Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Reactful - Understand your visitors and optimize your site in real time

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Jonathan Friedman
Hi Everyone, I'm Jonathan, the CEO and co-founder of Reactful. I'm super excited to share the first version of Reactful with you. We've built Reactful to help marketers and growth hackers to optimize sites in the easiest, fastest way possible. Reactful's focus is on real time optimization; reading visitors' digital body language and reacting with a corresponding "visual change" in real time. The range and power of the behaviors we use as triggers, and the library of potential "Reactions" are quite unique. After mostly working with big brands, we're happy to share our beta with you. Feel free to sign up if you'd like to see a demo.
where is the price? i don't like the services who hide the real price u_u
Jonathan Friedman
@sanshiro_ because we're still in beta, we haven't posted pricing yet. It will come on very soon though.
Brady Flynn
@basez99 @sanshiro_ Heads up we made this mistake for a while. We're recently decided to post temp early access prices (not launched yet). We figured free would be awesome, but customers want to know how much it costs once it's not free anymore. By far the #1 question we get.
Jonathan Friedman
@bradenflynn Thanks Brady, that makes sense and it helped us decide to post pricing way earlier than initially planned. Thank you for sharing the lesson learned.
Ben Rometsch
@basez99 @sanshiro_ I think the problem is that this sort of product can be *really* expensive - especially if it is aimed at large companies with very high traffic sites. Just a guide price would be helpful and would help me to consider trying the service. If it's going to be 500 USD/month off the bat, then I won't bother but right now I have no idea...
Alex Minkov
@dabeeeenster @basez99 @sanshiro_ Absolutely agree here. I am hesitant to invest time to adapt a new product if I don't know what it will cost me upfront.
Yair Kivaiko
This looks pretty awesome. I'll test on some of my websites. Thanks for hunting
Jonathan Friedman
@kobaiko Thanks for the comment Yair =D
Omri Baumer
Happy to give it a try.
Jonathan Friedman
@obaumer Thanks Omri!
Donté Ledbetter
Looks cool! Who's the intended audience for this? Is it more for brands, or will the pricing be suitable for individual marketers/startup entrepreneurs?
Jonathan Friedman
@donte_ll Thanks for asking Donte. We are enabling pricing tiers that should fit most startups. Brands require support and integrations that most small sites don't need, which lets us do that.
Samir Doshi
Great tool - nothing like real time feedback to really know and eliminate doubt
Jonathan Friedman
@samir_doshi Thanks Sam. We really believe in the (Zen inspired) "here and now" with everything we do. In this case we tried to extend it to web optimization (hope that doesn't sound too corny, but I like to think about the philosophy of what we do sometimes).
Jared Fleitman
Great hunt Jonathan! For the savvy, tool-hungry website owners that already use a suite of tools, why should they give Reactful a look? Which tools best complement Reactful, and vice versa? Can we expect any upcoming integrations eith popular tools such as Intercom, Jaco, etc?
Jonathan Friedman
@jfleits Thanks for the question Jared! Reactful doesn't exist in a vacuum, actually, most of our customers have some kind of stack going. Reactful focuses on automatically finding that "one thing" that could help you get thing and let you execute it quickly and with no hastle. It can come on top of almost anything you are currently running. Expect integrations with all these great tools you mentioned and many more. These are natural extensions of what we're building.
Erez Tal
Nice Product @basez99, does it support both desktop and mobile?
Jonathan Friedman
@ereztal1 Great question! We support desktop and Mobile web (tablets, phones..). Native support will come later.
Shy Rosenzweig
Look nice, will try it out. tx @basez99
Jonathan Friedman
@shyrosenzweig Thank you Shy!
Yoni Dariel
Kick ass!! Great work guys! +1 on @ereztal1 question: will this be available for mobile (native) anytime soon?
Jonathan Friedman
@yonidariel @ereztal1 Thanks guys. It will take a while but it will come ;)
Ivo Dimchev
hey @basez99 - this looks pretty cool. Will definitely try it out. I've done a lot of similar tests/experiments via Optimizely, but I definitely see how this makes the life of marketers easier. Excited to see what your learnings post-beta will be and the final decision on pricing. Good luck!
Jonathan Friedman
@himynameisivo Thank you Ivo. Most of our customers work with Optmizely or some kind of A/B testing tool, it's very complimentary actually. Happy to share our learning.
Douglas Evaristo
I need this
Jonathan Friedman
@douglasevaristo Haha thanks! Awesome GIF btw made my day =)
Snehaal Dhruv
This looks really great, trying it now!! A price indications will be easier to evaluate as we are in the midst of releasing our next version.
Jonathan Friedman
@smdhruve Thank you! We shall be releasing it very soon.
Martin Ahe
Pretty neat concept - we've been looking for something like this for a while.
Jonathan Friedman
@martinahe Thanks Martin!
Sanjay Kumar Negi
Noam Schwartz
Can't wait to test it!
Ohad Oren
Hi guys, this looks really awesome! Can't wait to test it out on our site!
Sagi Shrieber
Amazing product!!
Jonathan Friedman
@sagishrieber really appreciated, thanks!
Jonathan Friedman
@sibizavic Thank you Semin!
August Noble
So cool. Looking forward to testing it.
Jonathan Friedman
@augustnoble Thanks August! (Love your name!)