Chris Messina

JOI - Journal your emotions to start a happy journey of self-care

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Keeping a mood journal is a good habit to adopt on the way to a more stable and happy life, whether you have been diagnosed with a mood disorder, or not. JOI is a perfect tool for keeping a mood journal in a simple and funny way. EnJOI healthy and happy life!

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Karan Sarin
Umm... I expected it to be a different sort of app. ✊ But nice!
Can Olcer
Unfortunate choice of name 💦😃
Aleksandr Lanin
Hi PH! 🐱‍👓 Have you ever tried tracking your mood? It doesn't matter whether you have been diagnosed with a mood disorder, or not. Keeping a mood journal is a good habit to adopt on the way to a more stable and happy life. 🙌 JOI is a perfect tool for keeping a mood journal in a simple and funny way. Especially if you are not a bullet journalist and don’t have time to keep a mood tracker by hand, carefully drawing flourishes with colorful pens. 🌸 How is it different from other mood trackers out there❓ Personally, I don't like the popular versions of the similar apps as they are too comlicated. The key goal of a mood tracker know to track your mood, that's it. You do not need all these extra features. Also, it is based on "The ABC model" 💭Psychologist and researcher Dr. Albert Ellis created the ABC model to help us understand the meaning of our reactions to adversity: •A is the adversity—the situation or event. •B is our belief—our explanation about why the situation happened. •C is the consequence—the feelings and behaviors that our belief causes. Using the ABC model can help us develop key resilience abilities, such as emotional regulation, impulse control, causal analysis, and empathy. As a result, you will recognize your automatic thoughts, look for alternatives to solve the problem and be calmer in a situation that is hard to handle. So how does JOI work? 💁‍♂️ 1. Choose the day to add your mood. It’s not a big deal if you forgot to add your mood yesterday, you can get back and analyze your past days anytime. 📆 2. Choose from various emojis the one that depicts your mood most accurately.😸😾😿😻 3. Analyze your mood by describing it in a few words, answering a couple of questions to make understand what affects your mood and how you can get the best of it. 📝 4. Choose activities and the weather of the day to identify the impact of those on your mood. ☔🌈🌞 5. Statistics show an overview of your notes so you can analyze how consistent you are in keeping the mood journal, how many good and bad days you had and the top of your activities. 📊 Lead a healthy, productive and happy life. EnJOI it! 🌟 I am happy to provide a promocode to use all extra features for you for free durung 1 year! Leave your email or twitter below and I'll send you one! 💖 I will appreciate any feedback and am open to a discussion!
Rebecca Ferrao
Hey @aleksandr_lanin, great idea! Need this on Android
Congrats on the launch, love the simplicity! What positive impact has mood tracking had on you?
Aleksandr Lanin
@leandro8209 thank you! I have indentified some triggers of my bad mood such as working out in the early monrning makes me unmotivated for the rest of the day (I trully believed it should have worked the other way lol).
Peter Kurzwelly
?makers love the simplicity in this. And just like you wrote above, it's great questions to ask yourself everyday! Do you plan to add more moods in the future? 😊
Aleksandr Lanin
@peter_kurzwelly thank you! I think so! What are your favorite mood emojis?
Hassan Hussain
Aleksandr Lanin this looks like it has potentially good application in todays society. I'm totally for this application. This is just one suggestion, maybe implement a feature that allows users to see their productivity compared to their time spend on social networks and display how the correlation between the two is impacting peoples lives. But it looks great, will be downloading this very soon.
Aleksandr Lanin
@hassan_hussain very interesting idea! Thank you!
Tom Medema
Looks great, really unique and potential to do a lot of good! Had a quick look at your landing page and left a few comments that might be helpful - -- Cheers!
Aleksandr Lanin
@tom4 Thank you so much, Tom! This is really helful.
Just wanted to say I love your photo gallery! Delivers the value of your product really well + so pretty :) Wish I had done a similar approach for our PH launch as well :)
Maksim Shcheglov
Not so long ago, I thought about creating an application like this, but it seemed to me that it would not be in demand. I hope you succeed and you can conduct a study based on data. Good luck!
Aleksandr Lanin
@shcheglov Thank you, Max! ;)
Claudio Codispoti
It's so similar to Daylio, don't you think?
Aleksandr Lanin
@claudiocodispoti our app is based on the ABC model:)
Claudio Codispoti
@aleksandr_lanin but is exactly like an existing product, called Daylio and is on the market since a while. What you got more?
Aleksandr Lanin
@claudiocodispoti tbh, I do not think it's exactly the same. The design is absolutely different. The only similiarity is choosing mood and activities. JOI is based on the ABC model that helps you analyze your mood HERE and NOW. Personally, I do not need all the extra features they are recommending. The majority of my apps are science-based, that's the point:)
Claudio Codispoti
@aleksandr_lanin Design is not part of the USP here, as new invention should be somehow different from previous ones, that's my point. I appreciate the effort but I don't see a news here or something different from Daylio, what you do with your other apps is not part of this discussion. Wishing you the best and hoping for new releases with news :)
Calum Webb
Hey ?makers, this looks really fun, love the UI. Do the questions change over time with new prompts?
Aleksandr Lanin
@calum thank you! There are 3 questions you should answer. They change depending on your mood: Good: 1) Why has your day been good? 2) What's made your day? 3) What are you grateful for today? Bad: 1) What's the matter? 2) What do you think about the situation? 3) Is there actually evidence for this belief? Or am I just assuming that? I believe these are the main questions you should ask yourself to analyze your day. What do you think?
Qaiser Javed
uniq project like that awsome think
Minh Tâm
Hi @aleksandr_lanin , i would appreciate if you could send me a promote code. My twitter is @tamtungsg Thanks
Aleksandr Lanin
@tamtungsg hi Minh! I would love to but your DM is closed:) can you let me know your email?
Mudit Seth
Aleksandr Lanin
@muditseth will work on it once we hire an Android developer:)
Ace David Chang
Oh! I think i wanna try this one! It's interesting app.. could this help to get calm everyday? 🤔
Aleksandr Lanin
@acedaveee we have something that can help you calm down too :) -
Mike Brenner
Congrats on the launch! ?makers how does this differ in mission to your other journaling app Posity?
Aleksandr Lanin
@mikemakes hi Mike! Please have a look at it today on PH and let's continue the discussion there:)
Foysal Ahamed
Congrats on shipping it :) Would you mind sharing the tech stack powering the app? We built @jarmeapp which has similarity with this and apps like dailyio etc. (as many others mentioned above) but we love seeing more makers building products of this kind from different angles.
Aleksandr Lanin
We have been featured by Apple in the "Apps we love right now" category! 🏆