Sergey Ulankin

RAWG - The largest game database in the world, and you can edit it!


Since our public launch in February, we've been expanding to become the largest game database in the world with 245,595 titles (it's growing every day!). The best part? Everyone can edit it, especially indie devs who often approach us to ask for updates here and there.

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Nick Walter
Whoa! Beautiful site. Do you offer an API?
Sergey Ulankin
@nickchuckwalter Not now. But later—highly likely.
Samat Galimov
@nickchuckwalter CTO here. If you have anything particular in mind - let me know. I am positive we could figure out something for interesting ideas.
Ivan Pasikun
@samat поздравляю с запуском! Очень хорошо выглядит и в целом хорошо работает. Круто было бы показывать стоимость игр для разных магазинов, как к примеру это делает PS Deals. Очень многие платят пл 2-5 долларов в месяц за то, чтобы получать нотификейшены по изменению стоимости.
Sergey Ulankin
Databases are boring. Discovering things is exciting. But you can't build a discovery service for games without a database—the largest multi-platform database to be precise. When I wrote this, there were 245,594 titles on RAWG across half a hundred platforms. Now there's one more! I think I need to answer a couple of questions before other people ask them. Why do we call RAWG “the largest multi-platform game database”? Multi-platform game databases are places where you can find info about games for all platforms. There are several great projects in that field: GiantBomb with 65,158 titles, MobyGames with 174,425 titles, and IGDB with 185,716 titles. RAWG is “the largest,” but is it “the best”? It’s for gamers to decide, of course! Speaking of being “the most comprehensive,” it’s next up on our list. This is precisely why anyone can use our editing tools! If there are lots of game databases, why do gamers need another one? RAWG is not just a database, although it is in its heart and soul. RAWG is more of an infotainment discovery service for games, and without some boring data, there’s no entertainment or novelty. Our endgame is a service that will help to discover new video games, that are the most relevant to every individual player. In other words: video game discovery powered by you!

Been using RAWG for a few months now. Works (and looks) better than almost everything else on the market.


Great design, works well, Steam integration


No dedicated mobile app, mobile site doesn't work well, no way to add personal notes or other things about your specific copy of the game

Samat Galimov
Thanks a lot for your feedback! Would you please let me know of the issues you've encountered with our mobile website?
Pavel Fedorov
Ryan Hoover
Like the IMDB of games. I would have appreciated this even more as a kid, growing up and working in the games industry.
Темирлан Курмангужин

Great product if you want to have a library of video games and discover new ones


Slick and fast, most complete database, user-friendly, developer communication


Still in early stages

Lee Qixian
Any future plans of providing some form of API access to the data?
Sergey Ulankin
@swiftpolar Plans are always there, however we need to understand the use case. Having an API for the sake of having an API is not what we want. If you have anything particular in mind, be sure to send us a note through
Lee Qixian
@sergey_ulankin Totally understand where you're coming from. I don't have any idea off the top of my head but I just thought that having access to this huge data set of games will be helpful some way or another. In future should I have any particular use case I'll be sure to ping you guys!
Kevin D C
Great site! Is the community/explore section built inhouse or using an external solution such as
Sergey Ulankin
@kevin_d_chen 100% home-grown. 🤘 Still needs more work tho.
Прикольно. Шустро работает. А в чем бизнес-модель?
Sergey Ulankin
@illya_online No monetization for the time being, we are focused on growth.
Anti Danilevski
Know those guys, personally believe in their vision and business model.
As De Espadas
Nice website, how many released PC games do you currently have listed?