Dave Faliskie

Have you ever wanted to start a podcast to stay in touch with friends?

I thought I wanted to start a podcast with my friends, turns out I just wanted to use the format to stay in touch.

I travel quite a bit so I have friends in many timezones. Some of us attempted to start a podcast by each recording an audio clips and stitching them together into an episode. We quickly realized we didn't want the discussions to be fully public, however, the format of communicating through these audio podcast-like messages was a game changer.

This is what lead to the development of Roads Audio.

So have you ever wanted to start a podcast? What was that experience like?

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Very interesting idea. It's actually something I plan to kick off this year. As a venture capitalist and tech entrepreneur, I'm surrounded by interesting friends who are developing interesting products or participating in the development wave. We organize meetups and tiny communication from time to time, and a lot of interesting product ideas and technical concepts come from that. We plan to open source this part of our thinking. Don't we? Technology can be open-sourced, why not ideas and knowledge? You can follow my x-account for further podcast updates.(https://x.com/AMiaoMomo)
Dave Faliskie
@amiaomomo Sounds great, yes I think by default ideas are pretty open source. I don't think anyone "own" an idea because is there really anything stopping someone else from also having that idea? Maybe, maybe not. haha If you want a place to "practice" podcasting more privately, this is another great use case for Roads.
liming zhang
Yes, I’ve thought about starting a podcast to stay connected with friends, especially across different time zones. Recording audio clips sounds like a great way to personalize conversations. Your experience with Roads Audio is fascinating! I’d love to hear more about your journey.
Dave Faliskie
@liming_zhang What else would you like to know?
liming zhang
@davefaliskie Thank you! I’d love to know what challenges and highlights you faced during the development of Roads Audio. Additionally, I'm curious about how you came up with the idea?
Dave Faliskie
@liming_zhang One big challenge was how to visually display branching paths in a conversation, which has gone through a few iterations and probably still has room for improvement. As for the idea, I wrote about that in more detail in the App launch post https://www.producthunt.com/post...
liming zhang

https://www.producthunt.com/post... @davefaliskie Sorry,I completely forgot as well! But you're really kind for sharing with me again. Reading about the story of you and your friends warmed my heart. I truly wish you and your friends all the best.

And that does sound challenging! I’ll give the app a try and share my feedback—excited to see how the branching conversations play out!

Dave Faliskie

@liming_zhang Nothing to be sorry about, I was just linking since it was easier than writing it out again 😎

If you do try Roads, let me know what you think!

This reminds me a little bit of the concept of Clubhouse when there was COVID and we started with Clubhouse audio rooms with the Slovak and Czech community – some members even shared recorded podcasts on YouTube after that and some turned into video casters when COVID left and Clubhouse bubble had shrunk. And the second case of "audio platform" was AirChat or audio messages. The thing you are describing is new to me but I think you can do the same with YouTube videos that are private but can be shared with someone who has a link. :)
Dave Faliskie
@busmark_w_nika Roads could be thought of as a private, audio only, group message with the ability to record comments at timestamped locations while listening. This helps with organization of responses and keeping discussions context aware, compared to typical messaging apps. The goal is to have collaborative discussions, where as typical podcasts or private YouTube videos would be more one way. There is some overlap with Clubhouse & AirChat and even WhatsApp audio messaging
@davefaliskie I still cannot handle it. Is it something like discussion oriented or purely a podcast? Because when there is an intention for discussion, it cannot be convenient for everybody – e.g. when I need to hear a voice message, it can be more time consuming than reading + sometimes you do not have an option to record an audio message when you are in the public transport or so.
Dave Faliskie
@busmark_w_nika It's more like an on going discussion you can have with a group of friends. To me it feels like a podcast but that word might be causing confusion. It's also not intended to be a replacement to text messaging but something where you can discuss topics or stories deeper - more similar to a phone call. Except unlike a phone call you don't need to have everyone on the call live. I think of it as a more personal "podcast" with specific groups. So maybe I share an idea for a video I want to make and then my friends can collaborate on the idea/ give me feedback when they have time. Or maybe I'm traveling and giving them an update on something I experienced or learned, but the expectation is they will listen when they have time and respond later. But thank you for the feedback, I need to work more on my messaging and also there is room to make it more convenient in situations like public transport!
Nathan Lively
I've been using the @Cappuccino app to stay in touch with family and friends for a few years now. It's great!
Dave Faliskie
@nathandofrango Nice, I discovered this app recently when looking for similar apps to Roads. If you could do anything to improve Cappuccino what would you change?
Nathan Lively
@davefaliskie mmm, I guess the main thing is that there's not really any support I could find except a defunct twitter handle. Seems like the creator is MIA. Otherwise a couple of small technical issues, like it's not clear which mic is being used. So my wife and I have both several times recorded and send garbage recordings because we didn't know that it was using the bluetooth connection or the phone or whatever. Oh, another important feature request is notifications. In Cappuccino you never know if someone actually listened to your recordings unless they respond or comment and you have to actually go into the app to figure that out.
Dave Faliskie
@nathandofrango Great to know, I have the same mic situation with Roads - it's on my list to update. If you ever feel like testing out the app it's still actively developed and also has notifications for new messages. If you do decide to try it I'd love to hear any feedback/ suggestions!
Rajiv Ayyangar
@cappuccino @nathandofrango Oh wow Cappuccino looks cool!
steve beyatte

Never started a podcast myself but seems like @Riverside.fm is the defacto podcast recording solution now. Is that relevant for Roads Audio? Seems like your product is more around how to connect busy people with threaded voice notes, is that right? Like how Marco Polo was doing this for video for a while?

Dave Faliskie
@steveb That's exactly right. It's less of a podcast and more of a shared voice note. I have heard from some people that even using the term "podcast" when talking about Roads leads to confusion. Because yes it's not really podcasts.
Rajiv Ayyangar

Interesting concept...I do think a side benefit of podcasts (I have a rock-climbing podcast and an intermittent startup--related podcast with @kwindla ) is that it's an excuse to talk with your friends.

Did you try @Airchat or the 2nd iteration of @Clubhouse ? Both explored an async podcast format - vaguely adjacent to @Marco Polo. Neither managed to really take off, but both were compelling initially.

Rajiv Ayyangar
@kwindla @airchat @clubhouse @marco (I lightly edited your title to be more descriptive)
Dave Faliskie
@rajiv_ayyangar Yes I think there is some overlap in the app's you mentioned. Do you have any theories why they didn't take off? Some feedback I'm getting is people don't want to record their own voice or don't know what to talk about. I'm working on a few ways to handle both of those soon!
Dave Faliskie
@rajiv_ayyangar Not the end of the world but I did share the post on X and since you edited the title the link is now broken. Would be nice if the old link redirected maybe that's a small bug?
Rajiv Ayyangar
@davefaliskie that’s a bug. We’re on it.
Kay Kwak
Launching soon!
It seems that communicating through voice rather than messages is more helpful for maintaining contact and keeping things engaging. I’ve also experienced losing touch after communicating through messages, so I’d love to try using podcasts.
Dave Faliskie
@kay_arkain Text is just a lower fidelity medium, but faster and more direct - so definitely beneficial for distributing quick facts/ thoughts. Audio is closer to how we communicate in person - although still not as good. I find when recording audio messages my mind will think of things I didn't initially plan to discuss, the act of talking out loud almost forces you to think more. If you decide to try this app, let me know what you think!
Ash G
Great idea. I checked out Roads Audio, I like the execution and concept of adding roads, nice work. Will share it with my friends!
Dave Faliskie
@ash_grover Thank you, let me know if you have any questions/ ideas/ feedback on how it can be better!
Yes! I totally get that, live streaming conversations, or having a podcast definitely can bring you closer to your friends (and help you make new ones). Although it does get a bit tiring after a while, so scheduling video chats (or "coffee chats") can be another good way to stay in touch. Other than that I think spaces on X can be a good alternative, you could chat with a bunch of friends at the same time.
Dave Faliskie
@elliezub Do you have a podcast or live stream you use to keep in contact with friends? I find most of my experiences with them (as a consumer/ audience member) are pretty passive, which isn't a bad thing.
Per Clingweld
Yesterday I had a 30 min call with a new acquaintance. Time just flew by, typically a sign that there is a lot to talk about (or bad time management if you will). I wasn't ready for what happened next. He asked me if we could continue the conversation on his podcast. He said he'd done almost 300 episodes and it'd be a 60 minute conversation. Until I read the topic of this thread, I'd never considered the idea of running a podcast to stay in touch with friends, but I actually don't think it's such a bad idea.
Dave Faliskie
@per_clingweld I don't have an actual podcast myself but I suspect that it allows people to have a dedicated conversation either on a specific topic or just to catch up. Are you going to do his show? Have you been a guest on a podcast before? Sounds like a fun experience!
Lucas Zen
Great idea! I also have a few close friends across time zones, and this sounds way more engaging than emails. If there were some templates, that’d be awesome—I can imagine having prompts or examples to guide conversations. Then I’d just lie on the grass and pour my thoughts into the mic. Love this concept!
Dave Faliskie
@neochan Yes, this is a fantastic idea, it's on the list for future updates! This has actually been of of the major issues with the app, people get it and are like "I don't know what to talk about". Thanks for the feedback