Interesting experiment.
The closet copywriter in me thinks it should be: "Even Unicorns Die" or "Unicorns Die Too" (with a small leaning towards the former). Because right now, having both the word "even" and the word "too" is redundant. And, because I like just having 3 words (shorter is better, especially for t-shirts).
Having said that, good luck!
@dharmesh ya we debated and decided to just ship. Interesting to me how many people keep pointing that out and giving their reasoning like you did. Usually I would have done 3 words too! I guess it was a subconscious experiment. Lesson learned.
This is an experiment. I've never before created a physical product and tried to sell it.
My friend @tmbexp and I were catching up over dinner when he told me about his latest business. His company partners with brands to launch merchandise for their fans. Of course, I was intrigued and wanted to help!
Because of my fascination with shirts that have slogans and symbols, Matt decided for me that I should come up with a shirt idea. After a few ideas, this one about unicorns stuck. Fast forward just a few weeks and now, I'm excited to launch this t-shirt and sell it for a limited time.
If you'd like to hear more about the story behind the meaning of the shirt, read my blog post about it:
From an Idea to Exit (eBook)