Kat Manalac

MDacne - Solving acne with computer vision and AI

MDacne is the future of acne treatment. Using MDacne, in less than 5 minutes you'll get a complete acne treatment kit personalized based on your unique skin!

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Ghost Kitty
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Thanks @katmanalac for the hunt! ๐Ÿ™ MDacne helps 500M people with acne. The app analyzes the skin using computer vision and based on the results provides a customized treatment plan in order to treat their acne and enhance their quality of life. Canโ€™t wait to hear what you think! ๐Ÿ˜
Avi Wolicki
How does your product deal with different types of colored skin?
@aviwolicki Hey Avi, we've tested our product on a diverse set of hundreds of people with acne to ensure we have good results various skin colors.
Kat Manalac
MDacne helps people solve their skin problems. If you have skin issues, you can download their app, take a selfie and get an instant, personalized treatment plan. The app tracks your skin improvement and lets you ask a dermatologist questions. And they're the #1 acne app in the US, UK and Australian App Stores!
Alexandre Mouriec
Awesome product ๐Ÿ‘ I have acne since several years and I have a great treatment plan but this tool would have been very useful. Amazing way to use computer vision and AI to solve health problems ๐Ÿ‘
Ohad Frankfurt
awesome idea guys, good luck!
Ran Margaliot
Super interesting product
Ido Tal
Great app!
Amazing product! congrats guys :)
Romain Bessuges
Future is now... That's amazing
Moin Uddin
Great idea @odedharth! Is it only available in US? It says my number is invalid. Also its kinda strange that instead of direct linking your are sending an SMS. It should be both in my opinion.
@moinism MDacne is available globally ๐ŸŒŽ Here is a direct link to the App Store https://itunes.apple.com/app/mda...
Andrew Hsu
Nice, this is a great idea and could help lots of people at their most vulnerable. There's a ton of reluctance and stigma around talking about acne as a teenager so anything to help solve that and cut through the large amounts of misinformation floating around the internet is great.
Sojan Jose
awesome guys :D
Ziv Rubin
Good idea guys! good luck!
Yoram Harth MD
Great comments. Thanks you all ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™Œ
Miles Lennon
@odedharth can you give an hypothetical example of how the computer vision data might vary person to person (e.g. number, size and color of blemishes) and how that correlates to a difference in "plan"?
Maddy Plummer
My product never came in for a free trial or at all. I was then charged a full price for the product THAT I NEVER RECEIVED. Their help/support SUCKS. They do NOT have a number to call just a whack email that they NEVER RESPOND TO. They also do not have an account you can log into to cancel your โ€œsubscriptionโ€ to stop payments. This company is literal shit. So hot that down.