Ryan Hoover

Ripple Maker - A coffee machine that turns selfies & photos into latte art


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Jack Dweck
Apparently there are 5 coffee shops around me that have a Ripple Maker. What should my first Ripple be? πŸ€” EDIT: As per @rrhoover's request, I went to try it out! Got myself a PH kitty latte but felt very bad drinking it afterward. πŸ˜‹ More photos here.
Ryan Hoover
@jackdweck wow, cool! Can you please visit tomorrow and report back with photos? πŸ˜„
Omar Hammouri
@jackdweck wow , what is this app its the first time I see it ??
Matt Gardner
@hammouriomg @jackdweck I agree, I want to see if any coffee shops here have one! What app/site is that?
Jack Dweck
@thatmattgardner @hammouriomg you can download it here. Let me know if you find any!
Ryan Hoover
Get your own Zuckerberg latte!
Michael Babich
@rrhoover Wonder how soon bars would start selling ADs on coffee)) Perfect consumer contact!
Dan Rosenshain
@michaelbabich oh no. drinking an ad - now that's a new low.
Michael Babich
@danr_4 @rrhoover Actually, it depends on an AD. If it recommends me a cake or to drink water after the coffee, it's pretty useful. May be not so healthy in the first example though. Anyway, it's better than Zuk photo on my coffee :)
Michael Babich
@rrhoover New AD model for bars & brands β€” give coffee with brand AD on it for free. Everybody win: the brand gets consumer contact, bar gets money, consumer gets free coffee.
Colin Pirillo
@michaelbabich @rrhoover ads in your coffee? These days, I wouldn't be surprised! I must say it would be a good medium for advertisement, with the brand staring you right in the face until you sip it up...
Roger Huang
I want a coffee machine that generates GIFs in your coffees. Can somebody make this possible? :o
Aamer Jomaa
@rogerh1991 I can do this. I just need a small loan of 1 million dollars.
Roger Huang
@aamerjomaa Would you settle for $1 and a Klondike bar?
Aamer Jomaa
@rogerh1991 do I get to eat it while I work?
Roger Huang
@aamerjomaa @rogerh1991 The bar vests according to a four-year schedule. You can eat 1/4 of the bar after a year, then 1/48 for each following month until you get your full bar allotment
Ben Tossell
@hunterwalk - maybe you can spice up your infamous coffee pics?
Dan Rosenshain
Subscriptions are eating the world. It feels like soon I will have a subscription to my washing machine.
Ghost Kitty
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⚠ Recon ⚠
I dislike how you have to buy the machine then buy a subscription to use the machine. It kinda ruins the product, but none the less. The product itself is amazing.
Ian Rumac
So awesome! I'd love to get one and just open it up the the web, wonder what people would print on my coffee :)
Michael Henry
This is amazing.
Mike Dane
Man this is so cool, I always wondered how do the make these smileys and hearts on coffee and Now you can make anything. Great stuff guys :)
Stefanie Amini
@mikedane7 you may be the only person who hasn't seen a video of a barista making latte art with the milk? This product is different. It prints on the froth.
Mike Dane
@stefamini @mikedane7 Yeaah you are right :P just saw it. And yeah this makes your product even more cool. Truly impressed :)
Aram Shahinyan
I love this :) What's the approximate cost of the machine?
Moritz Kobrna
@aramiggs http://www.coffeeripples.com/faq Q:How much does a Ripple Maker cost? A:The Ripple Maker starts at$1299 for direct online sale to US customers, with service plans beginning at $85 per month. International pricing will be comparable, and announced as details and dates are confirmed for each region.
Enrico Foschi
I could see a coffee bar getting viral if they printed random motivational quotes on each morning coffee!
Tim Aste
This makes me incredibly happy for no reason
Olga Annenko
Great stuff, if I had a coffee shop, I would definitely buy this machine. You can get a huuuuuge competitive advantage just by using it:)
How much does one cost? πŸ€” *Interested
Ronan Stark
@msitver That's definitely inexpensive. Considering if you get it early enough, the marketing will pay it back pretty quickly
Farah Berahman
Brilliant idea! I want all the coffee shops to have this
Alex Holzhammer
What a fantastic product! I'm just reading "Contagious" by Jonah Berger, about how to create buzz. This is definitely something that sets a coffee shop apart from others. Love @michaelbabich idea of printing ads on it. :D
Niv Dror
Turn Zuckerberg Into Coffee! β˜•οΈ
Evgeniy Abramov
Nice job! it will be cool if you create some decisions for espresso/americano (without milk and scum) :)
Brannon Desseyn
Accidentally just sent a ripple of Donald Trump to a coffee shop in Cupertino...I'm in Nashville.
Sarthak Grover
Very cool! Coffee-as-a-service!