Chris Messina

Refind for Writers - Reach a community of hipsters, hackers, and hustlers

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Dominik Grolimund
Welcome, Product Hunters! One year ago we launched Refind here on Product Hunt. Refind is a community of hipsters, hackers, and hustlers who discover, save, and read what’s really worth their attention. Refind is growing and today we’re launching Refind for Writers, an opportunity for writers to reach our community. HOW IT WORKS - Users follow people and interests to get today’s top links in their feed. - Now they can also follow their favorite writers. - Writers publish their content on their site: on their Medium, WordPress blog, or whatever. - Their links get imported automatically via Twitter. - Writers and their links get featured and recommended to matching users. - Users read, save, and share the stories on Twitter and Facebook. WHO’S ALREADY ON BOARD - People like Ryan Hoover @rrhoover, Chris Messina @chrismessina, Nir Eyal @nireyal, Dan Ariely @danariely, Rand Fishkin @randfish, Hiten Shah @hnshah, John Battelle @johnbattelle, M.G. Siegler @mgsiegler, Werner Vogels @Werner, Tobias van Schneider @vanschneider, Gabriel Weinberg @yegg, Christoph Janz @chrija, etc. - Publications like The Next Web, Quartz, Buffer, Moz, NewCo, NZZ, etc. - Here’s the full list: ARE YOU A WRITER? Get on board now: 1. Sign up for Refind here: 2. Auto-import your links from Twitter: in the onboarding or in the settings 3. Request the writer badge: NOT A WRITER? Use this invite to join our community. If you have any questions, reach out to us in the comments or by email: Thanks for your interest! Dominik
Pascal Birchler
@dominikg The link for the full list of writers isn't working. Where can I find it? Ps. it's WordPress with a capital P.
Daniel Sobey-Harker
@dominikg @refind Hi Dom, been using Refind for a few months now and quite keen to start utilising it for my own content that I typically publish to Medium and other sites. I have a series of tongue in cheek posts/articles that I tend to do once a quarter on the "state" of marketing under a pseudonym within various digital professional circles. In regards to the kind of articles you're looking to feature is it all serious help you're looking for or does the humorous fluff have a home there too? I tend to bundle one or two actual tips in there in where I call out the bad tips and advice that you typically get from those trying to jump on the buzzword bandwagon. Long question short, is that kind of content welcome there too?
Dominik Grolimund
@shortformernie Sure! Can you quickly fill in so we have the correct URL etc. Thanks!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I've been super impressed by @dominkg's relentless pace of execution on Refind. He and I have a casual collaboration going back to the start of Refind, and he keeps surprising me with great ideas and approaches to the problem of surfacing the best stuff to read from across the web, making it easy and practical to consume it (i.e. with Read Soon), and then making it easy to rediscover these links when you're looking for them (i.e. by integrating into Google Search results with the Refind Chrome extension). Now he's providing features to give writers the chance to reach the Refind audience, aggregating their best content (i.e. that which is worthy of being promoted on Twitter) and surfacing it to their Refind followers. It's a smart and more personal answer to Pocket's more general interest-based discovery feature. You can use my invite link to sign up and follow me:
Tobia De Angelis
I just love that hipster is a now branded as a professional category :)
Abdussami Tayyab
Brilliantly made, I love the UX of the web app and onboarding flow. One issue I would like to point to @dominikg is regarding the neatness of "tags"/"interests". For example, I followed "react", so it recommended "reactjs" to me too, which I think broadly should be one interest so we're not introducing too much clutter -- are you planning to tackle this?
Dominik Grolimund
@abdussamit Yes, tag normalization is on our radar!
James Hunt
I've never heard of this product before but after just signing up it looks super slick and polished. The Pocket app sits on my home screen, but you are right, read later becomes read never! Really looking forward to checking this out and seeing if its helps me consume more of the best content I usually miss... 😎
Dominik Grolimund
@thetwopct That's great to hear! So I assume you've seen ? That's really important to us.
James Hunt
@dominikg great read, explains it all perfectly and I think it makes lots of sense! Glad to now be a part of it!
Abhineet Kumar
Signing up as a writer right away. Have loved Refind till now, can't wait to see how this iteration evolves. Cheers!
Ha Duong
Refind looks amazing! Great stuff with the personal newsletter powered by the tweeted links etc 🙂
Nettra Pan
Woohoo! Got my writer's badge on @Refind, who needs the verified tick on Twitter ;) Congrats @dominikg!
Kunal Bhatia
I'll admit I haven't continued to use reader apps beyond the week I signed up for them, but Refind has a slight twist that gets me excited. It has a more direct connection to writers, just like Product Hunt has a direct connection to makers. Requested my writer badge!
Dominik Grolimund
@kunalslab Great to hear! Hope you'll stick around for a very long time. :)
Sergey Pirogov
Is it Medium?
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@perpetuous aesthetically similar, yes, but no, it is not.
Sergey Pirogov
@chrismessina could you explain a difference? Really interesting.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@perpetuous Medium is for writing content, Refind is for saving links and rediscovering stuff you've already seen. It also helps you manage your reading list (but not just from Medium, from everywhere).
Dominik Grolimund
@bentossell @rrhoover Sign up with @ProductHunt too so we can feature your Medium posts on Refind.
Ernie Smith
I think I reached out to you guys a while ago about the This shutdown. I don't know if it was intentional, but this is a good replacement for that. (Side note: You guys should consider an Opera version of the Refind New Tab plugin. I switched from Chrome to Opera due to battery life concerns, and I had to sadly give that up even though I really liked that.)
Yoav Anaki
Signed up to be a writer. 😊 Here's our blog: [] What's your criteria for choosing writers?
Dominik Grolimund
@yoavanaki Wanted to add you as a writer but looks like you haven't signed up with @yalabot yet? Can you sign up here: Ping me once done and I'll feature you as a writer.
Kristin Huntley
@dominikg Thanks for the email about Refind. Badge me a writer! #coolapps
Dominik Grolimund
@seekristintweet Sure, done! You should auto-import your links from Twitter so they get featured when you publish: Also, can you please verify your email, see
John MooreWilliams
Fantastic extension of the platform!
Niklaus Gerber
I am a big fan of Refind (→ I think it is great to see how the product evolves. If anyone needs free invites
Rodrigo Prior
Great to see another Refind's launch here! Keep rockin guys!
Refind is epic, that's all I have to say!
@dominikg I am using refind extension from a long time. It is very cool. I have recently installed the app but it never works. I didn't understand why you have used web apps instead of going native. Please improve the app.
Dominik Grolimund
@keyul Just a matter of resources, we'll definitely improve iOS and Android. But please tell me, what did not work?
@dominikg Thanks for asking. sometimes when I open the app on Nexus6P, it appears blank white screen and nothing happens further.
Dominik Grolimund
@keyul In that case, there was no answer from the server. Bad network? Is it reproducible?