Arsham Ghahramani

Ribbon - The smarter, faster way to job search

Ribbon: Your AI-powered Career Coach. Chat with Ribbon for personalized advice or craft standout applications for FREE. Build your unique profile, tailor resumes, ace interviews, and land your dream job the smart way. Supercharge your job search with Ribbon.

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Arsham Ghahramani
Hey Hunters! 👋 All of us at Ribbon are thrilled to share our release with you! We know how tough the job market is today so its even more important we share what we’ve been up to as a team. Ribbon is here to help make your job search faster and take your career to the next level. Ribbon is 100% free to get started. Whether you’ve been affected by mass layoffs or just not getting the interviews you want, this is your sign to try our digital career coach: Chat AI. It’s here to help you with any career questions you have and all Chat AI answers are tailored to your professional experiences on your Ribbon profile and documents like resumes, cover letters, etc. Try some examples like: *”Write me a resignation letter for my current job.” ”What are the best cities for my skill set?” ”How do I negotiate a higher salary?”* And that’s not all! In addition to Chat AI, we have more AI-powered tools to enhance your resume, prepare you for interviews, and recommend job opportunities you’d be great at. Ribbon is a comprehensive job search experience, from making the best job applications to negotiating better job offers, contracts, and much more. The sk-AI is the limit! ☁️ We’re excited to hear your feedback and don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter! — Arsham and the Ribbon Team
Frank Denbow
@ax_g nice toolset you have here. Can you apply for jobs directly through the profile? More thoughts
Sajal Regmi
@ax_g Hi Arsham, I love this product, This can be huge given the current scenario of job markets. I think we can help your team scale. let's connect. or at
Arsham Ghahramani
@sajal_regmi thank you! Will add you on Ribbon too if you create a profile :)
Joep van den Bogaert
Congrats on the launch! This looks like the new standard in job searching, amazing job! Question: how do you ensure the AI gives good advice? Is there a set of best practices that you feed it or do you rely on the model itself for this? Think many will benefit from this. Especially when applying in a non-native language, the resume checker and interview tests are super useful.
Arsham Ghahramani
Great question @jopie! Our LLM has been fine tuned with proprietary career data, recruiting knowledge, and the latest Ribbon job market data. All of this is combined with your resume and Ribbon profile to give you better answers. We also learn from your feedback (thumbs up/down) on answers to give you better results over time.
Joep van den Bogaert
@ax_g awesome 🙌 very well done! As a techie I would love to see that somewhere in your marketing cause it makes it a lot more trustworthy than just plugging GPT 4 into your product.
Dave Vu
@jopie Thank you! Hope you can share it out to your network and have others support us. Congrats on your launch!
Congrats on the launch @ax_g 🚀 The market of AI-driven job search is getting really competitive. What is your strategy to stay ahead? All the best with Ribbon! ❤️
Arsham Ghahramani
Thanks @jgani! We're not so competitor focused (more tools is better for Ribboners and other job seekers!) but we are unique in our focus. Most other tools focus on SPEED but our data shows that applicants need SPEED + QUALITY to get interviews and job offers. All of our tools are built with hard data and @dave_vu's 10+ year knowledge of recruiting.
Sandra Djajic
I really love to see products, which are built to solve daily struggles, especially when many people can relate to these struggles! I like the design language and the interface is very user-friendly, I think pretty much everyone can navigate. I think the job search process won't be that stressful if using Ribbon :) Congratulations, team!🚀
Arsham Ghahramani
Thanks @sandradjajic, I appreciate it! Credit to @byanniengu for 100s of hours of iterating on the design and UX.
David Au-Yeung
Congrats for the launch! This is a great product that solves a real problem in the job space. Finding a job is not easy, with 100s of applications, 10s of interviews. This isn’t a process job seekers experience on a weekly basis. Thanks for providing professional advice to help them!
Dave Vu
@david_au_yeung This is a great tools for all job seekers especially new ones coming into the market
Congrats on the launch team! Love the clean design and AI-powered features. Exciting to seeing your growth.
Destiny Bouchard
Congrats on the launch !✨ Ribbon will empower individuals during their job search 🔥 Looking forward to the new successes Ribbon will bring!
Yasec Kowalski
Congratulations on the release of Ribbon, team! As someone navigating the job market, I'm curious about the range of topics that Chat AI covers. Can users ask about specific industries, career paths, or even personal development advice? Excited to explore Ribbon and see how it can elevate my job search journey!
Arsham Ghahramani
@yasec_kowalski good question! We've tested Chat AI across a really wide range of topics related to careers, personal growth, mentorship, jobs, education, skills and more. From early feedback, we've heard that it's also great for helping Ribboners navigate workplace issues, management advice, and analyzing contracts or offer letters. We're still learning more and more about use cases ourselves!
Jake Letwin
So proud of everything the team has accomplished. Thank you for all the support!
Anne Anquetin
Ribbon is the ultimate tool for job search. I believe it will help many many people step up their career
Kian Sadeghi
Francois Le Nguyen
Been recommending job seekers especially looking for their first job to give Ribbon a try. It’s a competitive market out there, glad there are tools to empower seekers instead of typical hundreds of tools hiring managers can use.
Arsham Ghahramani
Appreciate the kind words @flenguyen!
Annie Ngu
Ribbon is a game-changer for all job seekers—present and future!
Trent Kennelly
This is a great tool! I love how seamless and complete it is. Just wanted to point out a little issue on the webpage, though - the scrolling is super sticky. Feels very unnatural. If it helps, I'm on a macbook air using chrome :)
Garen Orchyan
Well done Arsham and team, Ribbon looks great. Best of luck to you today!!!
Fei C.
WOW! Really useful product to simplify job searching process! Congrats on the launch!
Pan Pan
Big cheers on the Ribbon launch, Arsham and team! Love the idea of Chat AI for tailor-made career advice. How about adding a "Mock Interview Marathon" with Chat AI for practice? Sounds like a blast and super helpful! Keep up the awesome work!
Arsham Ghahramani
"Mock Interview Marathon" has a nice ring to it! thanks for the support
Nawaz Ahmed
Congrats on the launch! The product is very useful
Dave Vu
@nawaz_ahmed2 Thank you Nawaz! Let's get the word out to more people.
Tanveer Singh
Looking forward to using the product
Dave Vu
@tanveer_singh10 Love to hear your feedback! We are looking to always improve on the experience for our users.
Congrats on the launch! This is smart answer for daily struggle for many job seekers!
Dave Vu
@ifinnaoui Thank you! It will only get faster and easier. Share with your network.