Selena Pio

RescueTime - Welcome a puppy or kitten visitor to your home of office!


Welcome a puppy or kitten visitor to your home or office! And if you fall in love, you can make him or her your forever home!

Choose an option that is right for you, your home or your office.

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Anthony Painter
Not confused with the time tracking app of the same name
Jennifer Owen
So you guys think it's OK to put these young animals in stressful situations on a daily/weekly basis? How can you keep them safe? Puppies and kittens need time to become comfortable in their surroundings. You act like "renting" them for the day is an act of kindness when all you're doing is submitting them to strange situations and people over and over. It's nice you want to help these animals find homes but people shouldn't rent animals like they're a dang movie. If you want to spend the day with an animal maybe do the right thing and VOLUNTEER at your local rescue or apply to become a FOSTER. Animals aren't a treat like going for ice cream. They need to feel love and security. Shame on this company. Shame on the people who actually like their in this for the animals well being. Shame!
Aaron O'Leary
They are all so cute! I'll take them all
Emily Hodgins
Wow, I can see how this would be a great perk to office workers and encourage adoptions which is great. Couple questions spring to mind - How is the safety of the animals on loan guaranteed? Is one person designated pet supervisor for instance? (Don't want that curious pupper getting a paw stuck in the photocopier!) Are there background checks before a pet visit can be set up?
Kris Williams
Upvoted . Anything that gets humans looking into rescue animals as their primary option ;-)
David Carpe
i have had rescues for eons and love this idea. if you can find homes for even a fraction of these babies, that’s a huge win. does a portion of the fee go to rescue agencies? and do you do any sort of background checks or site visits to ensure safety of animals?
Axel Janssens
This is really really retarded and very stressful to any animal! Dogs and cats need at least 2-3 weeks, preferable longer to adjust to a new environment, new people, new smells,... They get attached to their surroundings and people, they mark their territory,... Doing this to an animal will guarantee deviant behaviour and stress. A pet isn't a piece of furniture you can just rent out or put anywhere you like, when you like. If you really want to do something good, donate some money to your local shelter, adopt an animal and give it a forever homen but please, don't invest any money is this project cuz, i'm guessing it's more about making easy money then it is about helping animals...
Contessa Watson



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