The best way to quote your friends 💬
Jeffrey Smith

Quotable — The best way to quote your friends 💬

Quotable gives friends a place to remember their best moments together. You could say it's social media for real-life. A place not for life's highlights—but for all of the silly, context-free moments in between. 🙃
Harsh Gelda
Really Great!! When is the Google Play Store Version coming and how can I be notified when it's launched...?
Jeffrey Smith
@harsh_gelda Thanks! We're not exactly sure when we will launch to Google Play yet, it really depends on the interest level there. But so far we're encouraged at the response having been on the App Store a little over a week now. For the time being, you can subscribe for updates on quotableapp.io 😊
Jeffrey Smith
👋 Hey everyone, Quotable is rooted in friendship. We started Quotable as a small group of friends who sometimes said some things that were actually kind of funny, so we wrote them down. Over time, those things became the essence of our friendship. Social media is saturated with ways to share the curated, ideal versions of ourselves. Quotable is different. It captures the serendipity—the raw moments in between that define our relationships. We realize now that those real-life memories are the things that draw us closer, not the things we project on social media. Our mission is to give other groups of friends a place to remember their best moments together, too. Here's what you need to know: 🤑 Free to download and use 📢 Always at your fingertips 🔒 Invite-only quote boards 😎 Different groups for all your friends 📝 Get your quote featured on our newsletter Quotable is for all of us, so let’s make it grow together. Thanks friends!