Measure your daily happiness.
Brenden Mulligan
Reflect — Measure your daily happiness.
Use Reflect if you want to keep better track of your overall mood / happiness at the end of each day. It's a simple tool to help you be more aware of how things are going, see trends, and record notes about why.
Brenden Mulligan
Greetings PH crew, Here's another thing I built for myself and am sharing with the community, in case anyone else finds it useful. When I started feeling unhappy at work a few years ago, I wanted to measure how often I felt this way. We are wired to focus on the bad, so it was common that when I was having a bad day, it felt like I always had bad days. But that was rarely the case. Usually, the good days far outnumbered the bad. So I started keeping track of my end-of-day mood by creating a daily calendar event which I would color-code green (good), orange (okay), and red (bad). Not only did this practice help me realize the bad days were not nearly as frequent as I thought, but it also brought greater awareness to the good days. I built Reflect to make this process easier. It's stupid simple. Tap the day you want to add an entry for, choose your mood, and optionally add some notes. That's it. Then look back on how you've been feeling using the calendar or timeline. There are a couple light additional features, like highlighting streaks and daily reminder emails, but I've tried to keep this very simple (again, realize this is just for me). It's free, and if it helps you, I'm happy.
John Ferrigan
I've been using Reflect for a little while now and it does a fantastic job because it's so simple. It's just how Brenden describes it as a quick way to look back and see how you've been feeling. The Calendar View lets you take it all in while the Timeline allows you to scroll through any notes you've left.
Brenden Mulligan
@johnferrigan glad you're finding value in it John!
Seb Jachec
I love how simple this is. The only obstacle in my mind is login/signup – it'd be even easier if it were possible to sign in with Apple/Google, or even if there was an option to start using it without a login (saving to local storage or something) and then sync with a social account later.
Brenden Mulligan
@iamsebj yeah, I’ll add google login soon. Thanks!
Prathan Thananart
You can't improve what you can't measure. Reflect asks if your day has been going well, and why that is the case. Over time, I expect these records will be valuable in helping me spend my days wisely.
Zee Fakier
Such a simplistic app, gives you the freedom of just tracking your daily mood - The login via Google would be an added benefit but I love this simplicity of the app
Brenden Mulligan
@zee_fakier thank you!
Rosa Leon
I’ve been using Reflect for a few weeks and I’m in love with it. I’d been looking for a happiness rating app for a a little over two years and Reflect actually worked for me. Its simplicity and daily reminder emails have made it easy to incorporate it into my routine.
Romain Laffitau
I was fortunate to have early access to the application. It's really great! Simple, practical, ideal to get a quick and easy overview of your week. Thank's again Brenden :)