Chris Messina

Newsletters by Refind - The easiest way to email a link digest to your fans

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Dominik Grolimund
Hey Product Hunters! Today we’re launching a new side product – Newsletters – and we’re excited to be on Product Hunt again. Last December, we initially launched Refind on Product Hunt and it has developed very nicely – not least thanks to lots of feedback we’ve received from this awesome community. We hope to get your feedback on Refind Newsletters too. Refind is invite-only but Product Hunters get in directly. WHAT IS IT? It’s the easiest way to email a digest of your favorite links to your fans. Save great links as you discover them. We take care of the rest, making sure your daily or weekly email digest looks great and reaches your subscribers. WHO IS IT FOR? Influencers like you who discover the best links before everyone else. HOW DOES IT WORK? Save great links as you discover them with one click using our browser extension or the iOS/Android app. Or import your Twitter Likes or Pocket Favorites automatically. We’ll take care of the rest: We send a beautiful email digest to your subscribers – every morning or every Sunday, depending on subscribers’ preference. WHO CAN SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR NEWSLETTER? Anyone with an email address – no Refind account required. AND WHAT IS REFIND? Refind is much more than a newsletter. It’s the home for the best links on the web. Save and discover what matters most to you. And then find everything again when you really need it. See our Product Hunt post from last December:, or have a look at our homepage: We really hope you like it and we’d love to get your feedback! We’ll be around here and you can also reach us on Twitter ( / or by email ( Thanks a lot! Dominik (Founder)
Dominik Grolimund
I get some Tweets that the invite link doesn't work. If you click on the "Get it" button you'll end up on (note the "?ref=producthunt" param). Using that link you should get in without problems. Please let me know if that doesn't work and I'll send you another invite link.
Dominik Grolimund
Just in case, I also invited all people who signed up for the waitlist today.
Trell West
@dominikg I have an invite already on the service but am wanting to use my businesses twitter, anyway to get an invite? Thanks!
Dominik Grolimund
@trellwest What's the name of your business Twitter account?
timo dechau
@dominikg Thanks for this new feature. This will save me bunch of steps I have right now for my newsletter. Is there a way that I can select the links for the weekly digest? Some of my saved refines make no sense for my newsletter audience.
Dominik Grolimund
@timdechau That's great to hear! It will take up to the top 10 links you saved in that period (daily or weekly, depending on your subscriber's preference), i.e., you can't select but if a link is "weak" it probably won't make the cut anyways... Hope that works for you?
timo dechau
@dominikg I will give it a try. For most cases this should work. Maybe in the future you can define tags for your newsletter. Based on that you can have multiple newsletters :)
Dominik Grolimund
@timdechau Good idea to use tags!
Paul Sturrock
@dominikg @timdechau Love the look and ideas of newsletters, but can only see using them if I can choose which specific links to publish. Tags would be a help. But would still like to select as the reasons I might save something are different than the reasons I might want to endorse and share something.
Dominik Grolimund
@psturrock @timdechau Theoretically, I can see the need to select links for the digest specifically. In practice, however, I believe it's rarely the case that you'd want to remove a link from the digest as it is sorted and includes only up to the top 10 links you saved in that period. Also, note that all links you save to Refind are public anyway...
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@dominikg and crew have been doing excellent work on Refind recently — and the newsletter feature is onl the latest addition to the arsenal of great features that Refind offers. Although this feature is straightforward, it works well and takes out all the overhead from helping Refind link hunters get greater distribution to their audience. Email, it turns out, is far from dead — and although the choices for sending newsletters has grown in the last year — Refind provides a lot of personal utility on the link saving and retrieval front that can is now married with set-and-forget publishing ease. If you're interesting in the links I'm saving, you can subscribe to my newsletter here.
Stowe Boyd
what about rich text or markdown for the notes?
Dominik Grolimund
@stoweboyd That's a great idea! If you stick around, we'll build it for you. Deal? :)
Dominik Grolimund
@stoweboyd Btw: I see you imported 1k links. Just FYI: Your links are crawled in the background so titles, exerpts, and images will follow. :)
Marc Zenger
Same here. Using refind daily. In my opinion the greatest tool to find what interesting people think might be worth reading. As far as I've experienced Dominik's ideas, I'm looking forward to find out what additional value the newsletter feauture offers.
Mathias Böhm
Great product and update- for certain stuff i look first on refind and only afterwards on google- love it!
Jason Martin
Exciting release, Dominik! Looking forward to taking this for a spin.
Dominik Grolimund
@jasonkmartin Thanks! Would love to get your feedback after you've played around with it.
James Nanscawen
Congrats @dominikg on building a great product. My not-so-tech-savvy wife has been using refind for her fashion newsletter and loves it.
Dominik Grolimund
@jamesnanscawen Oh wow, love to hear that!
Daniel Lawniczak
Refind is great, I have found and shared hundreds of high quality articles. Best source to keep up to date as an entrepreneur.
Vivek M George
I've been using Refind on regular basis and definitely see the value. Curious, what a email newsletter would look like to my subscribers?
Dominik Grolimund
@vivekmgeorge Hi Vivek. Save a link and then have a look at the preview here: What do you think?
Ernie Smith
@dominikg This is a great idea, could see this coming in handy. Idea: Is it possible to import subscribers from elsewhere—say, MailChimp? It would be nice to offer a secondary option for readers of my main newsletter ( who want a more curated thing than the essayish style I lean for. Refind is a longtime fave, BTW.
Dominik Grolimund
@shortformernie No import options yet. But you could add the link to your profile page ( in your next MailChimp newsletter? Have a look in Incognito/Private Mode to see how people see it who are not logged in. The "Subscribe" button is front and center.
Ernie Smith
@dominikg Will see how I can work it in. Want to be careful about integration and such. I think it would be nice to do a Tedium-specific link roundup, rather than the stuff I tweet about. Thanks!
Chad Fullerton
Great job @dominikg and team! I am new to Refind, just signed up. I really like the interface and discovering content on it. My only suggestion/feedback so far would be to not auto-follow all my Twitter followers when I first sign up. Refind automatically added 150+ people on 'auto follow' which includes a whole bunch of people who I'm not interested in the types of links they are posting. My recommendation would be to not do auto-follow and instead create a step during the onboarding process which shows a list of Twitter users I follow that are on Refind and lets me manually follow them one by one, showing their last 3 or 5 links they posted... so I can get a taste for what they are sharing. Otherwise, it feels like I was forced into following a bunch of people and my feed is already cluttered with some links I'm not interested in so I have to now spend time unfollowing them. Other than that, awesome service! I see myself using it often.
Chad Fullerton
@dominikg Is there any way to see 'trending' or 'most popular' content based on # of saves? That would be very powerful to be able to see the top most saved content for the day, week, month, etc.
Dominik Grolimund
@chad_fullerton Thanks for your feedback! Since Refind is still small, we decided to let new users automatically follow all friends of their inviter – in that case me. However, there is a one-click opt-out on your /following page. If you click that, all auto-followed friends are unfollowed and you can start fresh, building up a network of people you're interested in. We're even thinking of a feature "Who to Unfollow" because we really want you to follow only people you're interested in. It's all about signal over noise.
Dominik Grolimund
@chad_fullerton Your feed is ranked by an algorithm that takes time and #saves into account (among others)... similar to HN, Reddit, etc. There's no absolute view – however, the email digest ranks strictly by #saves in that period (day/week) for now.
Chad Fullerton
@dominikg Great. Thanks! I have clicked that link and reset my follows so I can start fresh :) I'm excited to start over and begin following based on interests. Exciting!
Chad Fullerton
@dominikg Cool. Thanks! The feature I was mentioning was more of a 'global' feature, that isn't just my feed of who I'm following. If there was a 'global most saved' page that updates daily, it would be really useful for me to discover new people to follow who I am not following, and content that I might have missed as being popular, but outside of my network of people. Just a thought ;)
Tibor Martini
If you want to join refind, feel free to use my invitation link ➡️ (and don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter at :))
Nico Luchsinger
This is a clever addition to Refind - lets you very easily create and distribute simple curated newsletters with all the links you come across. Especially like that there a weekly digest option.
Claudio Schwarz
Just love refind and the things happening there. <3
Stowe Boyd
I'd like the option for notes to be public.
Dominik Grolimund
@stoweboyd Thanks for the input. We're still looking for the best way to introduce comments (low-effort but still personalized), but that's on our list!
Ildi Xhaholli
Hey @dominikg @refind - congrats on the new side product, really digging it! I've got a few questions and some feedback for you: If i'm sending a weekly newsletter with Refind and i've saved 30 links in total for this week, I understand that you will be choosing the top 10 links which have the most amount of "saves" from the 30. I'm assuming the counted "saves" are saves from other Refind users? I understand that doing this automatically provides the value of making the compilation of the newsletter fairly easy and straight forward, but is the trade-off worth it? If someone is going to trust you to send them a newsletter they'd want you to make sure that the links are "hand-picked". If a link that I really wanted to send out on the newsletter isn't one of the top 10 most saved links from the 30, what solution are you provided me with to make sure that I can include it in the newsletter? I'm really trying to understand your thinking behind doing it this way. The branding is awesome, "Save great links, we take care of the rest". I don't mind this being the default option, but why not give users the extra option of choosing which links to include in the newsletter? Im very interested in newsletter platforms and i've been experimenting with Revue and Curated. Both of these platforms provide the option to chose which links you want to include in your newsletter, and this is a key feature for me personally. Also the subscriber has the option to chose whether to receive a daily or weekly newsletter. But what if I wanted to only send a daily? Again it seems that you did all this for the sake of "automating" the whole process which is great, but these should be features that add value vs limiting the way one can use Refind. Also the one thing that newsletter platforms lack is deep layout customizations. I can't stress how important it is to be able to truly customize the look and feel of a newsletter. I'm not saying to go all crazy with it, because simple design is usually best (especially on mobile) but layout customization is another big differentiating factor when choosing a newsletter platform imo.
Dominik Grolimund
@madebyildi Wow, thanks a lot for your detailed and helpful feedback! I'd love to tell you more about our design decisions, but keep in mind that is v1 and we're happy to listen to what users say to improve it. Re: automatic selection: Yes, you're absolutely correct: it takes up to the top 10 links from that period (daily or weekly) according to the number of saves globally. As you said, we do it this way because we believe this adds value to people who want to have their own link newsletter but don’t have the time to curate it all manually. At the bottom of each newsletter, there's a "View all" link to the user's links so the other links are still accessible (by anyone) – they just didn't make the cut for the newsletter. There are a number of products our there that help you create a manual newsletter where you can select links individually and write text. It's not our aim to compete with them – Refind is not a pure newsletter product, but rather, this is a side product that IMO fits nicely into Refind's concept (of saving great links – for you and for others). On the other end of the spectrum, you can also use MailChimp & Co. and do it all manually of course. Having said that, if we get the feature request of choosing links manually a lot, we might add an option to explicitly “remove” links from your newsletter (or use tags, as suggested earlier here). Re: subscribers choosing daily/weekly: We made this decision from the point of view of a subscriber. I personally like to choose the frequency of newsletters I subscribe to, and since we rank the top 10 for whatever period the subscriber chooses (daily/weekly) I believe this works quite well here. Re: customization: Absolutely! We try to have minimal Refind branding (there's no Refind logo, just one text link in the footer (“Curated by X with Refind") that points to Refind. After all, this is your newsletter. So far you can set a title, a description, a link to your website, an optional background color, and your (Twitter) photo of course. Hope this answers some of your questions. If not, please reach out and I’m happy to explain more.
Ildi Xhaholli
@dominikg Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions! What happens when the links you share are not shared by anyone else on Refind? How do you then choose which 10 links to send in the newsletter? I think this was mentioned somewhere in the comments, but a "global feed" of the most popular links shared on Refind by all users would be useful. An option to filter this feed by most popular links shared daily, weekly, monthly would also be nice. Maybe you can tweak it even more and have a what's "trending now" filter. Filtering by popular topics would also be nice as well. Currently you solve this by allowing users to follow topics which i'm assuming injects articles about those topics in a users personal feed. I really like what you and the team have built so far. Kudos for the iOS and Android mobile apps as well! There's so much greatness on the internet, we need more products that help with filtering the noise and identifying the gems.
Ellie Day
I'm really happy that I came across both Refind and this new feature. I already use Pocket for reading and saving my favorite articles, but wanted a way to make a mini-newsletter. Well, now I have one!
Dominik Grolimund
@heyellieday Love to hear that! Maybe I can also convince you to try the Read Soon feature at some point? :)
Desmond Duggan
The only thing I find frustrating right now is who I'm following.. I'm cool with following my Twitter crowd, but many people seem random.
Dominik Grolimund
@desmondduggan2 Since Refind is still small, we decided to let new users automatically follow all friends of their inviter – in that case me. However, there is a one-click opt-out on your /following page. If you click that, all auto-followed friends are unfollowed and you can start fresh, building up a network of people you're interested in.