Lyle McKeany

Digg in a box - Digg culture in a box delivered every three months


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Ryan Hoover
Great idea. I'm now seriously considering experimenting with "Product Hunt in a box." What type of products will we expect to see, @myoung / @daweiner?
Andrew McLaughlin
@rrhoover I can't make any promises, but it COULD be something like a pair of baby penguin twins!
Ryan Hoover
@McAndrew that can't be legal. Also, sign me up. :)
Michael Young
@rrhoover not sure. it's an experiment from our edit and bd teams. we have some good stuff in mind, but we're finalizing now. btw, all of this stuff and the ads that run on our site, still pass through the digg editorial filter, or we wont run it...meaning, would we use/buy/endorse it.
Lyle McKeany
I've been enjoying the new Digg via their daily emails and their videos recently. I did not see something like this coming though.
Dan Leveille
"Digg is the homepage of the Internet" ...really?
Michael Young
@danlev it is for everyone on the internet except for you Dan. i'm kidding btw. i dont know who wrote that copy. our tagline is more along the lines of 'what the internet is talking about' (meaning the stories, not us).
Jack Dweck
This reminds me of