David Baraev

Revive - Learn from industry experts by using AI


Education today is linear and machine-like. Our app revolutionizes learning by merging logic with creativity through Dynamic Logic. Tailored to your industry choice, tasks adapt based on your responses, powered by AI trained by industry experts.

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Cyril Gupta
The industry experts are the AI?
David Baraev
@cyriljeet Hi Cyril! No, Experts are real people working in a given industry that train an array of custom fine-tuned models based on our users input. We then pay them a dividend for the value of their training data
Vrushank Vyas
@cyriljeet @david_baraev Fascinating @david_baraev! This is one of the most novel business models around AI I've seen!
Julien Zmiro
Congrats on the launch! I'm super interested in how AI can be applied to education. I'm curious: What do you think is the value Revive offers over just asking questions to ChatGPT?
David Baraev
@zmiro Hi Julien! Thank you for your comment! So what we offer is a fine-tuned "ChatGPT" that is trained by Experts that are paid a dividend for the value of training data they provide
Julien Zmiro
@david_baraev Alright I see! Thanks for the clarification! So the value you bring is better quality content compared to what you would have had using ChatGPT natively if I understand properly.
David Baraev
@zmiro Precisely 👌
George Kalandadze
Love the branding! super elegant, great job! And the idea hits the nail on the head. I feel like this would be very popular with GenZ.
Tristan Berguer
Best Of AI
The successful launch of your product is a cause for celebration. Congrats!
Your app's approach to learning is truly fresh and exciting! Blending logic and creativity through Dynamic Logic is quite intriguing. How did you come up with this innovative concept? And how does the app ensure that tasks personalized to users' industry choices adapt smoothly based on their responses, all guided by AI?