Yvo Schaap

RightBar - A smart welcome bar—show the perfect offer to each visitor

RightBar increases conversions by offering the perfect call-to-action to each visitor, no matter where they're up to in your funnel.

Nudge anonymous traffic to opt in, subscribers to buy something small, and customers to be more successful.

Product Hunt discount today: 30% off, for life.

Discount auto-applied when you click through from PH 🎉

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Brennan Dunn
Hey @yvoschaap – thanks so much for the hunt! We wanted to create a sticky top nav tool that was, well, smarter than the rest. Most blogs and websites have calls-to-actions – but the majority of them optimize for anonymous visitors. They try to get someone to join a newsletter or opt-in to a lead magnet. But these CTAs don't appeal to people who have already taken that first step and are already on your list. There's zero reason for me to see a "Join my newsletter" popup a few seconds after clicking through from an email you sent your newsletter! RightBar allows you to instantly tie your website to your email marketing app / CRM, and change the message and CTA of your sticky top bar based on who someone is, how they're behaving (e.g. the referring domain, ad clicked, etc), or where they are in your sales funnel. A SaaS might promote something like the following... -> Anonymous visitors: Promote "Get our free guide on project management" -> Subscribers: Promote starting a trial -> Active Trials: Promote a webinar or something that makes them more likely to convert -> Customers: Promote an annual upgrade or the next pricing tier up RightBar is built on top of RightMessage, and this is the first of many tools we're rolling out that make it super easy to increase conversions by providing more specific offers and content to the people on your website. Happy to answer any questions, and we wanted to offer a 30% off for life coupon to all Product Hunter's – the coupon is applied automatically 😀
Shreyaa Ratra
@yvoschaap @brennandunn Beyond excited about this :) One query : Are you doing cold outreach to your prospects ?
Fraser McCulloch
I installed and set up RightBar last week. Piece of cake to install, connect with Drip and the step by step instructions are super easy for the novice. I set up 3 segments One for new visitors - anonymous segment One for subscribers who’ve never purchased anything - subscriber segment One for clients who have purchased - client segment. After a few days of tracking (yeah RightBar has tracking built in), I noticed the click through rate of the new visitor segment was awful. So, I asked the RightMessage FB group for some advice. I have a mixed audience (those looking for business ideas and those working on websites) Shai from RightMessage recommended the following: “So you have a piece of pillar content to get people hooked on what you do / why you do it..... which you pitch to totally Anonymous traffic. Then only once they've read that -> push them to opt in.” So I created a new first time visitors segment with a different CTA and landing page that kinda explains what I do and a form on the page asking them to subscribe for more personalised articles. send me business ideas or send me website growth ideas So if I get subscribers I’ll better know their interests. I wait in anticipation to see what happens next. Will this improve conversions? Who knows but with RightBar I’m confidence I can tweak and test the RightBar message, call to action, landing page and sign ups. I’m not sure I’m ready to make the leap up to full website personalisation yet as I’m only getting about 3,000 visitors a month to my site. However, Brennan & Co have turned a sceptic like me into someone’s who is now willing to learn more about how I can make personalisation work for me. Here’s my attempt at RightBar, you’ll likely get the first time visitor message - new business or website. https://www.platonik.co.uk
✎ Andrew Warner
@fraser_mcculloch How is your comment not getting more upvotes. This is incredible.
Yvo Schaap
Fellow hunters, I stumbled upon the service of RightMessage while researching ways to vary landing pages based on my email campaigns. I eventually had to put that on the roadmap for later, but yesterday they launched RightBar which shows a simple message bar on top of your site based on where the user in the signup/on-boarding funnel is. Great and simple idea, but also very polished! You can see ours in action here: https://teampa.ge/ Also they seem to be doing really well with their SaaS: https://twitter.com/brennandunn/...

I've watched Bennan developing his personalization tools for about a year and a half, and what he and Shai have put together in the past few months is going to change the way people market online. My company has been working on internal tools for this for quite a while, and though it's working, it's been a major tech project. We'll be moving to RM this summer.


Dead-ass simple way to personalize nudges


It's got limited options (until you upgrade to the full RightMessage platform)

Clarease Mkt
RightBar is an awesome tool you need if you want to make the most with your email marketing and your funnels. As soon I saw RightBar I knew I had to have it. It is easy to install and configure it and you will start to have results right from the beginning. You can see it in action here: https://wondermochi.com/
@brennandunn When this was in ProductHunt upcoming It was said as a free tool. Now it you are charging. Curious! what triggered this change?
Brennan Dunn
@sivaram636 Great question! Spoke with a lot of fellow SaaS founders who have a free tier – and we decided we're not at the scale to be able to handle the overhead / don't have our sales game in order to make it a free product that ends up paying off for us. We wanted something that we would be a fairly insignificant charge for a business ($29/mo) that would serve as a gateway drug into the world of personalization. The plan is that people will see what effect a simple, lifecycle-aware sticky nav CTA has on conversions and then upgrade to roll out personalized content across their whole site (their other CTAs, headlines, testimonials, sales copy, etc.)
Henry Foster
Heard @Brennandunn on Andy Baldacci's Early Stage Founder podcast just the other day (http://www.earlystagefounder.com...). Seems like Right Message is headed in the "right" direction, lot of customers with significant increase in conversions. Definitely a step up from the typically pop-up.
Val Geisler

I just started using RightBar and couldn't be happier with it. It took less than 5 minutes to setup and that included three different variants and customizing the colors. The fact that you can turn the bar off on certain pages and also designate different bars that appear based on visitor attributes is huge. It's personalization at the very top of your website!

I've only used RightBar for email signups so far but I can imagine using it to promote a new blog post, a product launch, or even an affiliate program. It feels like I've just scratched the surface with this product. So very happy I joined the RightMessage family with this powerhouse RightBar.


simple to setup, beautiful design, customizable


haven't found one yet

Adam Hanneman
Relevance is so important in marketing. If you can't show a visitor the most relevant call to action based on where they are at in their specific journey your conversion rates will suffer. RightBar helps you do that in a very powerful yet simple way. And the ability to pipe the data you have in your marketing automation platform to power this segmentation is so key. Great job RightMessage team.
Dana Severson
@adam_hanneman Well stated, Adam. Thank you!
Nathan Resnick

Stoked to see Right Bar on PH!


Epic tool, really love using this and the team rocks :)


Nothing really

Jon Hilton

RightBar does one thing well; offering personalisation that would otherwise take up lots of time to implement (creating multliple versions of pages/developing bespoke solutions etc.).

I can't really fault it so far, does exactly what it claims to do...


Works well, a little set up and then I can just leave it and see waht the stats look like after a few days.


None so far

Mike Smith
I think they are solving one of the tougher problems on the modern internet. Personalization at scale is one of the dirty secrets of the internet that rarely gets talked about.
Daniel Doherty

A targeting dream come true. Fantastic to make the right offers or notifications appear to the right audience at the right time.


Easy to use. Always being updated.


None. Wish this was available sooner :)

Laura Elizabeth

This is such a quick win for pretty much any website. You can get set up in about 10 minutes and reap the benefits indefinitely!

The best part part is it guides you through the product, giving you a solid strategy as you go. So even if you have no idea where to start with personalization, RightBar will walk you through and open up a whole world of possibilities!


Easy to use, yet super powerful

