Volkan Kaya

SaaS Pages 2.0 - 1200+ Screenshots of the best SaaS landing pages by blocks


Browse 1200+ landing page screenshots. We give you the best practices to help you convert more visitors to customers.
- Organized into blocks and sites
- 100 Top SaaS companies
- Best Practices
- High Quality PNGs
- Site color palettes

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Volkan Kaya
Hey PH, I have to thank the community for the success and feedback for v1 of SaaS Pages, we got 2000+ upvotes and received so much feedback and love! I'm excited and nervous again to be shipping v2 of SaaS Pages. We have learnt a ton from you folks and got so much feedback. - We added 100s more screenshots - 6 new blocks/page types to inspire and learn from (more coming soon) - Compare old vs new sites - New sidebar for easier navigation - Easily share/bookmark images We have also rebuilt the platform so that it can be easily extended and have an amazing roadmap we hope to build out in the future. We added pages like blogs, knowledge bases, affiliates and alternative pages as these are important for conversions and we spent just as much time on these pages as other ones and struggled to find good ones. Thank you so much for supporting us and if you have any feedback we would love to hear it and incorporate it into the product.
Porush Puri
Hi @volkandkaya! A big fan of SaaS Pages, have helped me a lot! I mean a lot! Thanks for creating this! Kudos
Juan Sarmiento
@volkandkaya Master, another great resource coming from your creativity lab, congratulations, the selection is impressive and really useful, already added to my bookmarks!!
Steph Nass
This is gonna be sooooooo useful. Congrats on the excellent job!!
Volkan Kaya
Thanks @stephnass, we rebuilt it so should be a lot easier to add new features as well, so we can make it even more useful.
Volkan Kaya
@stephnass Trick I learnt from @harrydry
I love this update, I'll move it to the design patterns category of thttps://undesign.learn.uno/ in the next update (this week!)
Volkan Kaya
@sandochee thanks so much! Love the site btw, bookmarked it.
Michael Andreuzza
I have been using since V1, it has helped me a lot and let's be honest, I recommend it 100% if you are building your saas and lost on how to design it.
Volkan Kaya
@michael_andreuzza Thanks, we have all types of people using it from designers, developers, founders and copywriters.
Csaba Kissi
Really good improvement man. Lots of inspiration.
Volkan Kaya
@csaba_kissi Thanks, already planning a big v3 :)
Simon Bennett
Great work @volkandkaya and @bartek_mogielski again! Looks like a TON of effort went into this. I am about to rebuild some landing pages and will be definitely refering to this.
Volkan Kaya
@bartek_mogielski @mrsimonbennett Yeah completely rebuilt in nextjs should be much easier to add new features.
Daryl Bartkunsky
great concept ?makers, think there is a big need for SaaS industry to leverage fast deployment of marketing frontend. I think the intro video could do with slight improvements (try highlight the feature list and maybe make it slightly longer) just a thought. keep up the good work
Volkan Kaya
@sbrands thanks, the video 100% needs some work.
surya shanmugam
An amazing resource and very useful to find inspiration without the hassle of shuffling between multiple tabs!
Volkan Kaya
Fajar Siddiq
V2 looks awesome with the new update. Congratulations you guys. Is very useful to see more ideas like this
Volkan Kaya
@fajarsiddiq means a lot coming from PH expert :)
Benedikt Deicke
This is a great resource for inspiration! Fantastic job everyone! 👏
Volkan Kaya
@benediktdeicke Thanks :)
Wilson Bright
Congrats Volkan! My go-to place to look for inspiration.
Volkan Kaya
@wilsonbright Thank you :)
Pierre de Wulf
Great value Great content Great execution Great marketing idea Congrats to the whole team!
Volkan Kaya
@pierre_dwf Thanks!
Michael Sieb
@volkandkaya Awesome! Keep up the good work 💪
Volkan Kaya
@michael_sieb Thanks and always!
Aleksandra Sztemberg
Looks good! Just wondering, how do you add a new company?
Volkan Kaya
@aleksandraszte2 We usually add companies that are growing quickly, have great design and their copy is good. The bigger companies usually have teams to ab test etc so we usually pick those. Lots of small startups just hire a designer or use a fixed template. While the pages look great the conversions can be terrible. If a startup emails me showing how they ab tested and improved conversions i'm all for adding them :)
Christina Pashialis
Great update Volkan! Lots of stuff to be inspired by 🎉🔥
Volkan Kaya
@christina_p Thanks!
Rowe Morehouse
What are tools for / what is your workflow for capturing the screenshots?
Volkan Kaya
@rowemore Nothing special, I tried to automate it but tons of cookies and popups came up.
Gavalla Ranjit
Awesome guys..keep up the good work!
Volkan Kaya
@gavallar Thanks :)
How is this different from tryprism.co?
Volkan Kaya
@captnphilip Never heard of tryprism. Looks like a site to bookmark pages? Please give SaaS Pages a try, it already has a ton of inspiration added sorted by blocks and pages.
A perfect resource for my landing page. Thanks ?makers
Volkan Kaya
Brenden Sherratt
Interesting idea, but I wish it was searchable. The filters are fine, but I would love to search by company name, product, industry. It would also be nice to be able to flip through the slides, in order and not displaying them all as different pages.
Volkan Kaya
@brenden_sherratt1 Thanks for the feedback, is the tool unusable for you? Is that why you don't recommend?