good tips how to best set them up to get meaningful stats afterwards?
Paweł Majda
@elamustrun Thank you for your feedback! Yes, we are aware of it and we are still thinking about best solutions to this. The best approach to this for now would be to have the most important detail-level activities and some of the general ones. This way you can measure on more detail-level and also have general view on your time. Hope this will help you measure your time better :)
Pascal Briod
Very clever to use the lock screen for that, look forward to test this ! What's your long-term business model ?
Adam Janczewski
@pbriod We would like to dive deeper into statistics and provide a lot more insights, like sugestions how to improve productivity/work-life balance, In-deph weekly and monthly reports and ability to seat goals. There is a lot more to be build in free version, but business model in future will be monthly subscription for aditional features :)
Lior Romanowsky
@mrpawelmajda I really like the concept and the approach. Time management HAS to be easy and straight forward, otherwise, it just won't happen. Really liked the color coding and the interface. Well done
Paweł Majda
@liorowsky Thank you very much for warm words!
Daniel Marcinkowski
I beta-tested this app and it works amazing! Great job guys! :)
Paweł Majda
@dmarcinkowski_ Thank you so much for recommendation and support as beta user!
Jacob Hobbie
I started testing this app a few days ago. I wasn't really looking for a new productivity tracker, as I was still testing good ol' RescueTime once again to see if I could somehow make it work in my productivity chain. But after using the app for a few days I was floored by how dead-simple it was to use, and how unlike other productivity trackers, it didn't guilt-trip me, but actually helped me keep aware of the time I was spending. If I had tapped "Gaming" too much, I went and studied. If I was tapping "Studying" too much, I took a break. Honestly, this has wow'ed me, and I'm excited to see the updates that are going to come to this app. TL;DR Surprisingly awesome, go check it out!
Paweł Majda
@linkchef I am super happy to hear that - thanks for the support! You noticed one advantage of SameMyTime over the fully automatic time tracking - it can make you aware of what you are doing much faster and therefore maybe motivate to start doing things that you were planning in the first place.
Sharon Hurley Hall
Enjoyed trying SaveMyTime and it provided some insights into the stuff I do offline (I track online/computer stuff mostly with RescueTime). Loved the stats and they got even better once I'd customized to add my actual activities. One thing I'd love to see is an option for immediate undo if you accidentally tap the wrong button as editing entries is time-consuming.
Paweł Majda
@shurleyhall Thanks for feedback and I am glad you liked the experience with the app! You are totally right about the undo, but there is a trade-off - it would slow down the whole tracking (we would need to keep user on tracking screen for a little bit longer then now in order to let him/her undo the action). Anyway we will think about other possibilities in doing undo without slowing down tracking. Maybe you have some ideas about this as well?
Sharon Hurley Hall
@mrpawelmajda I don't know how much it would slow it down. Something like the onscreen button that comes up in email apps when you delete or archive stuff perhaps
Paweł Majda
@shurleyhall Email apps are different because after you delete or archive emails you are still in the app. In our app you are just clicking activity and after that you are continuing to your standard unlocking flow in phone. We will think about it how to do it well.
Cem Carak
This is a very interesting idea. Being a person that uses a lot of apps, I am curious to know how much battery does this drain though if it unlocks and asks question few times a day?
Paweł Majda
@cemedericarak Thanks for the interest and question! As all it does in the background is just listening to unlock phone events and displaying one screen - it is not suppose to drain a lot of battery. In most cases it should use from 1% to 5% of total battery usage. We are also constantly focused to minimize this to minimum.
Loving the App! Are you guys considering giving users the ability to actually edit times in the activity history section?
Paweł Majda
@griepagmailcom1 Thanks a lot! Yes, this is something that is the one of the next things we are going to add to the app - also together with choosing multiple activities while tracking.
Paweł Majda
We are currently looking for Android Dev to join us as a co-founder! Anyone interested to make big impact in productivity space? For more information write us at hello@savemytime.co
Richa Prasad
Just want to say, I LOVE this app. I have been using the pro version for almost a year daily, and have actually restructured my schedule (less context switching, fewer things in a day) because of the insights from this app.
Paweł Majda
Hi all, We just relaunched new SaveMyTime 3.0 here: https://www.producthunt.com/post.... It contains long-awaited goals and limits functionality, that are perfect for keeping track of New Year's resolutions! Any feedback appreciated 😉
Jakub Zowczak

The improved analytics are really useful


Productivity, great design


No iOS version

Muhammad Jabeer
Thanks for the app. It is so useful.