Kevin William David

LinkedIn Review 2.0 - Get instant feedback on your LinkedIn profile, powered by AI

Resume Worded's LinkedIn Review 2.0 helps you get more jobs, leads and opportunities via LinkedIn. Our AI-powered technology grades your LinkedIn Profile and gives you intelligent insights on how to rank higher on LinkedIn and increase your profile's visibility.

v2.0 includes a whole host of new features!

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Rohan Mahtani
Hi PH! Great to be back here. I'm so excited to launch this today 🙌! The problem 95% of all recruiters and hiring managers use LinkedIn to find candidates. Additionally, millions use their LinkedIn profiles to attract clients and prospects to their businesses. LinkedIn is more important than ever in building your personal brand and career. However, most people don’t take advantage of LinkedIn. Most profiles on LinkedIn are vague and aren’t optimized for what they’re looking for. This makes your profile harder to find and results in you missing out on opportunities. I built this tool to change that - implement the feedback on your profile and you'll get more views by to your LinkedIn profile, by people that matter to you. The solution Upload your (or anyone’s) public LinkedIn profile in PDF using LinkedIn’s ‘Save to PDF’ feature. The analyser will: ✅ Review your LinkedIn profile against 50+ rules and criteria in seconds; you'll get feedback on each core component of your profile, including your headline, summary, work experience and more! ✅ Give you specific, actionable feedback on how to improve your profile’s visibility and discoverability ✅ Powered by AI and NLP, the tool grades each section of your profile ✅ Analyze what keywords your LinkedIn profile ranks for. Optimize your profile accordingly. ✅ LinkedIn networking templates to help you grow and cultivate your network ✅ Help you achieve your career goals by generating more leads, opportunities and recruiter requests The story of v2 Around mid-last year, I launched the v1 of LinkedIn Review. At the time, it was very much a side project to my main product (Resume Worded). It got a good amount of traction, but more importantly, a ton of people not only commented on PH, but also emailed me personally about how it helped them become better at getting the most out of LinkedIn. Over the past several months, I spoke to a bunch of career coaches, users and my newsletter subs. Using their feedback (thank you again!), I went back to the drawing board and after what feels like 100 iterations later, the product was finally ready :) Here's what's new compared to v1 🔥 Totally redesigned experience from ground up - every single thing was designed from scratch 🔥 20+ new features, including keyword analysis to help you rank for the right terms you want to rank for and LinkedIn networking templates 🔥 New checks - including analyzing your profile's language, tone, sentiment using nlp 🔥 New examples - learn from top profiles Try it for your own LinkedIn profile, or anyone else in your industry! You can ‘Save to PDF’ any profile on LinkedIn and upload it to the tool. If you have any feedback, please let me know! Rohan
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@rmahtani93 this seems really well done — nice visual design! That said, would be good to be able to ignore certain advice, for example: The following words might not be spelled correctly: hashtag in your headline. 😂
Rohan Mahtani
@chrismessina Thank you so much, Chris! I'm going to add 'hashtag' into the list of exceptions for sure ha!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Daniil Okhlopkov
Why I can't login with Linkedin? :)
Rohan Mahtani
@okhlopkov Hey Daniel! We considered was a 'Login with LinkedIn' button; however, the public profile that is returned from LinkedIn's API was limited and wasn't as complete as the PDF that you upload to get an analysis. The PDF option seemed perfect. It is one extra 10-second step, but it allows people to upload not only their profile, but anyone else's in their industry, in case they wanted to compare their profiles. We right now just support email, Gmail and FB to sign up, but can look to add other sign in methods if you need them!
Nqobile Vundla
@okhlopkov @rmahtani93 yae I also expected to simply copy and paste my Linkedin profile link. Uploading the pdf is an extra step, I almost stopped at that point. However, after that the process is really great and the suggestions are really impressive to say the least.
Rohan Mahtani
@okhlopkov @nqobile_vundla Thanks Nqobile! Glad you made it through the extra step. Regarding copy/pasting a link into the tool: unfortunately, scraping LinkedIn profile data is strictly against LinkedIn's ToS.
Hovo Evans
very useful if you wish to optimize your profile and don't know how to start
Rohan Mahtani
@hovo_evans thanks Hovo! Let me know if you have any feedback
Joel Libava ♛
Nice work!
Vlad Korobov
For some reason did not work for me... could not upload the file
Rohan Mahtani
@vladkorobov hey Vlad! Could you try using another browser or in incognito mode? If that doesn't work, please could you take a screenshot of the error and DM me? Thanks!
Vlad Korobov
@rmahtani93 I guess by internet was buggy and I did not see the loading list of process – I got frozen screen before it, so I suggest you to work on it, at least input loader placeholder there before the actual visual loader goes
Vlad Korobov
I just toyed the app and it's very well done inside. Structure is good. It is great tool for somebody who is looking for a job
Nqobile Vundla
Great tool. I did not even know I could change my linkedIn profile link. Suggestions are really really good!!
Ben Thompson



Very easy to use and provides much more feedback than v1! I have quite a good profile already and this has provided some more advice



Rohan Mahtani
Thanks a ton, Ben!
Britton Winterrose
Great way to get all your LinkedIn data scraped and collected by a third party. :)
Rohan Mahtani
@bwinterrose Just wanted to say that your LinkedIn profile is used for no other purpose other than to give you an analysis of your profile. Also, the tool only analyzes your public LinkedIn profile, which is accessible by anyone.
Why you don't us li_at cookie like Phantombuster ?
how do i use this :/
Sagar Khatri
Hi maker, I tried the product and it was quite good. Pros : Your LinkedIn profile can now look decent enough and can attract more recruiters. Cons : The LinkedIn login API should make the job easier instead of uploading it. Overall, I would recommend it.
Rohan Mahtani
@dssagar93 Thanks Sagar. As I replied to someone else on this thread regarding using the LinkedIn API: the info that is returned from LinkedIn's API was extremely limited and wasn't as complete as the PDF that you upload to get an analysis. The PDF option seemed perfect. It is one extra 10-second step, but it allows people to upload not only their profile, but anyone else's in their industry, in case they wanted to compare their profiles.
Sagar Khatri
@rmahtani93 ok so you tried your best to minimise the user's journey but there's a limitation of the API. The idea is too good !
Jesse de Boer
Nice tool! Unfortunately I cannot create an account with a Safari auto-generated safe password. This is pretty bad UX for registrering an account ..
Rohan Mahtani
@jesse_de_boer hey Jesse - will make a note of this, thanks for letting me know.
Rohan Mahtani
@jesse_de_boer hey Jesse - will make a note of this, thanks for letting me know.
Jan-Erik Bergmark
Hi. I can’t find the more button on my profile, what to do?
Jan-Erik Bergmark
Hi. I purschased the pro version and could download a friends Linkedin profile and got her evaluation from you. How can I send it to her, so that she get interested to buy it too?
Rohan Mahtani
@jan_erik_bergmark1 Hi Jan, thanks for being a customer! We don't support downloading/sharing other people's analyses because it is only intended for you.
Jan-Erik Bergmark
@rmahtani93 I can’t find the MORE button on my own profile, so we downloaded my friends, and it worked. How can I find the more button???
Rohan Mahtani
@jan_erik_bergmark1 Not sure why that is? The More button as far as I know is on all profiles.
Nessim Zouaoui

"Unfortunately, we couldn't process your profile" , my pdf was uploaded from Linkedin 5 minutes ago.




didn't work for me

Rohan Mahtani
So the issue is that even though your profile is in English, LinkedIn generates the PDF with your default language (French). Thus, for example, the section titles are Formation instead of Education, or Contacter instead or Contact. Additionally, the dates and locations are in French (e.g. octobre 2012 - septembre). Unfortunately, our language parser only supports English right now! I think there might be a way to change the default LinkedIn profile language, but I'm not too sure. Regardless, we're looking to add support for section titles/dates in different languages in the future.
Rohan Mahtani
@the_minh Your LinkedIn is likely on a different default language! Check the PDF and if the dates and locations are in English.
Rohan Mahtani
UPDATE: 1 May 2019 - We've added multi-lingual support for LinkedIn! :) Every LinkedIn profile works with the tool.
Great idea. Linkedin profile is one of the first things recruiters looks