Re/code just launched its third podcast, following Re/code Decode and Too Embarrassed to Ask. David Remnick makes an argument for magazines, which to some may seem antiquated but the reality is millions of people read and love them. Curious what magazines (if any) do you all subscribe to?
h/t @heyheyesj for this find.
@rrhoover I suscribe to the New Yorker, Economist, Inc, and FastCompany. I've tried moving all of my subscriptions to digital, but the form factor still isn't being designed for as well as it could be. Most of the time it's just PDFs you can swipe through. Notable exception would be Bloomberg Businessweek, which I read on my iPad religiously.
@rrhoover@heyheyesj I love post. I subscribe to the online version of the New Yorker, Economist, Vanity Fair and The Atlantic. Now that I think about it, I read the Economist much less now that I moved to an online subscription but I still read the New Yorker religiously. For paper versions, I get Time for my son (who thinks it is a magic gift every week), Nautilus, Monocle, Lapham's Quarterly and (of course) Bloomberg Businesseeek.
@rrhoover@heyheyesj This was a great podcast-- thanks for sharing!! As someone who used to intern at Conde Nast (now they're not allowed to have any), I loved the part of the conversation where they talked about how traditional and print media still thrive today, but what was really damaged by the digital revolution was local provincial journalism. When David Remnick talked about how careful some media outlets need to be because "the fragility of an institution, it can all go like that"...I found myself nodding furiously.
I subscribe to The New Yorker, The Atlantic, AdWeek, San Francisco Magazine and National Geographic (mostly just for the photos) :)
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