Dan Siroker

Limitless - Personalized AI powered by what you’ve seen, said, or heard

Limitless is a web app, Mac app, Windows app, and a wearable. Preserve real-world conversations and ask your personalized AI anything. Make meetings a joy and stay on top of it all with meeting prep, automated notes, and summaries.

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Dan Siroker
Hey there Product Hunt 👋 I'm Dan, you might know me as co-founder & CEO of Rewind AI. Today we are introducing Limitless. It is a Web app, Mac app, Windows app, and a wearable that helps overcome the brain’s limitations, specifically memory and focus. I’ve been using Limitless the last few weeks and it has felt magical. Limitless is personalized AI powered by what you’ve seen, said, and heard. It *augments* — not replaces— human intelligence with artificial intelligence to overcome the brain’s limitations, specifically our memory and our focus. Here’s how it works: Note-taking, action tracking, follow-ups, and meeting prep were all preventing me from being present. Limitless automates all of this, integrating seamlessly with your current tools so you can focus on the person in front of you. All without an awkward bot joining the meeting. Online meetings are a natural stepping stone to real-world conversations. That’s why we built the Limitless Pendant, the world’s most wearable AI. Pendant is an elegant, lightweight wearable that remembers what you say throughout the day, from in-person meetings, impromptu conversations, and personal insights. For a limited time, it is only $99. We are proud to share there is no subscription required to use it.
ᗰᗩ᙭ ᒍ.
@dsiroker Hey Dan it's great to see a fellow AI wearable being launched on producthunt! Been following since Rewind, very interesting implementation. Best of luck!
Alexis Ohanian
Very exciting times for user-experience-driven AI. I'm already thinking about the Cerebro integration since you're building it so securely and with a focus toward consent + privacy.
Lee Sherman
Seems like a more streamlined and easier to use product than Rewind, albeit with some loss of functionality. Is Rewind dead?
Tim Connors
Let's goooo!!!!
Taj Walton
Super excited to try this out! The privacy features look well thought out. Real question is which color to choose...
Hunter Walk
love this evolution !!!! installed and onboarded already
Ben Cooper
Very cool - I've loved Rewind but this is a very welcome product evolution! I'm curious to learn more about how consent mode works. Would this be something I would give each time I enter a conversation or is my consent saved after I've given it? I have like 50 other questions I want to ask about the future of consent mode but I realize that something as new as this product is likely being explored one step at a time. I’m glad that a team of people that puts so much thought into trust & data privacy are the ones building this tech!
Jim Caruso
Grats to Rewind AI on launching Limitless.
Mike Staub
A product like this must be fully open source. It is as sensitive as a crypto cold wallet.
Julio Medina
Amazing job! I love Rewind and love limitless even more already. Also love the limitless wearable design. Congrats on the launch @dsiroker
Scott Davis
I've been testing this in beta for a few weeks, and it has dramatically improved my workflow and efficiency. I simply can't work without it! I'm super thankful for Limitless, and can't wait for the wearable coming later this year! Great work team!
Yigit Ihlamur
I love how the consent mechanism and privacy work with Pendant and Limitless. Can't wait to use both!
Just downloaded, excited for this, not to mention to hear that those who believed and pre-ordered the pendant will receive it and be one of the first folks and at the original price as well! 🔥 One question, can I connect multiple calendars at this point? I connected my personal one and would much rather connect my work one
Rihana Chase
I am very interested in the ideas of artificial intelligence and I know that they make it easier for us to use
Steven Bones
Great launch guys, bravo
Jonas Maaløe
The pendant was announced Oct 2 11:22pm, and I had pre-ordered it by Oct 3 11:22am (give or take an atlantic ocean's time zone difference) so I'm beyond excited! Your focus on solving problems (the shortcomings of human memory) and then work your way towards a solution with Rewind and now Limitless is truly refreshing in a world dominated by big tech. Can't wait to see where y'all take this next. Kudos to the whole team for pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box!
Dan Pierce
Congrats on your launch.🎉 I'm really excited about your product Pendant and service. Your launch video is really easy to understand and make me fun. Also, I hope Limitless will be available in languages other than English.
Raduan Al-Shedivat
too many good launches today that completely missed this one -- congrats the team!
Faraj Khrais
I have specific questions for the interview. Is it possible to get help with chat and artificial intelligence to reach my final goal in the interview?