Jonathan Javier

JobTrackerAI by Wonsulting - Automatically track all your job applications for free.

JobTrackerAI brings structure & clarity to your job search by tracking your applications, interviews, offers, & rejections safely with Gmail. JobTrackerAI is certified and approved by Google’s strict privacy & security policies. Plus it’s FREE for all users!

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Jonathan Javier
Hey Product Hunt Community! Navigating the job market is no easy task, especially with the added challenge of keeping track of numerous applications. The tedious task of manually updating spreadsheets to monitor application statuses—applied, rejected, interviewed, offer received—can be overwhelming and far from efficient. But, imagine if there was a way to automate this process, making your job search as smooth and stress-free as possible. That’s exactly why we at Wonsulting are thrilled to introduce JobTrackerAI—a revolutionary AI-powered job search tool designed to automatically track your job applications from start to finish, all on one streamlined platform. Here’s how JobTrackerAI simplifies your job search: - Gmail Sync: By simply using your Gmail account to apply for jobs, our AI technology springs into action, tracking each step of your application process. No extra effort required! - Track any job, anywhere: Our platform isn’t limited by where you apply. If you’re using your email, JobTrackerAI has got you covered. From the moment you hit "send" on your application to the joyful moment you receive that offer, we’re with you every step of the way. - Your data is private: We understand the importance of data privacy. That’s why we’re proud to be certified by Google, meeting stringent security requirements to ensure your information stays safe and secure. JobTrackerAI is a key component of our WonsultingAI job search suite of products. We built this with a vision to accelerate job offers, and our mission is to turn ALL underdogs into winners in the job market. Looking forward to hearing your feedback and success stories! - Jonathan, Jerry, & The Wonsulting Team
Jerry Lee
@jonathanwordsofwisdom @shivam_tiwari24 Let us know what you think! :)
Jonathan Javier
@julie_collins2 thank you so much Julie!
Dimitrie Baitanciuc
The idea to streamline job application tracking through Gmail is promising, good luck.
Jerry Lee
@dimitrie_baitanciuc Thank you! Let us know if you have feedback!
Jonathan Javier
@dimitrie_baitanciuc appreciate the kind words, Dimitrie!
Sandra Djajic
Wow! Lucky job hunters, very useful tool for them to keep updates on all of the applications! One of my friends used to apply with 10 applications per day, and she told me that it was very exhausting to keep on track, simply because it's too many resources to check on. Congratulations on the launch and I wish you a strong and sustainable growth, guys!💪🏼
Jerry Lee
@sandradjajic Thank you! Please keep us posted!
Jonathan Javier
@sandradjajic it is exhausting, indeed! Appreciate you Sandra!
Chris W
Ah wow, this is really useful. Instead of having to find fragmented emails with potential employers' email addresses! Congrats on the launch!
Jonathan Javier
@cwbuilds1 exactly Chris! Thank you so much for your support!
Jerry Lee
@cwbuilds1 Exactly! Hope is to make sure no job seeker ever needs to update a spreadsheet manually ever again
Congrats on the launch Jonathan! 🎉
Jonathan Javier
@jgani thanks so much Jonni! Appreciate your support - looking forward to your launch too!
@jonathanwordsofwisdom Thanks Jonathan. I'd love to have your support on launch day. But, that's secondary to this launch of yours right now :) Is JobTrackerAI open to any job seeker? Or are you targeting specific groups of job seekers?
Jonathan Javier
@jgani yes open to any and ALL job-seekers :) the best part is that it's 100% free. At Wonsulting, we advocate for the underdogs of the job search: those who come from non-traditional backgrounds who didn't necessarily have the connections to get into their dream companies.
Yasec Kowalski
The integration with Gmail and the ability to track applications from any source make it incredibly convenient and efficient for users. Congratulations! 👏🏻 How does JobTrackerAI leverage AI technology to provide personalized insights and recommendations to users, helping them optimize their job search strategies and increase their chances of success?
Jonathan Javier
@yasec_kowalski great question Yasec! Pertaining to JobTrackerAI, our platform will automatically update when you get either interviews, rejections, or offers so you don't have to continue manually adding applications to your "spreadsheet". Across our WonsultingAI platform, we do this in various ways; for example for ResumAI, we help you optimize your resume through our resume score to give the best chance in landing an interview!
Yasec Kowalski
@jonathanwordsofwisdom Thank you for the clarification! Looking forward to exploring how these tools can enhance my job search experience further 🤙🏻
Jonathan Javier
@yasec_kowalski let me know if you have feedback!
Simion Gorgos
Let's goooooooo Wonsulting team <3
Jerry Lee
@cikpak appreciate you!!!
Jonathan Javier
@cikpak let's go Simion!
Daniel Cho
Such an awesome product! Definitely going to save users' time
Jonathan Javier
@dpcho appreciate you Dan!
Jahnavi Shah
The team worked so hard to bring this product to life! It was such a nice experience being a part of this launch but I feel even happier seeing users LOVE this product! Kudos to the team!!!
Jerry Lee
@jahnavi_shah thankful for you Jahnavi!
Jonathan Javier
@jahnavi_shah you're awesome Jahnavi!
Brady Dowling
✅ Job tracking ✅ Automatically checks Gmail ✅ Data privacy ✅ Free Feels like the perfect combo of it all! Definitely going to share this and put this to use, amazing!
Jerry Lee
@bradydowling Spent 4 months trying to get Google's approval :")
Alex Standoll
Boom masterpiece for me
Fei C.
Congrats Jonathan! Very excited to see the launch!
Jonathan Javier
@intellectia_ really appreciate your support! Means a lot Fei :)
Jerry Lee
@intellectia_ +1 – let us know if you have any feedback! :)
Olga J
love it
Jerry Lee
@olga_johnson thank you!
Jonathan Javier
@olga_johnson woohoo! Glad you do :)
Garen Orchyan
Looks great, big congratulations on the launch 🎉🔥
Jerry Lee
@orchyan Appreciate you Garen :)
Jonathan Javier
@orchyan thank you so much Garen, means a lot!
Lince Mathew
Great automation tool for a headache task. Good product; congratulations on the launch.
Jonathan Javier
@lince_mathew thank you very much Lince!
Artiom Rosu
Great job Wonsulting Team!
Jonathan Javier
@artiom_rosu thank YOU for playing such a big part in this!
Viswanatha Reddy
Congratulations to the JobTrackerAI team on their impressive launch! The ability to streamline job applications with the power of AI looks incredibly promising. With this being completely free, I'm eager to give it a try and see how it can simplify my job search. All the best to the team for a successful future.
Jonathan Javier
@viswanatha yes! Try it out and let us know what you think!
Ken Burnette
Thanks everyone! We're working really hard on this 😄
Jonathan Javier
@burnette you're the GOAT!
Ian Schneider
Love this idea and the overall execution of it! Kudos to the team who brought this to life!
Jonathan Javier
@ianschneider26 thank you so much Ian!
Steve Gee
I've got a few friends who I am going to share this with immediately. They're unfortunately out of work and the biggest problem is that applying online has such a low hit ratio even though they're qualified. Your product is going to change lives and hopefully help them get a job faster. It's so competitive out there now! Congrats on the launch!