Readory is striving to be the web's platform for written content.
We are a platform curated by readers and content creators alike to make sure quality written content (blog posts, ebooks, Ask.PH, IH Interviews, tutorials, forum discussions and more) are not underexposed or hidden behind major content platforms, and SEO giants.
I really enjoy the concept and execution of Readory. I would love to see what the best people on the internet read, and how that informs how they think and create.
Pros:Everything you've written or read in one place
Cons:Few rendering issues in Firefox at the moment. Be great to have a faster way to submit articles I've read.
To have a place where you can find such an assortment of content is brilliant. I am sure that there may be other's out there, but this one stands out based on it's design and ease of use. The articles are relevant, and with so many different areas there is a lot of scope for what kind of content you can find.
For someone who is becoming dependant on content professionally, this is the perfect place for me to find it as my professional outreach is vast and this allows for me to reach out to those areas. Not only that, but it gives those who have a voice a chance to share their work in a much simpler way. Excellent work to the Founders and Creators, you're helping make content relevant in a new and exciting way.
Pros:A great assortment of content, very easy to navigate technically and in design for those who may not find it easy to navigate content pages.
I am so glad that there is finally a simple yet proficient web application like this that is finally developed and published! Will be great use to many!
I just started using the service and I like the content.
Pros:Relevant content.
Moving forward I'm excited I'm excited to see how Readory develops. It's a platform for readers, by readers. And that's how it always should be.
Pros:For someone who works in the content marketing space this is something I have been waiting for. The design is nice and simple too.
Cons:Nothing... yet!
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