
Readify — Your productivity companion

Readify is a chrome extension provides users with both productivity and accessibility features that allow you to personalize your online reading experience. 📚Bionic Reader 🔍AI-Summarizer 🔊 Text-To-Speech 🖍Highlighting 📝Note Taking ↕️ Line Spacing

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This product started out with a personal story: My mother who loves reading blogs and articles online was involved in an accident that caused her to have migraines and visual impairments. The doctor recommended that she hold up a piece of paper against her computer screen (covering blobs of text) and read her articles line by line. I watched her do this for quite some time and realized that there had to be a better way and more importantly, there was probably other people going through the same thing. I then decided to do some research and find some other problems within the online reading community. My notes looked something similar to this.... "I despise reading so much; why can't there just be summaries for everything?" ---Add summarizing feature "My ADHD can't focus when reading blobs of text ... Wikipedia is a nightmare" --- Add line spacing feature "As a student that does a lot of my research online, I wish I could just make my highlights and notes on the webpage Im on, then transfer it all to a doc in one go" --- Add highlighting and note-taking feature "Anyone else understand things better when its put in a conversational tone rather than in a professional tone?" --- Add "Change tone" feature. " I wish websites had a translate button so my parents don't have to call me downstairs to be their personal translator every 5 mins LOL!" --- Add translate feature. " I tried this Bionic Reading font and it helped A LOT, I recommend other people try it" --- Add bionic reading feature After taking some notes on what the community was saying and mixing it with the struggles I saw in my personal life, I set out to create Readify which would combine both accessibility features and productivity features in one chrome-extension. Seeing my mother benefit from the Line Spacing feature daily has served as powerful validation, driving me to refine and expand this tool to help countless others customize their online reading experiences.
Abid Rahman
Nice product.