Chris Messina

RNI Flashback - A unique film look with every tap

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Fraser Smith
I tried this weeks ago, but like so many photo apps these days, the developers seem to think that phones are the best tool for photo retouching. They're not. It would be nice to see a bit of love for people with real cameras who like to transfer their images to larger screened devices like iPads for processing and sharing.
@frassmith hi Fraser, This version of Flashback is exactly for that. It is a universal app and it works on iPad. Also we have a lineup of professional products for desktop users. You can find out more at
Fraser Smith
@ollyfromrni That's great news. I posted above, because when I followed the link to the iTunes store, it only showed an iPhone preview. I assumed it was still iPhone only. Heading off to iTunes again. :-)
Fraser Smith
@ollyfromrni Also, I think the app store was a bit slow in catching up :-) It's finally showing me that there's an iPad version.
@jwr_ yep, we have this in our plans. very likely to be done later this year. Thank you for your support ;)
@frassmith awesome! Been released simultaneously with this post, so it could take a bit for all the app stores to get updated.
Hello Hunters! This is Olly from RNI here. RNI Flashback for iPhone and iPad is a one-button photo editor. It uses real film stars sets to process digital images. Every look it generates is unique and never appears again. This eliminates the predictability of digital and creates an almost analog experience. Don't hesitate to post any questions below, and RNI team will answer promptly. Enjoy :-)