Blank Resident

Roadmap v.1.0 - Radically transparent project & team management app.

Plan sprints, manage workload and track their progress visually.

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Alfonso Victoria

Roadmap is what I've been looking for but I need something just for me.


Visual timeline-based project management. Easy to use. Date based milestones.


Not for solopreneurs or freelancers. Minimum of 3 users at $10 per user if paid yearly.

Bruno Nascimento
Looking for something like this but for personal use as well. Have you found anything that comes close?
Blank Resident
@nscmnto @alfonsovictoria We actually launched our new pricing model with tons of new features and power including a Basic version for solo-founders that only cost $9/month. Have a look ☞
Willem Guensberg

Great work!


It is one of the most cleanly designed and workload management tools around. The UX is super well thought through almost everywhere.


For us, a dealbreaker is still that you cannot allocate *parts* of days to people. Only complete days, but we don't work like that.

Aaron O'Leary
How does this differ from other project management solutions? Beautiful design guys and well done on the launch!
Aaron O'Leary
@simon_bengtsson1 As is almost every other solution, however I'm interested to know how this one stands out in such a saturated market
Rich Peterson
@aaronoleary Rich from Software For Projects here. Roadmap is beautiful software and is different from some of the other major players in a few ways: - Most of the major PM software programs don't have the resource planning element. The platforms that do incorporate it often have complicated or dated interfaces. - Dynamic visibility is also a factor that is quite unique in the crowded space. Most platforms will show you either tasks on time, tasks due, tasks past due or will give you downloadable reporting. Roadmap gives you a quick overview of where you're at with projects via a scrolling timeline. - Pricing compared to others in the PM space is quite similar. Most software that have a variety of use-cases fall into the ~$10pm bracket. If they get more specialised or target specific industries, the price will go up to $20+pm per user. In the end, the biggest selling point for me (especially as I advise on over 200 programs) with Roadmap is the resource planning element and A+ design.
Blank Resident
@aaronoleary Thank you Aaron, glad you like it. Roadmap is the first, radically transparent project and team management software that empowers teams to identify and prioritise their most important tasks and track their true progress. By radically transparent I mean Roadmap visualises everything from the big picture like what the project is about, when the milestones are due, down to the smallest tasks, who's working on them and what their current status is. By true progress I mean, unlike other project management that focuses on how many tasks you got completed, Roadmap visualises how much closer you got to your next milestone/goal with each step. And since it's all beautifully visualised, you can easily spot bottlenecks and errors as at a glance and address them long before they become an issue. Roadmap is designed to boost accountability between members through transparency and maintain momentum long after the initial excitement. It's basically the secret to unlocking your team's true potential. You can learn more about what makes Roadmap unique compared to other productivity tools like Kanban boards or todo-lists right here: Hope that helps.
Aaron O'Leary
@farzadban All great implementations! This one is definitely going to go far!
Blank Resident
Hi Product Hunters, We've missed you! It was 1,5 year ago we launched our Roadmap Beta here on Product Hunt. And thanks to your support, we made it to the product of the month in 2017. During all this time, we've been working with thousands of teams to create a solution that empowers teams to prioritize their tasks with clarity, manage their workload with transparency and track their progress with just a glance. Today, my team and I are proud to officially announce the release of Roadmap v1 right here on Product Hunt. As always, I'm available throughout the day to answer your questions. Excited!
Raad Ahmed ⚔
@farzadban dope designs! anything this has that asana doesn't? (we currently use asana for building roadmaps)
Blank Resident
@r44d Glad you like it Raad. About 1,5 year ago we launched Roadmap Beta right here on PH which quickly grew to become one of the most popular product launches in 2017. Given it was only our Beta, a lot of companies out there starting noticing us. Long story short, since then, most of them have implemented timelines and they are probably working on adding team management features as well. Which I think is great. The concept of time was an illusion to the majority of productivity tools out there until Roadmap came along. Everyone knew when things were due but no one had any idea when they had to start the work in order to complete it on time. And as a result, procrastination was born. Without any clear estimates, or milestones (what you are working towards) you don't have the context necessary to prioritise your tasks properly, which on it's own added the anxiety we are experiencing in most organisations today. That's where the fear of missing out is coming from. With Roadmap, everyone is aligned on what matters the most. From the big picture like what the project is about and when the milestones are due down to the smallest task, their current status and what's next. And since it's all simply visualised, you can easily spot bottlenecks/errors at just a glance, and adjust your plans with clarity, before they become an issue. Another benefit of Roadmap is that it empowers each member to stay in-sync with what their co-workers are currently working on and their current status, at any given time, without the standup meetings, with just a glance. This is what we mean by radical transparency. You can learn more about what sets Roadmap apart from others right here: Hope that helps.
I think this looks really great, in terms of actual visual looks. It also looks great in the sense that it's an exciting product. Dealbreaker for me as a heavily bootstrapped company is price. I currently use Jira which gives me 10 users for $10 a month. I am rolling with 4 freelance developers right now so including myself it would mean going from $10 a month to $50. I'm not proposing you change anything because the price is the price, right - but just wanted to say that I really want to use it, but I can't.
Blank Resident
@mickc79 Hi Mick, glad to hear that you are bootstrapping your company. Both 3drops and Roadmap are independent bootstrapped companies that we are proud of. Pricing is an interesting subject. Especially in our industry. The expectations are usually put in the wrong end of the scale in my opinion. You should compare the price against the value you get out of the tools you use to run your business. And what's more important than the product you rely on to identify and prioritise what matters the most in your work? To balance and manage your team's work so everyone is working on their most meaningful tasks? And track their true progress instead of just chasing the number of completed tasks or hours spent? As I wrote about the why behind Roadmap on you can see the real costs of using the wrong tool. And that's not a pitch. It's really what we learned after a decade of working with teams from startups, companies in all sizes and even governments around the world. We learned that most issues organisations are facing today are not caused by the lack of resources or knowledge, it's actually the systems they use every day to move their work forward. The cost of hiring the wrong tool for this key job is enormous. So for this reason alone, the best investment you can make with your time and money is to pick the right tool for the right job in your company. That being said, the majority of saas products are waaaaay too cheap compared to the alternative. We can thank free products for that. After seeing so many of my favorite products to shut down because they didn't value their own work or finding out that I was the product in the tools I was using, I've become more cautious with my time and money. Nowadays I even hesitate to invest in a product that charges too little than too much. I would rather a little bit pay more now than losing a fortune in the future.
Rich Peterson
@mickc79 @farzadban this is the mindset shift needed with pricing. In one sense, you're investing in sustainability of the company (hopefully) and you're potentially saving 0.2x FT employee (random guess) which more than justifies the cost. Still hard for many when you're facing death by a thousand SaaS subscriptions but gives some perspective.
@farzadban @richp_ I completely agree - my product ( is a competitor to soundcloud, but with a lot of added value. I originally priced much higher than soundcloud and got almost zero uptake. I have a dozen or so emails from potential users saying things like "I totally see the value here and I really want to use your service, but soundcloud is soooo much cheaper that i'm willing to live with the pain that they bring". So rightly or wrongly i caved in and changed my pricing to match the competition and almost immediately started getting paid signups. I guess my point is; I understand how the world SHOULD work, but sometimes we as makers need to deal with how it DOES work.
Rich Peterson
@farzadban @mickc79 a great point about how people anchor their prices against something, especially when dealing with software. An example I've seen recently is ol' school intranets. You can build one for close to free, for ~$9 per employee or for $30k p.a. If people perceive that an intranet is similar to using Google Docs, they'll go for free or low-cost. If they perceive it as the secure, central hub for all information and valuable IP that boosts their potential sale value, they might start the discussion about the $30k p.a. option.
Nife Oluyemi
Hi, this is a cool product that revamps the way we should be looking a project management. I really like the playful design of your website. I am doing a Product challenge for 20 days where I write about the #1 product on PH. Today, day 16, I wrote about Roadmap ->
Blank Resident
@nife @nifeoluyemi Loved it, thank you Nife. Great idea btw, a creative way to sharpen your product skills and get exposure. 👏 We just tweeted it on Roadmap: Great suggestions as well. Re upload more file types: We are working on it. Re comparing products by highlighting Roadmap features: We've been discussing it internally a few times but we always seem to turn it down and focus on the product instead. I think the reason is that features alone don't give products any competitive advantage. Specially when it comes to productivity tools. It's the set of features combined that make the powerhouse. And the other reason is that we carefully select what features we choose to implement based on our own experience and what we've learned in the past decade. So all the features you see on Roadmap are equally important as the ones that we didn't choose to implement. Organisations don't need more ways of doing the same thing, they need fewer processes and more focus. So by selecting the key features and putting them together in a simple design, we are able to create a flow that anyone can easily understand, adapt and start moving work forward together. Kudos on your challenge. Keep it up!
Nife Oluyemi
@farzadban Thanks for the mention on twitter! glad to hear you would be adding more file types. With some people and even myself asking why we should use Roadmap rather than Jira or other project management tools, i felt the need to see a comparison table. However, I understand your view that roadmap does not want to be the same as the rest plus extra features, but contains its own carefully select features to really combat misinformation and missed deadlines.
Willem Guensberg
Hi @farzadban and crew. Congratulations on launching the 1.0 of a really great product that we followed with much interest of the past year or so. As digital craftspeople, we really appreciate and applaud what you have been able to pull off here! 👏 For us (@peakfijn), a dealbreaker is still that you cannot allocate *parts* of days to people. Only complete days, but we don't work like that. Is there any chance you could elaborate on why you choose to stick with this decision?
Blank Resident
@peakfijn @guensberg Thank you Willem for your kind words. 👊 This is probably one of our most requested features, especially from agencies. We actually had this functionality in our early days (alpha and beta) but we decided to remove it for our v1.0 as it didn't sit right with what we are building with Roadmap for 2 main reasons: 1. We believe you can't get anything meaningful done in just a few hours. A task might take an hour or so to complete, or even less, but without enough follow-ups or understanding around the task, the time is simply wasted. 2. There's a meaningful waste in jumping between tasks that are often overlooked. We all know that it takes at least 20-30 minutes to switch context and focus on the task at hand. The more switches you do, the less you actually get done. These two issues lead to misalignment in expectations vs results. And what I mean by that is that you might feel like you had a productive day by seeing how many tasks you completed in a day but the result of that work is usually not what you would expect. It's a very common pitfall for most teams and it takes them years to notice, learn and adjust. So we are instead prioritising one task per day to get the most out of our time and energy. And if we end up with two or more tasks in a day, we always start by questioning the "why" behind each task to decide which one has to go. We either completely remove it, make a day out of it by combining it with similar tasks that focus on the same goal or sometimes, very rarely, we move it back to Backlog until the time is right. Hope that helps. There's also this →
Joey Furr
👋 We've been using the Roadmap Beta in our studio for a while now and it's been very useful. We wanted a way to see tasks and timelines for projects in a visual way - Roadmap is by far the best solution for this that I've tried. Congrats on the launch. 👍
Blank Resident
@whatthefurr Thank you Joey. Appreciate the kind words 🙏
Devin Rajaram
Great landing page design — different. I like 🎉
Blank Resident
@devinrajaram ✌️🤓
James Gill
Roadmap looks amazing! I love the landing page – so refreshingly different, and also very reassuring – congrats on so many big names already using the product!
Blank Resident
@jamesjgill Thank you James. We are a fan of GoSquared as well. Love the simplicity and focus on what matters on your Dashboard!
Yar Bose

Thanks, guys. Fresh design, easy to use. Easy to invite more people and work together and boost productivity.


Absolutely awesome project.


More integrations pls.

Mert Aktas
Such a beautiful design! Congratz on the launch
Blank Resident
@mert_aktas Thank you Mert, glad you like it!
Shahed Khan
Top Product
One of my favorite products and product teams of all time. Congrats on the public launch!
Blank Resident
@_shahedk Thank you Shahed, super kind. We love Loom!
Billy Hadlow
Honestly think this is one of the best landing pages I've seen, so refreshing to see something different! Congratulations on launch 🎉
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
Congrats fellow (bootstrapped) swedish co! 😍Love the execution of it all!
Blank Resident
@akebrattberg Tack Åke! I've been following your work since @3drops worked on a thing for Burt. I like the idea of Statbot. Products where you can just plug it into something and it spits out a beautiful, and on point visualisation of that data is something that I'm always jealous of. Would love to hear more about it. Let's continue this on Twitter.
Dan Edwards
This looks beautiful, congrats on the launch! 🎉
Blank Resident
@de Thanks, Dan. Glad you like it! 😊
David W
Hi och grattis @farzadban! I tested Roadmap yesterday, what's new with the 1.0 release?
Blank Resident
@proclaim Tack David. We pushed a few updates yesterday with our new Mac app. 💻
Liam Sarsfield
Congratulations on getting this out guys!
Guillaume Bardet
Congrats on the launch, always been a big fan of your unique design :) The video intro was on point!
Blank Resident
@guillaumebardet Thank you Guillaume, much appreciated! 🙏 Working on product videos are always fun. Did you see our first video?
Really cool, guys