Where beautiful books are made
Emmanuel Nataf
Reedsy Discovery — Discover and showcase the best new indie books

Get early access to fresh indie books and help decide on the bestselling stories of tomorrow.

We are on the hunt for undiscovered stories that deserve exposure. Our reviewers curate submissions and share the best titles with you each week.

Ricardo Sequerra
killer team, wish I had invested ;)
Emmanuel Nataf
@ric0seq Haha, your support is worth a million bucks 🤟
Connor Swenson
This is great! Excited for a new way to discover my next book. Do you have any plans to link it up with Goodreads? It'd be super cool if I could add books I'm interested in on Reedsy Discovery straight to my Goodreads "to-read" list, for example. :)
Emmanuel Nataf
@crswenny Thanks Connor! Yep, a Goodreads integration is on the way! It'll be available later this month 🙏
Emmanuel Nataf
Hey PH! Emmanuel from Reedsy here! 👋 There’s a world of stories out there (over a million books self-published every year), and Amazon’s automatic recommendation emails are not doing a great job at suggesting them. Traditional media like The NYTimes or The Guardian couldn’t care less about self-published books. We think that really sucks. Today we’re launching Discovery to solve just that, and help authors reach their target market (the same way Product Hunt helps startups find their early adopters). We were a team of 5 to work on this first version and would love to get your feedback 🙏 Emmanuel
Emmanuel Nataf
@thedamianhdez Thanks Damián!
Jonathan Widawski
The Reedsy team is always killing it 👌 Landing looks great, and I can definitely see the value in what you're building. How would you say Reedsy Discovery is different from Product Hunt books? Cheers, and congrats on the launch!
Emmanuel Nataf
@widawskij Hey Jonathan! Thanks a lot! Submitting to Discovery costs $50 and makes your book available for review before its launch (we have a pool of 150 book reviewers right now). When your book launches, it is sent you to a community of readers interested in your genre. And where PH focuses on business/startup books, Discovery is for any book! 📚🤓
Cornelius S. Hager
This looks awesome. I hardcore love the webdesign!!
Will Dages
This is awesome! I was lucky enough to get a sneak preview with a full walkthrough from @ricardofayet and wow is this polished, thoughtful, and a great experience for both authors and reviewers. Killer work on this Reedsy! No doubt this is going to make a big impact for self-published authors.
Ricardo Fayet
@willdages Thank you, Will! Hope we can incorporate audiobooks into the mix of Reedsy Discovery soon :)
Marcy Simon

Good UI & UX


Easy to use great recos


As more people are on board more recos

Ahmed Shoukry
I am a big fan for Reedsy, I have used their service and edited and published 3 books in around a year. When they sent an email about their new service Reedsy Discovery, I submitted my latest book "Anchor System Thinking". Within days the book received an in depth review. I would love it if they add the feature to add all my published books, not just my latest. Independent authors would love this service, I also suggest to lower the price to 25$ and maybe add higher packages with more reviews and not just one.
Ahmed Shoukry

I am a big fan for Reedsy, I have used their service and edited and published 3 books in around a year. When they sent an email about their new service Reedsy Discovery, I submitted my latest book "Anchor System Thinking". Within days the book received an in depth review. I would love it if they add the feature to add all my published books, not just my latest. Independent authors would love this service, I also suggest to lower the price to 25$ and maybe add higher packages with more reviews and not just one. Also adding Audiobooks would be a killer service.


Excellent reviewing service for indie authors.


Should have a feature to add old books and not just pre-launch Price should be lower, maybe 25$

Ganesh Babu
This is really interesting team Reedsy Discovery Goodreads integration will be wonderful as well. I would like to see more non-fiction at Discovery in the future. :D
Emmanuel Nataf
@ganesh_babu Working on it! More reviews coming in this week and there's some nonfiction!
Szymon Sobczak

Awesome tool to build out my reading list!


Great way to discover some less popular authors.


Waiting for the platform to grow and have more authors to choose from.

Lee Constantine
Looks great guys!
Emmanuel Nataf
@lee_constantine Thanks Lee! ❤️
Alex Kennedy

It allows for people to make a name for themselves reviewing books and can show you what book is best suited to your tastes. Amazing addition to the platform.


This is so cool!! Fresh books from all the reedsy authors and more! This company is on a fast track to dominating the literary world.


It's early days, looking forward to seeing how many authors go on to submit their books.

Nguyễn Ngọc Nữ
Emily Tran



Great way to discover some less popular authors.


Waiting for the platform to grow and have more authors to choose from.

Jackson Borynn
basically great!
Hugo Ribeira
That's an awesome illustration right there. Who's your illustrator?
Emmanuel Nataf
@hugo_ribeira1 My co-founder @mattjohncobb! 👨🏻‍🎨
Matt Cobb
@hugo_ribeira1 @emmanuelnataf – Thanks! 🙏
Katherine Rothman
This looks great! Will you allow books that have already launched onto Discovery too?
Emmanuel Nataf
@londonkat Hi Katherine! We're being flexible with that at the moment 😊 But it won't always be the case!
Jenn Vore Falls

With visibility being the toughest challenge for authors, Reedsy Discovery offers authors a needed service in an easy to use package.


Reedsy is giving authors a clear space for discovery!


It would help for the opportunity to choose more than one reviewer to balance out shared reviews.

JD Kellner
@jenn_falls This is a great point because the inconsistencies of the reviewers is alarming. There's some great reviewers but then the majority come off as badge seekers.
Rachel Zaouche
Seems like a fabulous product. How are the reviewers selected?
Emmanuel Nataf
@rachel_zaouche Hi Rachel! Reviewers apply and our team manually reviews applications. We look at: previous experience reviewing books, quality of the reviews published on their own blog, following on Goodreads and other social platforms.