Hiten Shah

Startup Unicorns T-Shirt - A t-shirt with a sad unicorn on it that you can buy today!


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Dharmesh Shah
Interesting experiment. The closet copywriter in me thinks it should be: "Even Unicorns Die" or "Unicorns Die Too" (with a small leaning towards the former). Because right now, having both the word "even" and the word "too" is redundant. And, because I like just having 3 words (shorter is better, especially for t-shirts). Having said that, good luck!
Hiten Shah
@dharmesh ya we debated and decided to just ship. Interesting to me how many people keep pointing that out and giving their reasoning like you did. Usually I would have done 3 words too! I guess it was a subconscious experiment. Lesson learned.
Dharmesh Shah
@hnshah +100 to shipping. I'd rather ship something "not quite perfect" (whatever that means), than not ship at all.
Hiten Shah
This is an experiment. I've never before created a physical product and tried to sell it. My friend @tmbexp and I were catching up over dinner when he told me about his latest business. His company partners with brands to launch merchandise for their fans. Of course, I was intrigued and wanted to help! Because of my fascination with shirts that have slogans and symbols, Matt decided for me that I should come up with a shirt idea. After a few ideas, this one about unicorns stuck. Fast forward just a few weeks and now, I'm excited to launch this t-shirt and sell it for a limited time. If you'd like to hear more about the story behind the meaning of the shirt, read my blog post about it: http://hitenism.com/even-unicorn...
@hnshah, @mnshah - why "even unicorns die too" and not a different text? But congratulations on the launch abs I hope you learned a lot from it! :)
Hiten Shah
@grooveplex I came up with a bunch of ideas and this is the one that stuck. It was very unscientific ;)
Chris Barning
I could never wear this around my daughter.
David Carpe
but I thought they only die if you cut off the horn thing? would a mythologist please advise..?
Juergen Hoebarth
you guys have copyright on the "pony"
Hiten Shah
@juergenhoebarth was drawn by hand by an artist. @tmbexp watched!
Brandi Young
Very cute Hiten, but I'm getting stuck on the simultaneous use of "even" and "too" in the text. Those eyes though... so adorable!
Kalo Yankulov
I'd love to see some other variations of the pony, too. Maybe even something in the spirit of Happy Tree Friends, haha.