Kiki Schirr

Hashtag Analytics from RiteTag - Stop guessing which hashtags will get you anything


Get instant color-graded feedback on hashtags as you type, anywhere on the web. Integrates with Hootsuite, Buffer, Hubspot, SproutSocial, Tweetdeck, Twitter, Facebook and nearly everything.

Get the browser extension and mobile app and use RiteTag where you do social.

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Kiki Schirr
I'm excited about using this feature to discover hashtag trends in a quick and painless manner. Saul, one of the makers, has been telling me about it for a while and I'm glad I'll get to use it now!
Saul Fleischman
@kikischirr Thanks for Hunting this, Kiki. And @bentossell, #gratitude RiteTag just freed it's engagement analytics for your convenience. Get instant Tweet notifications - too your phone, desktop, etc. - any time you need to isolate hashtags, just tweet to @ritetagAPI like this: @ritetagAPI #infosec stats That sends us your request for a hashtag's engagement analytics. You'll get a notification with an image and link to the full in about two seconds. For full details on how to use the analytics pages, how to use the stats (e.g. go for high impressions/retweets numbers vs. unique tweets/hr number), please see our help page for this feature:
David Iwanow
This is fairly simple and brilliant... I do like the legend for hashtags... hot now... long life... overused... underused... only downside is the delay in getting a response from the Twitter account...
Saul Fleischman
@davidiwanow Has it taken you longer than 3 seconds to get those responses? I get mine in 2-3 seconds at most. Faster than going through the RiteTag extension toolkit: type a hashtag > click hashtag > go to the Analytics Page.
Saul Fleischman
@davidiwanow can you give me your exact query, please? And thanks, David. No other reports of anyone getting ignored by @ritetagAPI but, we would like to know the details, so we can investigate.
David Iwanow
@osakasaul found my tweet... did i do something wrong?
Saul Fleischman
@davidiwanow yes, you need to include the string "stats" and a #hashtag when you write @ritetagAPI.
David Wang
I think RiteTag is one of the hidden secrets of smart tagging tool that all content curators and authors should be using. Actually, it is a must and smart tool if you want to get maximum reach for every post you share. I am always glad to talk about RiteTag and show people how amazing it is. If you are not using RiteTag for hashtagging it is equal to closing your eyes and picking hashtags hoping you pick the right ones. I love it!
Saad El Beleidy
@luminatelove Thanks David! We're really excited about this new feature to continuously help you understand the effectiveness of hashtags you pick!
Ghost Kitty
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Saad El Beleidy
@lelper Thanks Lela! Really glad you like it. Understanding a hashtag's engagement analytics helps you expand your social media reach and increase engagement. It's yet another tool that RiteTag provides to help your posts reach maximum viewership. We're very excited about it!
Saul Fleischman
@lelper Lela!!! Appreciate that. This one is open to all, even people who are not signed up for RiteTag.
Bala S.
I have been using this for a while now and its pretty sharp on trends and how hashtags are part of a certain tree of hashtags. Good one.
Saul Fleischman
@leanux_bala Thanks, Bala. Since you noted that you're using it, from mid-January, if you have a number of startups that each need a Pro RiteTag account, we will offer a way for an agency to pay less for more accounts, and let individual campaign managers keep their stuff to themselves, connect all their social profiles, etc. Lots coming...
Karun Singh
Really useful to have this integrated into Twitter itself now -- can't wait to see what's next!
Michal Hudeček
@arsenalians Don't worry, Karun :) More cool stuff coming soon!
Kevin Mullett
@osakasaul Nicely done. And it is fast.
Michal Hudeček
@kmullett Thanks, Kevin! We hope it will help you get better results in Twitter.
Misbah Ashraf
Loving it. Thanks for building it.
Saul Fleischman
@misbahspeaks Thanks, Misbah. It is the fastest way to get current engagement analytics on any hashtag in actual use, and we've made this open to all.
Lynn Fredricks
RiteTag is a tool I come back to again and again.
Saad El Beleidy
@lynnfredricks Thank you Lynn! This is another feature that adds value to your use of RiteTag, showing the direct benefits you get from it!
Chelsea Wallace
Pretty much the easiest way to get hashtag analytics that I know of. One tweet gets you an easy to understand visual and a link to more in depth information. Thanks for creating this Saad & the entire RiteTag team.
Saad El Beleidy
@ms_w_chels Thank you Chelsea! We're always working hard to add new features to make RiteTag as effective as possible. Glad you like this new feature!
Michael Mason
What do I think of this product...? Outstanding...! I've watched the development for some time and really like the fact that it can arm me with enough information to empower a client to use Twitter more effectively. The recent change that allows users to simply tag RiteTag in a Tweet to get stats it's a real game changer, you can get instant statistics in a few seconds. Well done guys.
Saul Fleischman
@michaelwebmason Thanks, Michael. Even I am shocked at how fast it happens. I'll be screen-sharing, tweet "@ritetagapi #googleplusjustdie stats" and before I have a chance to say "and if I check my notifications--" (it's there). TTY in some time soon.
Ross Sheingold
The simplicity and immediacy of the tool was impressive. Adding it my list of "in a pinch" social analytics tools.
Saul Fleischman
@rosssheingold Thanks, Ross! Also, I hope you will try our browser extension. Just updated - Chrome, Safari, Firefox - yesterday.
Ben Tossell
Just a quick FYI that Notification is spelt incorrectly in the first sentence on landing page :)
Sarabjot Kohli
This is just great! Really happy to see Ritetag growing and enhancing their product. Looking forward to see more of these tools in future.
Ankit Jaggi
Great product. Love using it again and again.