Reema Bharti

Remote Weekly - Handcrafted articles around everything remote work


Learn & stay updated with everything remote:
1. Breaking news & insightful articles
2. Personal stories
3. Podcasts with top leaders
4. Latest products, tips & updates

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Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Hey everyone πŸ‘‹ I am pretty stoked to be sharing the new & revamped version of Remote Weekly - my newsletter on everything remote working which I have worked on for 2+ yrs now πŸš€ What is Remote Weekly? Simply put, it's the single platform for top remote work content. Be it breaking news, best practices, lessons from experienced people or latest product updates - I have it all covered! Why should you subscribe? Remote work is the present! Whether you've been forced into it or have been already working remotely, you need to master the skill of remote working just like any other. I share handcrafted articles each week basis my experience, research & conversations with 1000s of remote workers. How does it work? Each week, you will receive 3 emails covering: 1. Breaking news & remote work insights 2. Personal stories 3. Podcasts with top leaders 4. Latest products, tips & updates Who Am I? Remote working is close to my heart. I have been managing remote teams for 4+ years and was freelancing for 4 years before that. I have been working on Remote Tools for 2+ years now, trying to speed up the growth of remote working. Guides, Podcasts, Stories - you name it and I have worked on it! Remote Weekly is my take on everything that happens in the world of remote working - from breaking news to practical tips & advice to the latest products & updates! If you would like to know more about me or follow my updates, you can do so on Twitter.
Cian McCarthy
@hrishikesh1990 Nice to get an insight into other people's remote work journeys! Great job Hrishikesh!
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@cian_mccarthy Thanks Cian :)
Hana Mohan
Very cool! We are a remote company and I just sent it to all my team. We launched today too! -
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Thanks so much Hana! Amazing - just upvoted :)
Sophia Benhaddou
I have been part of the remote.clan and communities for some time and I can only recommend Hrishikesh's projects on anything remote. The newsletter's content has always been done with quality and heart in mind. Thanks for that Hrishikesh and keep on the amazing work!
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Thank you so much Sophia! Means a lot to me :) Look forward to tons of amazing conversations on Remote Clan in the near future!
VladimΓ­r Seman
let's hope more people stay remote & your resource help that a bit ;-)
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
I am sure permanent remote working would only continue to grow in the time to come!
Dragos Bulugean
Congrats on the launch! I wanted to let you know that some links are broken (past issues, I am not able to see any of them)
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Thanks so much! Ah, sorry about that. I was fixing a server issue, should work fine now :)
Kevin Ivanov
Read a couple of past issues & loved them. Subscribed!
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Cheers Kevin - glad you liked the content :)
Paul Nica
Good work, I wish you the best with the launch!
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Thanks Paul :)
Shriniket Deshmukh
Great Loved your work !
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@ytmp3 Thanks so much :)
Sanjith Kanagavel
Just submitted my product Statusly to your website. Hope it finds you ! Thanks
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
That's great! Will take a look shortly.
Max Prilutskiy
Sounds interesting! πŸ’―
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Thanks Max!
Cathy T
Great work on the newsletters - happy reader for months now :)
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Thanks Cathy!
Dhruv Bhatia
The Remote Weekly team is focused on remote work for the long-term. Will be interesting to see how the community evolves post COVID. All the best!
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Absolutely! Thanks so much for the wishes & support :)
Spians Labs
Really nice initiative!
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Thanks a lot :)
Juliana Thompson
Looks interesting. Will give it a try. Nice website btw.
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Glad you liked it. I would love to hear your feedback when you get a chance to go through a few emails. We can connect over email - hrishikesh(at)remote(dot)tools
Anna Rogers
So glad to see this launch on PH! We've had so many amazing conversations on Remote Clan around these posts. Thank you for doing this, Hrishikesh!
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Hah, exactly Anna and look forward to many more such discussions on the Clan :)
Nigella Cox
Love the website! Congrats on the Launch!
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Thanks so much :)