
Responsive View - Test your responsive design across different devices


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Willy 
Cool! After entering a website it would be great if you could generate a link i can sent to clients for them to view the result. At the moment it's always "er.php".
Paul Prins
@willyyr yea a shareable link would be awesome. Nice job on it.
Dan Li
@willyyr Check Responsinator, they give you site-specific sharable links. No desktop options tho, only mobile/tablet
By the way Safari has that feature built in! Develop > Enter Responsive Design Mode :)
Boris Karulin
Why don't just use the Responsive Design Mode in Safari (Alt+Cmd+R)? Other browsers have similar features too.
Ron Valderrama
Would be great to see Android too. I have most of these devices but always have to wonder how it looks on Android while working.
justin avery
I like these things (I created something similar). Recommended updates: - It should definitely have a query string or a hash at the end to make it shareable - Add some error calculation for XFRAME Options (add into the URL to see what I mean) This is still much more suited to providing a general overview to people about what you mean when you say responsive, or as a screenshot tool for your portfolio. Testing is next to useless using iframes so you're much better off with actual devices or something like browserstack.
Peyton Hayslette
Oh man, if only this picked up on user agents.
Andy Kim
@peytonhayslette Sounds like a great add-on feature for the next version
Varun Aggarwal
I think its not working? "er.php"
Deron Sizemore
All I'm getting is a white screen when I enter a URL.
Samuel Roy
A killing feature would be to replay an action done on 1 device to all the other views. No more wasting time in testing UX for different devices.
Aggelos Gesoulis
A very nice thought. Since it's locally executed it runs JS and takes sessions into account, so you can test pages that require authentication. Maybe that's why it can't be shareable...
wow. this should be helpful :)
Julian Lozano
This is amazing!
Michael Klein
The browsers themselves render such tools of little use nowadays, but nicely done!
Mark Schenkel
Does it have any "Score" index or recommendations to make your site better?
Mark Schenkel
What I find interesting is that you are passing along all of my site cookies. For example, I was logged into my website. And when I entered my url it showed me logged in too. And it also showed me as located where I am physically; not where your server is. Good job....
Zach Tyler
This is exactly what I need. I could not have found this at a better time. Thanks!
Amit Bhawani
For some reason, it shows the Desktop version everywhere though if you actually check the website on Mobile it loads up the Mobile version of Is something missing?
Tom Frauenfelder
This is great! Would love if their were a few other common resolutions in there and the ability to 'share'
Chez Ackerman
love the simple approach. Some of these are co annoying to use.