@neil_vanlandingham The most important difference to other boilerplates is that this includes a simple CLI for generating most of the Redux boilerplate code. For instance, if you run "make:feature books GET_BOOKS" this will create a directory with the actions, reducer, sagas and services. It inserts the snippets of code that you can manage. So you don't have to manually write te code to create a reducer for example.
This was an experiment for myself and I really liked how this worked, that's why I created the boilerplate. If people are liking it I will continue to work on it and improve it some more. Maybe launch different versions, like with authentication with Firebase setup for example.
What is your most import feature for a boilerplate? And would you be interested in having something like user authentication included?
@billie_thompson Thanks for letting me know! I'm actually working on a version that includes authentication with a Ruby on Rails API. Would that be something you could use? Or rather like to use Firebase?
When I click pricing on your site it scrolls down to where I can see the pricing but the "Feature" section is highlighted instead of "Pricing". I'd also recommend adding an 's' to "Feature".
@tacodenouter Yes, it looks a lot like it because I bought the template and used it for the landing page. Not sure why you mention it here, React Milkshake (the boilerplate) has nothing to do with the landing page. Maybe I should make that more clearly? 🤔
Hi ProductHunters! 🖖
Every time when I started a new side project and was using ReactJS I spend quite some hours setting up boilerplate code. Especially when using Redux for state management. I came up with a little CLI to generate some of this boilerplate for me and noticed how much time it saved me. Eventually, I ended up building a starter kit that could be used for every new project
When I was listening to an episode of the REWORK podcast about selling your "By-products" I thought that if my starter kit helps me saving time, it must be helpful for some other people as well. So here it is: React Milkshake. The simple starter kit for building high-performance React apps!