Sam Dunn

Robin Powered - Meeting room booking made simple. OpenTable for your office.


Manage your weekly schedule, from your morning spin class through your team meetings and dinner plans. New events created through Robin are instantly reflected on your existing calendars (and vice versa).

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Sam Dunn
Hey everyone 👋 I'm from the crew at Robin Powered -- we're wrangling how people manage (or rather... don't manage) their conference rooms. With more folks leaving the privacy of cubicles in favor in the open office workplaces, private spaces like conference rooms become hotter commodities. That's where we come in. Robin is a meeting room scheduling system that can automatically detect room occupancy (thanks to beacons). We've replaced sheets of paper, whiteboards, and good ol' fashion yelling when it comes to managing rooms. It's anarchy out there right now. Would love to hear what you guys think!
Jack Smith
what has changed since you guys were hunted last time: could you give us any updates?
Sam Dunn
@_jacksmith We've been busy! Focused up on meeting room scheduling (not just presence sensing as an "academic" pursuit). We launched new apps across iOS and Android which help people find rooms + people in a hurry. Beacons aren't a hard requirement for using us anymore -- the "Opentable for the office" narrative has been the biggest guide to our thinking. EDIT: Looks like our previous post retro-actively pulled in all the content from this post -- this is all new stuff!
v i ©
@sdunn I'm looking for something similar. Send me an email for non-profit org in Singapore Thks
Ryan Hoover
In the past we've tried using shared Google Calendars for meeting rooms but no one used it. An iPad (or just a piece of paper) with the day's scheduled meetings works so much better. Love the livestream video feed, @sdunn. 😀
Sam Dunn
@rrhoover We've met people who have to show up at the office at 6am everyday to write the days schedule outside the conference room on a whiteboard. It's rough out there!
Marcelino Alvarez
We've been using Robin Powered at Uncorked and are huge fans of it. It helps folks who aren't inclined to use Google Calendar to book meeting rooms and makes life easier for those who do. We 3D printed some snazzy tablet holders onto our walls (happy to share if anyone's interested) so that colleagues and members of our coworking space can easily book rooms. The beacon integration is a nice add for those times that people have to pop into a room quickly. Keep it up!
Kunal Bhatia
This is fantastic. Love the integration with beacons. At my last job, we had some free time to fix the scheduling issue. We built a responsive app to visualize meeting room availability and hooked it up to our Exchange server. Any idea when you guys will go live with Exchange?
Zach Dunn
@kunalslab I'm always amazed at how many companies have people who take this problem into their own hands. Glad to see you're fighting the good fight. Some people use summer vacations for hiking and travel. We're using it to wrap up Exchange support (on-premise, etc). We should have something to announce a little later this summer, so you won't have long to wait.
Matty Mariansky
This is very nice, would love to integrate it into @meekanWorld How do you compare to Yarooms?
Zach Dunn
@mmariansky There are a few directions you can take office resource management. Dry opening sentences aside (I'm a riot at parties), it's crazy how how much room for progress there is. Here are the main approaches we see: Facilities: "I need data so we can make better decisions on our employee's behalf." Analytics + alerts for issues are big. Mostly used by facility and operations. Employee features are a nice-to-have. Ticketing system: "I need to request a room and catering for my customer visit tomorrow." This a surprisingly common approach among many older incumbents. Multi-Tenant: "I need all the companies in my co-working space to access the same calendars" Access controls to manage meeting privacy, and usage data for billing are big. Meeting tools: "Now that we're in the meeting how do we make it more efficient" This is where and folks like HighFive do well. Employee tools: "I need to find Alice, Bob, and somewhere to have a meeting." We were shocked at how many companies don't allow people to schedule their own meeting due to solvable coordination problems. YaRooms's features do very well with Multi-tenant environments (of course they touch other ones too). We try to build for Employee and Facility focuses. One of the ways we do that is by actively trying to remove the concept of calendars by indexing offices by physical space. This means your Conference Room isn't just a 1:1 calendar, but also something that can have extra attributes like current occupancy and capacity. This makes searching easier since you don't have to guess and check details after you fill out an event. We're rapidly building this concept out to search more things like "A two person room with a whiteboard". Scheduling isn't just about finding free space so much as the right space for the job. Calendars generally are very bad at handling this, which is why they need help. That's one of the reasons I appreciated Meekan's consideration for meeting intent instead of raw scheduling. More people should do that. :)
Matty Mariansky
@zachdunn Thank you for this insightful answer. It looks like you've been giving this a lot of thought! Smart resource booking is one of our most requested features. We'll definitely be in touch.
Ace Bhattacharjya
I've had a chance to meet the management team of this company and I'm a huge fan of this company-- in theory, it's a commoditized good. But in practice, you realize the huge difference in their offering. It just works. The fact that Envoy just raised $15M (announced today) to do office sign-ins shows the interest in the space.
Joshua Pinter
I wish we had this at my last co-working place. Instead we had to use and booking a meeting room was always the least enjoyable part of the meeting, and I dislike meetings in general. This looks fun to book.
Sam Dunn
@joshuapinter Oh my word.
Imaging Mind: Visual Startup Community
How is your product developing? Might order this soon for our innovation campus.