Sahil Lavingia

Really Good Questions - Find curious questions powered by Twitter’s brightest minds.

Really Good Questions is a hand curated showcase on curiosity from Twitter’s most influential people. Get curious by searching for some of the best questions people asked on Twitter.

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Sharath Kuruganty
Hey there Product Hunt 👋 Big shoutout to @shl for hunting Really Good Questions 🙌 I’m Sharath, a Nocode Maker, Product Enthusiast and Runner-up @ProductHunt’s Makers Festival(No-code edition). Today, I’m super excited to launch my 4th side project 🚀 Six months ago I challenged myself to built a product without writing code. Till date I made 3 of them and the joy in the journey of building something is beyond explanation. Not only I made these products but I also became active on Twitter and met so many like-minded people virtually (thanks to maker movement). Twitter is more than just a traditional social platform. There’s more value and quality in conversations that engage millions daily. Lately I observed a trend of people asking meaningful questions and getting tremendous responses in comments. Asking questions is one of the most prominent ways to cultivate knowledge. With the rise of tribes and communities, Twitter is becoming a medium where people find incredible value by simply asking questions. I wanted to capture this essence and curate them all in one place 💻 That’s how Really Good Questions is born💡It is a curated showcase on curiosity from Twitter’s brightest minds. Featuring questions from the most influential people like @eriktorenberg @rrhoover @JamesClear @andrewchen and many more, Really Good Questions opens up an opportunity to explore, learn and evolve. The platform allows people to discover most valuable questions which might be buried under Twitter feed. While I was working on this project I made a list of Influencers whose impact is significant on Twitter. I have dedicated a page so that you can follow them 👍 Shoutout 📢to @diana_valeanu for Absurd Illustrations, whole Twitter community for helping me curate the valuable questions and this platform would have not been built without some amazing contributors who influence the world(via tweets) in a better way. I will keep the showcase curious and fresh. If there are any important questions out there that I’m missing and you feel should be a part of the site? Or any suggestions/feedback you have? Let me know, I'd love to hear it! 🙏 Thank you for reading ❤️
Andrian Valeanu
@5harath Good project! Thank you for Absurd Design mention!
Andrew Askins
@5harath I love this! I was just thinking about writing a blog post filled with questions instead of answers.
Sharath Kuruganty
@andrianv Great designs. Thanks for creating them.
Sharath Kuruganty
Thanks @andrewaskins. So glad you like the idea. Let me know if I miss any questions that you think should be part of the site. I'll add them.
Joe Martin
@5harath love it! I think the most important questions can help remove assumptions and lead to strong business outcomes vs vanity metrics. Would love to help contribute in the future... Twitter (@joedmarti)
Taylor Majewski
I like this idea and asking questions on social to spark curiosity is something we're experimenting a lot with at Product Hunt. Was disappointed when I clicked to your landing page and every influencer featured is a man — would love to see more diverse voices!
Sharath Kuruganty
Hey @taylormajewski. Firstly thanks for checking the site. Glad you liked the idea. The influencers list does include diverse leaders(woman, POC) And my intension is to grow this list to even more further so that we all can follow the best out there on Twitter.
Taylor Majewski
@5harath glad to hear! I was more saying how I didn't see any quotes from women on the homepage.
Sharath Kuruganty
The plan is to add more questions from everyone. It's definitely not biased. And I agree with you not having enough questions on the home page. Thanks for your feedback. Will take a look at it as soon as I can. Meanwhile if you come across any interesting questions from women/POC please let me know I will add it to the site.
Sharath Kuruganty
Definitely @tomfme. Never thought of that way but yes the more diverse in geo location the better.
Sharath Kuruganty
Forgot to give a massive shoutout to @ajlkn 🙏 Really Good Questions is totally built on without writing a single line of code. I had the best experience in building this platform. Thanks to AJ for helping me when I'm stuck.
Matt Harney
Count me in. As a person who spends too much time on Twitter....I might as well consume more insightful content. Good luck and thanks for making. Matt
Sharath Kuruganty
@matthew_harney Great to have you on the list. Thanks for subscribing 👍
Vinzenz Palom
Interesting Idea!
Sharath Kuruganty
Thank you for taking time and checking out the site @vinzenz_preiss1
Araks Nalbandyan
Just signed up! seems like a very cool idea
Sharath Kuruganty
That's awesome @araks_nalbandyan Get ready to taste the knowledge of twitter everyday!
Personally, I've seen some of the craziest questions on Twitter, so this is a really interesting app!
Sharath Kuruganty
Hey @reina thanks for checking out the site. Yes agree, there's always the other side of the coin. But we are focusing only on the most valuable questions twitter has ever faced.
'Seun Oyebode
Yet another cool launch from Sharath. Thumbs Up Man. I love this. Would be great, if there's a twitter account to follow that posts latest and/or archive questions. And if there's enough traffic, please make a page where questions can upvoted e.g top question of the day/week/month, Indie Hackers style. Good stuff Sharath, Good stuff.
Sharath Kuruganty
@seunoyebode thanks for checking out. A twitter account would be great. And yes voting questions brings the popularity. I'll keep these in mind for the next update. Thanks for these suggestions. 👍
Tracey Bailey
Adam Khakhar
Super interesting concept. Looking forward to learning more!
Guillaume Bardet
Congrats on your launch Sharath, I know you spent quite some time gathering the right questions. By the way, the site looks great by the way and the designs within it are beautiful!
Jay Paul
Really neat idea! Thanks.
Dan Ciornii
Oh, I am a very curious person, and I truly love this kind of things. I am always asking different question and looking for answers to them. This is the only way to learn something new and become a better person. What is really cool, is that I have recently found a very interesting app for curious people - , there are answers to different questions about how long does anything last. Oh, when I have first found this site, I couldn't stop reading articles