Jonathan Tzou

reMarkable - The paper tablet for people who prefer paper.

This is the paper tablet for paper lovers! reMarkable will give you the sensation of a never-ending sketchbook, you will never run out of paper sheets and all you write or draw can easily be transferred to all your devices. Think, focus and create better with your reMarkable paper tablet!

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Adrien Leyronas
First I was very impressed, and then I saw the price.. Really expensive, for this price you can have a powerful iPad Pro which exacltly the same job ( with colors ) ...
Richard Bogle
@adri_ln $429? An iPad Pro package is $598 (amazon) so that's 40% more. Okay, so that's the discounted Remarkable price. Anyway, quite different products.
Jp Valery
@adri_ln Samesies. I'm not sure there's demand for something at that pricing when you can get an iPad for that price.
Willie Morris
@jpvalery @adri_ln Agreed - I was hoping for pricing closer to a Kindle - replace my Kindle and a notebook would be great and I do like e-ink, but....ipads.
Ahmad Awais ⚡
@adri_ln Same here! I was like, holly shit I am going to buy it right now. First of all, it was hard to find where the heck is buy button and then holly molly that costly?
@adri_ln This looks like it's more than an iPad. Had apple made this. people wouldn't have problem paying 1000$.
Andreas Duess
I honestly don't get this product - and I'm firmly part of the early adopter group. I've used every single digital note taking app out there. I own an iPad Pro complete with Apple Pencil. I've got an Evernote account since they've opened and a plethora of others. I own one of these fancy camera equipped pens that dump content from a paper notebook directly into an app. Do I use any of them? No, nope, and no again, they're all gathering dust in a drawer. What I use to take notes, make plans and map out projects are a pen or pencil and a $5 notebook. Need to digitize the result? Scan apps for both iOS and Android are fantastic these days. For the price of one tablet, Apple or Kindle or otherwise, I can buy 10 years worth of (nice) pens and notebooks. Additionally, I am not locking my work into a format that may or may not survive the next 20 years. As far as the video is concerned, I would have loved to see fewer beautiful people and more information on latency and sensitivity.
Noah Kim
@andreasduess I do get this product, but not at this price point. For all intents and purposes, a $25 Boogie Board (LCD writing "tablet") available on Amazon serves a similar core value prop. The convenience and utility of paper without having to buy/store/replenish/throwaway paper. I personally don't use it, but both my kids, especially my oldest (7 years old) use it CONSTANTLY (think what time many kids spend playing video games, and that's what he spends using his drawing tablet). The problem that I see, is you can't constantly compare something to paper, and then charge an arm and a leg. Paper is literally free to some people. At $25 bucks, even maybe $100, I could justify it. $500 regardless of all the extra features, makes it hard to swallow any potential roi.
Andreas Duess
@wuss Your're right, Boogie boards I get - my six-year-old does the same, he's constantly using his. Perhaps it's the unpretentiousness and utilitarianism of the boogie board that appeals to me.
Benjamin Lupton
@wuss my whole life I thought the phrase was "intensive purposes", not "intents and purposes" - maybe they are both used - maybe it is a cultural thing - world is deteriorating!
Guillaume Flandre
Who else here can't do anything without their notepad? I never made the jump to working 100% digitally, and still need to scribble things on a piece of paper to be effective. I can see myself using this and replace my notebook. The killer feature would be recognizing my handwriting and being able to search past notes (there doesn't seem to be mention of this on the website?)
Andreas Duess
@gflandre Absolutely and 100% yes. I made a real effort to go paper-free some years ago and found that it effectively killed my creative thinking process. I am now happily back with a selection of notebooks, pens and pencils.
Julia Wróblewska
@gflandre I feel the same way... I tried to use less paper and making notes in some digital way, but as much as I tried it doesn't work for me. It kills my creativity. Paper and pencil is the fastest way to note things, when they pop up in my head. But I'm curious how close reMarkable is to real paper experience.
Joan Mershon
@gflandre Rocketbook - the handwriting recognition come in from other places you can connect it to - like Evernote.
Douglas Evaristo
Min Park
This looks amazing! I've always wanted an E Ink Tablet!
Hadi Farnoud
slightly concerned about delay between pen motions and E ink display. It's going to be annoying.
Paweł Halicki
I'am a paper person and guys this looks stunning! 🤘
Tony Freed
Shut up and take my money!
Tin Hang Liu
Congrats to @mats_herding and his team! This is what I wanted since Kindle DX. I'm a fan of e-ink technology which is completely different from the iPad, they shouldn't be compared. I also agree that the price is quite high though
Mats Herding Solberg
@tin_hang_liu Thanks a lot! I definitely agree that the reMarkable has to be seen as something quite different from the iPad.
Tin Hang Liu
@mats_herding indeed, what about the price?
Mats Herding Solberg
@tin_hang_liu Luckily people are free to choose whether they want to buy the reMarkable or not. That being said, digital paper is an incredibly expensive technology in this size and we have done our best to drive price down. We want all the paper people out there to enjoy the paper experience that the reMarkable gives you.
Lucas Czekaj
Wow, input lag looks horrendous.
Paul Van Tuyl
@lukaszczekaj is your comment based on the video? Or the specs?
Sumit Gupta
Impressive but honestly while I was watching the video, I thought this should be priced somewhere around 129-149 tag but $429 was a big turn off. Good Luck though
Sumit Gupta
@fogueiravb even I loved the product, something which I always wanted but $429 will get me iPad and better functionality tablets
Angi Bowman
I'm so conflicted here. I think it's awesome - I love handwriting notes/ideas and was really excited by ReMarkable! Then reality hit, starting with the price tag. To think that anyone would be $700 for it (or even the limited off of $429) is a really huge stretch. A trip the FAQs about features was even more of a frustration since so many of the questions were answered with basically "not now, but..." Basically, I want ReMarkable in my hands. I really do, but I think it will have to wait until future generations of the product come out.
Mohamed Saleh
Very impressive .... But extremely expensive
John Joubert
@engmsaleh It looks great, but I'd also prefer to see it a $199 - $299 price point...seems a little over priced...
Impressive product, but I won't be buying it from reMarkable. I can't wait until they get meaningful competition and the price is driven down. They have the advantage right now of being the only ones around, but this won't last long. I wouldn't consider the 40% off price (especially as a student) and definitely wouldn't consider the full price. It's ridiculous.
I hope Amazon sweeps into this market and incorporates this into their Kindle. At most it would cost $300.
Paul Van Tuyl
@ninjinka I think you're missing the spirit of PH. Good to know that you are hopeful that other people's livelihoods and dreams are destroyed.
@paulvantuyl Perhaps I was a bit harsh. But while I do hold to the "spirit of PH" I hold to the "spirit of free enterprise" more. What if reMarkable were acquired by Amazon? That would be a happy ending for both.
Tarun Gangwani
Meta comment -- most people are here are balking at the price, and sound like the same people who balked at the iPhone price. It's a fine product and one made for early adopters who want something like this. Did you see how it has "days" of battery life? That might be worth it to them. Let's critique the product instead -- which to me comes down the the experience. If it is drop dead easy to add pdfs and books through software, then consider me a believer. Amazon's interface for documents beyond books is horrendous.
joshua bradley
Beautiful. Solidly thought out product design. ...then that price! You could use up a Field Note monthly for 10 years. Then the price goes up 40%? You could buy an iPad Pro and Pencil.
Krushidhar Lekkala
Richard Bogle
All those personal and business notes but no encypted file system. Security for a portable device is important. I'm sure there're password locks but it's not mentioned. I think the storage is a bit tight and I'd like it to be expandable so I could carry my technical books library. I would love to try one out though! Especially for the pen on paper interface which is the real killer tech here.
Kiran Vemuri
Boogie Board Sync - It is available on amazon for $64 and I believe it gets the job done for taking notes and instant sync to any device. I know that it is not as sophisticated as this product but it is affordable :)
Paul Van Tuyl
@vemkiran I bought one of these for my daughter. It's not a comparable device. Low resolution, flimsy build. Can't have books or documents loaded onto it AFAIK.