Jack Smith

Rabbits - Outsource programming tasks as simple as sending an email


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Ghost Kitty
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Ryan Hoover
Love the idea (and yet another "invisible apps") but naturally I have skepticism about the quality and timeliness of the work. Although this just launched, has anyone tried it?
James Greig
@rrhoover I sent them an email request 4 hours ago, but haven't heard back yet. Although perhaps that could be put down to the Product Hunt effect? :)
Jonathan Howard
I was skeptical at first, but after reading the use cases on the site, it clicked. This looks amazing for those simple-but-time-consuming tasks we all run into from time to time (or for a person with programming expertise in one area to get help in another). The dead-simple & fast interface of short emails matches the problem space too. Hope this takes off, I like the idea of having it around. Added to my collection of time-saving products "For the impatient"
Augustin Riedinger
@staringispolite As far as I am concerned, I am still highly skeptikal. Who wants a website scrapped if not someone that is actually able to scrape it? Definition of small task is super relative. And usually the technical complexity is in plugging things together, not doing the small scrape or whatever...
Jonathan Howard
@aug_riedinger > Who wants a website scrapped if not someone that is actually able to scrape it? Anyone who's time limited, including people capable of writing the scraper themselves. I could code any of their examples myself, but I sure as heck don't want to spend my time on scrapers, data importers, skeleton apps, etc
It looks glorious! It's going to take a lot of stress out of someone's day being able to lease out a small task that could take them days, but takes this team a few hours.
Jack Smith
this is similar to Magic, which was previously posted on PH.
Irving Torres
Like a simpler version of Amazon Mechanical Turks. Not bad. I don't think I would use it but it's nice to see this set-up.
Jack Smith
@irvingtorresyc the people on mechanical turk aren't engineers though - they couldn't code stuff, like the example tasks here
Irving Torres
@_jacksmith Yes. This is true. MTurks is more for repetitive data entry type of tasks. It's nice to see that this service can handle both of these tasks.
Zoe Landon
It goes without saying I was curious about this. I don't think I've ever had a programming job that didn't involve some distracting side requests from some manager or other staff member. If the pricing worked out, I could see myself using this to do a smaller scale of that guy who outsourced his whole job. Basically, delegate someone to do bullshit tasks so I can do my actual job.
Javier S
24 hours late, never heard back from them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bartolome R Bordallo
@malditojavi Thank for the update Javier, maybe still is the PH effect. Love to know if they respond.
Sean Wiese
Anyone getting timely responses? almost 24 hours no response.
And just when I want to use it, the site is down http://www.downforeveryoneorjust.... It'd be a shame if this had shut down.
Javier S
Just sent a request, let's see what's up.
Paul Tomkinson
Is this dead pool? Link is down.
Kevin Bellinger
Looks very cool - might need to try this sometime soon.
Chris Hendel
This seems really cool. The second and fourth examples seem like the perfect fit for this service. Small, modular components not bound to too many dependencies that you can pick up / drop in with ease.
Looks great for non dev types (myself). Will be interesting to see how the average job pricing index will look... any plans on releasing that data as your go along?
Joshua Dance
Super interested to see if this works. Often times creating the requirements is the hard part of software. What do you actually want it to do? And what does it do if it doesn't work? Seems like that part is glossed over with this service. Has anyone gotten good results and want to share?
Eric Anderson
This is pretty interesting. My biggest concern would be for the company: How do you ensure the customer is happy with rather short/vague requirements? I'm basing this off the examples on the homepage. Personally, I think you have to be ok with "most" of the work getting done for a reasonable price, rather than nitpicking every little thing when jobs are < $300. But you know how people can be sometimes.
Jack Smith
@theericanderson agreed. I was thinking this. Very subjective
Josh Crowder
Has anyone tried this yet? It looks really cool. I think im gonna make the jump and give it a shot
Sidney Zhang
I am thinking maybe you could use this to write utility gems/modules that don't exist yet. For example, "I want a node.js module that convert camel case to snake case" (This module already exists, just an example)
Ihor Stefurak
I have tried this yesterday. Need to create a super simple snippet for a site which can show a FB-like button. They said — $50. I think it's overpriced.