David Whitaker

Roguelytics — Real time, simple, on-page analytics.


User-friendly simplifying data and tools that track, forecast, and interpret user behavior and activity in real-time. Quickly make more accurate business decisions through clarified and simple metrics.

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Mike Barwick
What makes this product better than the major players (e.g. Google Analytics, who own 99.999% market share)?
Todd Outten
@mikebarwick1 Our platform is not an alternative to Google Analytics. In fact, Roguelytics should ideally be used together with a web analytics solution like Google. Google Analytics provides meaningful data about the pages your users are visiting, like bounce and conversion rates for example. However, it does not show how using are really using your site themselves, in real-time. Roguelytics, is built to help you understand your website users by seeing how they interact with your pages and by understanding why they behave the way they do. This allows you to quickly identify opportunities for improvement and growth.
Mike Barwick
@todd_outten GA has a real-time module. Assuming you're sitting there watching, play-by-play, otherwise like the majority of us, we view stats and analyze later (when we have enough data to do so). Not seeing any data on your home page example that (1) GA doesn't have and (2) is any useful for data nerds, that GA doesn't already offer. Guess to make a long story short, I'm asking what's proprietary?
Todd Outten
@mikebarwick1 All the stats that we show are real time to the second. Not only do we show you visitors and users in real time, but all of our charts, maps and even our summary panel are up to date with the latest clicks and site visits down to the millisecond. Our summary panel takes the data your page/site has collected and answers the best business question of all, are you doing better today than yesterday. Not only day to day, but week to week and month to month. At a glance you'll be able to know which elements on your site are doing the best, which day of the week do you get the most traffic and clicks, as well as what hour of the day are people visiting the most. And all this is on-page so all you have to do is go to your website. By doing this we can highlight elements on your page so can visually see what elements on your page your visitors are interacting with. It’s simple and easy to use, but best of all it’s easy to understand. Roguelytics is not only for the data nerd, it’s for anybody with a website. For website owners who want to understand their website and use our insight to improve and better their business/passion. It's great for all websites, especially landing pages and monitoring campaigns. We’re also introducing our social media link generator. You can create a link through Roguelytics and monitor customer interaction with it, that way you’ll know if that post you created is actually working.
Marek Pasieczny
Hey, you have '403 Forbidden' on your website.
Todd Outten
@marek_pasieczny @realrus Are you still getting a 403 error? I am not.
Todd Outten
@marek_pasieczny @realrus Which URL doesn't work for you? I just checked the one on page here and it works fine for me (Chrome, Mac). The home page is here: https://www.roguelytics.com/
Todd Outten
@marek_pasieczny @realrus So sorry. We found the issue with our ISP. Should be accessible now. Let me know. Thanks for your patience.
Rachel A. Naylor

Roguelytics helped my client know most active days users were on our web app as well as what cities we needed to expand. Most important, we almost built a native mobile app but we learned our users use our platform via the web vs. mobile 6 to 1.


Simple and straightforward, insightful, and showed immediate value added


social media A/B testing currently not live