Robi Buckley

RoamRank - City guides for digital nomads

City guides and location insights for digital nomads and remote workers. Showcasing the best neighbourhhoods to stay, cost of living, wifi speeds and more.

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Robi Buckley
Hey Product Hunt! I'm Robi and this is my side project RoamRank RoamRank is (another) collection of city guides for digital nomads and aims to be the most comprehensive and accurate dataset freely available online (still a lot of work to do on that front). It's completely free to use - no paywall or sign up required. It outlines typical monthly costs for digital nomads and suggests the best areas to stay in a particular city. This was a problem I was keen to solve for myself after being a full time digital nomad for 4+ years but having no easy way to know which area of a new city I should be staying in. It also surfaces useful info such as typical median wifi speeds for cities (and neighbourhoods within) compiled from real world Ookla speed tests, when and when not to visit and also personal recommendations of places to work, party and relax from myself and a network of digital nomads on the ground all over the world (recommendations always welcome). It has a decent filtering system (similar to Nomadlist) to allow users to drill into the data and find the best locations for their critiera - still a lot of work to do on this though. It's by no means "finished" - I doubt it will ever be "finished" cos the dataset is constantly changing and can always improve - plus I am working on adding new locations, features and data to the site every day. Any feedback, suggestions, improvments or critiques taken in good faith and thank you for the support :-) Robi
Sacha Fournier
This has been years in the making. As an early proponent of RW I am stoked to see it live. There are many easter eggs in here. Robi is a serial builderpreneur as is incredibly passionate about the data. Great work
Christofer Huber
@robibuckley I really like the design 👏🏻 2 questions 1. are those images generated by the city ai? they look great, just wondering 2. what is the main difference between RoamRank and nomadlist? Congrats on the launch 🚀
Robi Buckley
@crebuh - Hey Christofer - good questions. Some images are stock images and other are photos taken by myself (or other nomads) in the actual locations. I love Nomadlist but the obvious key difference is RoamRank is an open, free to browse platform. Not a paid community like Nomadlist. RoamRank also focuses more on where to stay in cities and personal recommendations. Nomadlist is more of a community I feel
Christofer Huber
@robibuckley I think the community approach is a good idea. I had to ask because I know nomadlist from the days when it was free to use.
Robi Buckley
@crebuh - Yeah for sure. And me too! Having users contribute to improve the dataset is something I have considered. There is definitely value in crowd sourcing and sharing tips and personal experiences but regardless I would be keen to keep the site open and free for anyone to use and not sat behind a login or pay wall :-)
Kyrylo Silin
Hey Robi, How do you gather and verify the data for the cost of living and wifi speeds in different neighborhoods? Congrats on the launch!
Robi Buckley
@kyrylosilin - Hey Kyrylo. The data is compiled from a number of sources - scraping the web, apis, public datasets as well as on the ground data and personal experience from a network of nomads all over the world (I've been a full time nomad for over 4 years now). Prices are medians for tons of price points which i feel gives a fairly accurate picture (but can always be improved obviously). Wifi speeds are compiled from Ookla and are median speeds based on actual wifi speed tests conducted on physical devices in that location over the second quarter of 2024
Hannah Chinonso
@kyrylosilin Was about to ask this too, but saw this on the website: “….We also leverage the experience of our community of nomads based all over the world to ensure prices, recommendations, and guides are as accurate as possible”. For interested article contributors: They must “clearly demonstrate that they have travelled to and have personal experience of the location or subject they are contributing to”. Very commendable. Congratulations Robi.
Jamie I.F.
This is awesome Robi, really interested in this, I think it could be super helpful for peoplep looking for travel advice from REAL people. Love that it's open to everyone and not paid, too, to get access to all the data.
Robi Buckley
@jamie_if - Thanks Jamie! It's been really fun to build :-)
James Oliver
Great work love the design
Robi Buckley
@james_oliver3 - Thanks James. Appreciate that
Veronica Fletcher
Looks really good, love the design! I will be using it figure out there to go next
Robi Buckley
@veronica_fletcher1 - Thanks Veronica :-)
Brian Murphy
Useful, as someone who is no longer in the PAYE world I like to travel when I want... this website will definitely help!
Minh-Phuc Tran
Looks like a cool tool to use while being in Bali! The Canggu heat map is very nice!
Robi Buckley
@phuctm97 - Thank you! The heatmap came about after I went to Da Nang and stayed in the completely wrong area too far North haha. Hope people find it useful :-)
Henry Latham
Nice niche, @robibuckley. I tried a similar thing for backpacking & fell down on revenue capture
Henry Latham
@robibuckley Something to think about: Why this v. Nomadlist?
Luke Clarke
Wow this is great Robi! Perfect for us digital nomads looking for our next destination! Looking forward to seeing where you take it!
Robi Buckley
@luke_clarke1 - Thanks Luke, yeah hopefully people find it useful
Freddie Chatt
Looks awesome Robi! Love the suggest location feature. Whats your favourite city right now?
Robi Buckley
@freddiechatt - Was in Lisbon recently and absolutely loved it. Great feel to the place. Personally (cliche i know) Bangkok is still hard to beat. Has everything for me - safe, unreal affordable accom, fast internet, great nightlife, weather, public transport and of course the food!!
Guillermo Bascuñana
Oh, been travelling for 3 years, this can be really useful, will check out
personally, some of these prices seem a bit out of touch with reality, making some guides misleading. check out your guide for Dubrovnik, Croatia. i'm really skeptical about the numbers presented.
Robi Buckley
@macakmacak - Yeah I totally agree. You can see a lot of places are missing cost data - that's because I won't add data if I am not 100% sure of it's accuracy (and also because in a lot of cases that data simply doesn't exist anywere). This is an issue that affects almost all platforms like this and isn't an easy one to solve - even the biggest cost of living resources (like Numbeo) don't have full living costs datasets for a lot of places. But yes it needs to be much clearer when some places are missing data. Maybe I should try and "fill in the gaps" with medians based on similar locations and geos? Or use crowd sourcing to allow people to submit data and help build out the dataset over time? Thanks for the feedback :-)
Philipp Kundratitz
This is beautiful, good work!
Robi Buckley
@pkundr - Thank you :-)
Hey Robi! This is super awesome! Love how you're tackling the challenges that digital nomads face. The focus on real-world data like wifi speeds is so helpful—it's about time we had something reliable for figuring out where to stay. Can't wait to see how RoamRank evolves! Definitely looking forward to more features, and I’m sure the community has tons of insights to share.
Toshit Garg
Congrats on launch of RoamRank....
Blondelle Pai
I’m really excited to see this city guide for digital nomads! It’s awesome to have a resource that covers everything from cost of living to top destinations. A huge congratulations to the team for making life on the road so much easier!
Peter Victor
The concept is solid, but it would be even more helpful if there were options to filter destinations by cost of living or visa requirements. This could add extra value for those looking to make more informed decisions.
Robi Buckley
@peter_victor - Yeah agreed. This is very much an MVP still and so there is still features and data to add. Visas is interesting one cos it's super complicated, varies by nationality and changes often so I am mindful of giving outdated or incorrect info. But yes it woud definitely be useful. It's something i am keen on myself just working out how best to implement - VOA stay lengths, visa reqs, closest countries for visa runs etc. Thanks for the feedback
Evgeniya Listopadova
*applauding in digital nomad* alsooo.. are you planning to make a feature for nomads/experts/locals to add or prove information? I've checked out Buenos Aires (where i live now) and might have a thing or two to add 🙌
Robi Buckley
@listopadova - Hey Evgeniya. Yes! Still working out the best way to do that. We have a few nomads around the globe currently who contribute but i am looking into making this a far slicker process. So verified nomads can have profiles and verified badges on the platform (name, photo, links to their bios, sites etc) and almost take "ownership" of a location. This not only helps give credibility and improve the data across the site but also helps them build their own reputation as nomads / bloggers etc. If you would like to be kept up to date on that feel free to join the mailing list at he bottom of all our destination pages. In the meantime if you want to help flesh out Buenos Aires and make it better feel free to drop me an email at robi @ :-)