Love that GIMP is open source and stuff, but I very much prefer Pixlr ( since it has a nicer interface and, generally, easier to use, at least in my experience.
@d4nyll Pixlr is great and we also recommend their web version for those who do not really need complexities of GIMP. But there are tasks, which require more sophisticated tooling, and this is where online GIMP comes in handy. Typically advanced graphics editors would require you to install software on your computer, which may not always be possible. Our goal was to make it easily accessible to everyone on any device and we already see a lot of users who work with our GIMP online on their Chromebooks.
I'm a big fan of gimp and use it on both my mac at home and pc at work. Love the concept of storing the files in the cloud so I can access them from both systems. But I'm not quite sure why I couldn't just save them to my own cloud storage systems on my own now? (I just never thought of it before....). What does this provide that I cant do on my own for free?
@afhill Andrea, thanks for the question! We primarily target the scenarios where one can not directly install necessary software on the device she has, for instance, there is no version of GIMP for Chromebooks, or she is not allowed to install new software, or simply does not want to install it for a one-time thing. In this situations GIMP and other online applications we have can really help.
@bogomep That's right $6.99/mo for Premium access to all of the 170+ available today and many more to come on any device from laptops, Chromebooks to iPads and Firefox OS phones. And today there is a discount for all Product Hunters ;)
I just introduced this to 150 high school students in classes yesterday. Sign in with Google was wonky for us (may be our firewall). I'd like to see a nicer onboarding for connecting cloud drive accounts. They didn't see it until trying to open a file, then connected to Drive, verification email, and finish connecting. The pop up blocker issue also confused some. It's pretty great though. Since Google redesigned their logo yesterday, I shared about how the original Google logo was created with GIMP.
@jkdncn Jake, thanks for your feedback! We try to make it as easy as possible for new users. We will revisit the signup experience to see if everything works as we intended. I will be glad to answer all the questions you and your students may have.
@bogomep currently only works on Windows and some tablets. GIMP Online powered by rollApp works on almost any device with a modern browser. Best of all – no installation is necessary, you can get started with GIMP in just one click.
@bogomep Yep, you can configure it to load plugins and scripts from a folder in Dropbox or Google Drive and they will be loaded, when you start GIMP on rollApp.
I have been using GIMP on my Windows machine as an alternative to Photoshop. Having it in the cloud is great! I'm assuming that the saved files will be fully compatible with GIMP on desktop.
Loved by millions image manipulation program is now available in the cloud powered by rollApp application virtualization technology. Integrated with Dropbox and Google Drive it is available on any device with a web browser. Works especially great on Chromebooks.
It's great to show more sophisticated tools can be migrated online these days. Complex vector editing has always been a great challenge on the web, something we're struggling with in Polarr.
I'd like to see this actually running in HTML/JS, would be a good project for someone ;) could potentially be much nicer than the virtualized linux version here
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