Radoslav Stankov

SashiDo.io - Parse server hosting for busy people

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Marian Ignev
Hi hunters, I’m Marian, CEO of SashiDo. We are very passionate about the future of MBaaS, this is why we spent this past year working on SashiDo. We wanted to create a hassle-free Parse hosting for busy people - and we did it. We believe that developers need to focus on their apps instead of taking care of infrastructural issues and menial technical obstacles. We centered our entire service around that concept and ended up with a solution that is easy to use, scalable, requires no technical expertise and offers a 100% Parse-like experience.
Radoslav Stankov
Parse is shutting down on January 28, 2017. Sashi.do looks like a solid alternative for it.
Marian Ignev
@rstankov Thank you for the support Rado!
Claes Jacobsson
Been running Sashido in production since beginning of December. Very happy so far! Sashido support was very helpful during the migration process :-)
Marian Ignev
@claesjacobsson Thank you for supporting us Claes! Guys like you motivate us every day!
Derek Lee
I spent several days last month trying to determine what to do with my Parse.com apps and decided to go with Sashido over other hosted Parse providers (including self hosting) for the following reasons: * Simple and thorough migration process. * Responsive and helpful customer support. * Professionalism and transparency on their website regarding company information, team, investors, etc. * Documentation (tutorials, setup, configuration of their service) * Polished UI/UX above and beyond what Parse Server provides, including improved JSON data entry/editing, Cloud Code integration with GitHub and more. * Reasonable pricing plus the fact that they charge for their service - and even though my apps are small, I want to pay for the services that I use to support them.
Marian Ignev
@derekleerock Awesome feedback Derek! Thank you so much for sharing this! You are awesome!
Bryan Bartow
I've been running a production app on SashiDo for a few months. So far as I can tell, they've got everything Parse did, plus GitHub integration, which is really nice. They're definitely the best of the managed Parse providers I've seen.
Pavel Ivanov
@bryan_bartow Thanks for the support Bryan! We appreciate it! :)
Luke Hutyler
I've been working with Sashido since late December (yes, procrastinating the Jan 28 deadline) and I've been extremely impressed. The customer support is some of the best out there. The only snags I've hit were out of their control and they were still there with a smiley to keep me moving forward in my migration process. I love that I have full access to my database too!
Marian Ignev
@lukehutyler Thanks for sharing you experience Luke! We appreciate it!
Too bad there isn't a free tier for development purporses
@quynh_d_nguyen We give our customers 14 days free trial, and we have referral program that can help you manage your expenses during development. We don’t have free tier for development purposes because we want to offer our users the best and that's why we are adding more and more to the service we offer. And this quality comes at a price. Apart from the purely technical aspect of the service, with us you will get customer care and this is what I personally think makes SashiDo different compared to the other providers. You will receive free 24/7 support over 3 different channels - chat, emails and tickets. Basically our team will be here for you to give you tips and recommendations, to troubleshoot and guide you along the way. Our service aims to provide a fully managed backend, where we take care of the server management and security and you only focus on your apps.
Juan Bermudez
I had already built a product on Parse.com that was migrated last year onto Heroku/Compotse.io, before we knew about Sashido when we were looking for an Parse alternative for a new product we picked Sashido and have been very happy. There support is also pretty responsive. We feel we are getting the best out of both worlds.
Marian Ignev
@juan_bermudez We're happy to have you on board! Thanks for the support!
Abe Storey
This is awesome. Nice on-boarding too:
Billy Lo
Was pleasantly surprised by how smooth our migration to SashiDo went... thumbs up!
Marian Ignev
@billylo Thanks for sharing your experience :)
Using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk and it works great, main issue is that I have to use mLab for database... SashiDo seems like a very good option, but keep in mind the extra $16/GB for database 🤔
Marian Ignev
@cprins_ Thanks for sharing Carl, yes apps in SashiDo are configured and ready for use, so you don't need to connect with other services. Of course there are other services on the market so ... what fits well in your case. If need our help we are always ready to help :)
Maksim Petriv
Using Sashido in production now. Really good support. With there was a manual option to upgrade to a different tier.
Marian Ignev
@talkaboutdesign Thanks for the support Maksim!
Arunan Sri
During my evaluation the SashiDo team was great. I have to commend Tanya and the support team for being so responsive. I ended up deciding on another service because hosting my own mLab instance is important for me, but would consider SashiDo again if they roll out mLab support.
Simon Bromberg
How is this different from back4app?
Marian Ignev
@shimmb Hey Simon ... Take a look at the @derekleerock's feedback above. I think this is the best answer you can get.
Ghost Kitty
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