Jaisal Rathee

Flow Genius (Webflow Development Agency) - Convert any website to Webflow superfast and hassle-free

Convert Your Existing Website To Webflow.
We know you're busy, so we build the website for you. Fixed pricing and no setup fees. Cancel anytime.

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Daniel Kaplan
Feedback from a product marketer's perspective: This looks like it might be a genuinely valuable service for anyone who wants to migrate from Wordpress to Webflow and doesn't have the time, skills, or team to handle the logistics...but the current service and the subscription pricing model seem out of alignment. As packaged and presented, it seems like you're charging an ongoing monthly fee for a (legitimately valuable and useful!) one-time service, arbitraging the Webflow hosting fees at a giant markup, and structuring it in a way that locks the customer in to having you (essentially) be their Webflow hosting provider indefinitely. Given that Webflow's subscription price includes hosting and that Webflow's product (unlike Wordpress) does not require the customer to do a lot of administrative maintenance, that seems like it may be an unnecessarily challenging pitch to make to even a marginally sophisticated buyer... A more transparent (or simpler) pricing model for the one-time migration service with an optional subscription service that includes a profitable (but not insanely profitable) markup of Webflow hosting, a reasonable number of additional design or site expansion services every month, and an option at any time for the customer to take ownership of the billing relationship with Webflow would seem like a much more customer-centric offer.
Josselin Colletta
@dankaplan Such an amazing feedback Daniel, I came to basically express the same idea (without as much insight!). I'm a freelance Webflow designer and currently have a client who wants me to redo her current website and a number of new things on it. I was super enthusiastic about your product at first, but the subscription model is a wrong fit. I'd rather pay you a certain amount upfront and just deal with the project myself afterwards.
Jaisal Rathee
@dankaplan Some truly invaluable feedback! We've received a bunch of requests around exactly this so you've definitely hit the nail on the head. Seems like there's a lot of demand for Webflow work but we need to do more work for our monthly pricing to make sense. We've gone ahead and introduced a one-time price - hoping this removes some friction for clients and makes more sense. Leaving the monthly pricing on the site for now as curious to see the results, but I'm going to push ahead with the one time price as our focus. Thanks so much for your help!
Jaisal Rathee
@dankaplan @josselinco Thanks so much! Based on everyones feedback we've updated our pricing to reflect a one-time purchase rather than a subscription. Would love to get your thoughts on it :)
Josselin Colletta
@dankaplan @jaisalr Awesome! Not sure what Power-Ups are ? :)
Daniel Kaplan
@jaisalr the one time price looks reasonable and in line with comparable services on a per page basis(like Elementor specialists who offer productized projects for Wordpress sites, etc). It’s of course up to you to decide whether to leave the subscription offer up or reorient your messaging to focus on single package pricing. If you do orient to single package pricing, clarifying how the billing relationship with Webflow works after the project would be useful, as would some clearly articulated examples of work you’ve done, relevant testimonials, etc.
Jaisal Rathee
Hey ProductHunters 👋 Over the past few months, we've noticed a consistent and growing demand from startups and other businesses to build their site on Webflow. Most of the time, the website already exists on Wordpress or a similar platform, and there's no easy way to simply "port" the website to Webflow. That's why we've created Flow Genius - a productized service focusing specifically on migrating your existing website to Webflow. We take away the boring and time sucking task of migrating, and build the site for you. All included on any of our plans. We currently support Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace and more. If you have any questions or are wondering if this is the right fit for you, feel free to reach out to me or schedule a discovery call from the site. This is the first version of the project and we're aiming to launch more resources coming weeks, so any kind of feedback will be greatly appreciated!
Eugene Hauptmann
@jaisalr Looks interesting. Is this automated transcoding or you do it manually?
Jaisal Rathee
@eugenehp Thanks Eugene! It's mostly manual at this point :)
Pavel Ershov
I do love webflow! The product looks promising, I’ll give it a try
Jaisal Rathee
@pavel_ershov Thanks so much Pavel! Looking forward to working with you. Feel free to reach out to me on hello @ flowgenius.co if you have any questions :)
Greg Barbosa
@jaisalr This is awesome! I built @helpcaroltech on Squarespace to help us get launched quickly, but long-term Webflow is the direction we'll to go. Do you offer one-off conversions? Do you have any examples of any sites you've converted?
Jaisal Rathee
@helpcaroltech @gregbarbosa Hi Greg, we've literally just introduced a one-time price based on feedback here and on a few facebook groups. You can check it out here: https://www.flowgenius.co/?#Pricing Feel free to reach out to me on hello@flowgenius.co and very happy to share examples of some of our previous work :)
Ash Barot
I need this service but Bad business model. I hired the guy on upwork for half the price.
Jaisal Rathee
@aakash_barot Hey Ash, thanks so much for your feedback. I would love to get on a quick call with you and pick your brains to improve our model and pricing. Would you be open to a quick chat sometime this week?