Jaira Romero

Remote Woman - Work remotely at trusted companies

For women & men alike - for travelers, military spouses or parents that need remote, community, safety and trust are everything. Our community hand-curates every company & flags issues, ensuring the best full-time remote jobs for you.

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Micael Reis

Based on what data these companies are described as female friendly? Even so, when you centralize something based on gender, all genders lost in that assumption. Why not, human-friendly jobs?


Nice list of jobs.


Built on a sexist ideology.

Jaira Romero
Hi Micael, thanks for enjoying our list of jobs. We work really hard to ensure the highest quality remote opportunities around (no "pay to list" stuff). As noted in our description, we're for men & women alike - anyone can use our site & apply for jobs. However, the unfortunate truth is that there's a gender gap in our world - and most job sites focus on developer jobs that are skewed masculine & have some sketchy jobs trying to scam. We have heavy curation, community flagging & a focus on marketing/design/support jobs to fix the gender imbalance.
Micael Reis
@jairaromero Hi, Jaira, thank you for your kind reply. I can totally see where you come from, even tho I still think we should move on the idea that women are always in danger and masculinity is causing that "... developer jobs that are skewed masculine", you guys are strong and powerful already, no need to portray women as fragile and doing these things based on gender. Best of luck! :)
raffaella isidori
@micaelreis does it dawn on you that you are mansplaining to us how we feel and how we are? I'm sure you are doing it unconsciously, but this attitude IS part of the problem :)
Jaira Romero
I lost faith in remote jobs as a possibility. I came across a great seeming job on a very popular remote site...only to find out it was a scam. Promised high pay & solid work, I did interviews for hours on end. Ultimately, I was able to spot the scam once they asked for too many personal details & offered a job that was too good to be true. Luckily, I didn’t fall for it…but who knows how many people have since? This is why I started RemoteWoman - by leveraging curation & a strong community, we're going to bring back trust. Instead of "pay to list" sites, our community hand-curates companies that we believe in & flags any bad actors. By doing this, we’ll never provide a flood of sketchy jobs to you. We hope to be a small part of a larger movement where companies make their workplaces & hiring process inviting for all sexes, genders, orientations and races. Note on gender: we built this for women & men - it's free for all to find & apply for jobs. However, we did choose to focus on improving the gender balance that unfortunately exists. We decided to focus heavier than our competitors on marketing, design & support jobs. We decided to build a strong community that 's female-leaning for curation, flagging issues & support. This was my focus because us women working remotely need more community & trust.
Lee Shadle

Great curated list of remote jobs. Cool name. Shocked, but not at all surprised by the responses of men in these reviews. These responses are exactly why remotewoman needs to exist.


That someone is taking the time to vet jobs at companies that are not only remote but safe for women.


None, I can't believe men are calling this sexist. Really?

Bruno Barroso
How exactly do you shortlist the women-friendly places to work?
Jaira Romero
@geekybruno thanks for the question - bear with me here. First, we gather lists of companies that have potential (both through our private community nominations + companies can apply directly). We then go through a 7 day review process for the companies that has 5 key steps: 1) remote-friendly (we prefer companies that are fully distributed & have a strong culture tied to remote living) 2) full-time (we prefer companies that are looking for long-term, full-time hires instead of contract work) 3) no red flags a) we review their Glassdoor accounts b) we do blind background checks involving reaching out to current employees on Linkedin c) we allow our community to flag/report bad companies on ongoing basis 4) stable business model (we prefer companies that have a current revenue stream, have raised money or are profitable) 5) variety of job offerings (we prefer companies that offer a wide variety of jobs across marketing/design/support/development) Like everything, this is an evolving process as we learn about our community's needs. If you think we're missing anything, please respond here or contact us at hello@remotewoman.com :)
Shivendra Soni

To quote the creator : We hope to be a small part of a larger movement where companies make their workplaces & hiring process inviting for all *sexes, genders, orientations and races* And yet its a remote work site only for women


Personally, hand curated list of jobs


Make it accessible to all genders. Diversity also includes men you know.

Jaira Romero
Hi Shivendra, thanks for enjoying our hand-curated list of jobs. We work really hard to ensure the highest quality remote opportunities around (no "pay to list" stuff). As noted in our description, we're for men & women alike - anyone can use our site & apply for jobs. However, the unfortunate truth is that there's a gender gap in our world - and most job sites focus on developer jobs that are skewed masculine & have some sketchy jobs trying to scam. We have heavy curation, community flagging & a focus on marketing/design/support jobs to fix the gender imbalance.
Heather Blair

I am not currently looking for a new job, but I will absolutely use this rescource when I'm ready for a new position.


This is a great list of curated jobs. I will be sharing for those looking for remote work with my network.


I wish there was a Product Management section.

Amélie Beurrier

The men complaining in the comments seem to be basing their assumptions on the name of the product and not the product itself. Reading the description, maker's comment and product copy, I don't get how this is "positive discrimination".


1. Job board built on a community to vet the companies/jobs 2. focus on dev & non technical jobs equally.


It would be helpful to have a precise description of the process to vet the companies and make that more visible in the product.

Alexis Gahon

This is my way to downvote this.


Don't even looked at the product


Why women specific ? This is positive discrimination ... Stop doing this :) This is not helpful for women.

Jaira Romero
Hi Alexis, it's really unfortunate that you didn't look at our product - we've worked really hard on building it & expected better from the ProductHunt community. If you looked, you'd see that we're for women & men alike - anyone can use our site & apply for jobs. However, the unfortunate truth is that there's a gender gap in our world - and most job sites focus on developer jobs that are skewed masculine & have some sketchy jobs trying to scam. We have heavy curation, community flagging & a focus on marketing/design/support jobs to fix the gender imbalance.
Denis Shershnev
Congrats on the lunch @jairaromero ! You've done great work. Awesome idea. Good luck to you!
Eva Hibnick
This is a great idea! Individuals that work remote are always looking for a community. I think having an online forum for those that are working remote to share tips and ideas would be great.
Dorothy M
When I started to search for remote work I turned to RemoteWoman.com. Having a list of curated position helps in navigating the sometimes overwhelming world of job searching. Jaira (Founder) is deeply dedicated to ameliorating the gender disparities within the workforce. The fact that people are threatened by the mere word "woman" even though it is clearly stated anyone can use the platform is proof there is an unequivocal chasm when it comes to fundamental beliefs. "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."
Lauren Nicholl
Remote Woman is a fantastic community, full of resources and support. I also love the site and the variety in job opportunities. I've made some great connections through this platform and enjoy being surrounded by such smart, empathic, and encouraging women.
Alanna Burke

I'm happy to see more sites in this space.


A great list of remote jobs


Could also support trans/NB folks, as well, instead of being so binary.

Abby Foutch
Great resource for remote work!
Naiá Aiello
Awesome website, curated jobs, community is amazing and much much more than only a job website...it's a whole support web for woman trying to find remote jobs. Thanks Jaira, your work is freaking amazing! And the comments Pros: support, community, curated jobs, whole hearted Cons: the site needs to be much bigger to help more people!
Patience Deaton
The community of women has been amazing. Everyone is very eager to help each other with either resumes or job postings or basic guidence.
Andrea Fajardo
I resonate with the founders story as I was also scammed when looking for remote work. Stats show that most tech companies are run my men - it’s been difficult as a latinx woman to get my foot in the door. I appreciate this community and their attempts in connecting women to top remote companies. The founder is putting in a lot of time and energy in helping connect me to remote employers. I am forever thankful of the effort being put into this community. Men, stop being babies. Take a look at the numbers - only 20% of women are employed by tech companies( the companies that offer remote work the most) A woman makes .80 cents to every dollar. Give us a break! We deserve to even out those numbers.
Romero Mckay
I'll send this to all my female friends. Cool second name btw almost as cool as my first name :)
Kat Leznik
Great list of curated jobs and companies, as well as a really helpful, personal approach!
Leah Glass
Phenomenal list of jobs, welcoming community. Awesome customer service!