Benjamin Claeys

QRtiger - QR code that shows a different URL based on where you scan

A Multi URL QR codes allow you to redirect the user from "one" single QR code to different URL's depending on user their specific location! This can be done on a city/ country level. Super useful on packaging or to tailor your marketing efforts per country.

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Ryan Hoover
That's creative. What type of use cases have you see or imagine, @benjamin_cl?
Benjamin Claeys
@rrhoover I see Multi URL QR codes most used in offline advertising, packaging and retail, but I'm sure there are many other uses cases that could be possible.
Benjamin Claeys
QR codes are a powerful tool and spreading quick worldwide, we of QRzebra made a system that redirects users that scan instantly after they scan based on: - The location of the user (city/country) - Time of scan ( 3PM - 4PM, ...) - Amount of scans Multi URL QR codes are more interesting to use as a marketing tool as they can do diverse things, for the scanner nothing changes, they scan one QR code. On top you can track data of of each scan as Multi URL QR codes are dynamic QR code. Even if the QR code is created and printed you can still add more locations or change the URL behind a specific location you added! A first brand that makes use of the Multi URL QR codes is Universal. QR codes give a digital dimension to your promotional material, they are the gate to your web page, e-commerce, landing page. Many brands still need to discover how powerful QR codes can be for their business.
Mario Azuaje
@benjamin_cl Hi Benjamin! quick question, its possible to set the geo tag by smaller criteria (p.e town/ neighborhood, and so? also, this is available outside U.S. ?
Jackson Armstrong
Smart tool, I see many use cases for multi URL QR codes and in the end a good tool is about the different uses it can provide.
Benjamin Claeys
@jacksonarmstrong Thanks Jackson, happy you like it!
Jackson Armstrong
@benjamin_cl Can you with a multi URL QR code once it's created add more locations or not?
Benjamin Claeys
@jacksonarmstrong Yes you can, in our system you can add and delete new locations at anytime, that's the power of Multi URL QR codes as they are dynamic QR codes.
Alexander Payne
@jacksonarmstrong @benjamin_cl That's great. The ability to add more urls as you go increases its usefulness significantly.
Michael Kirkpatrick
QR codes are totally misunderstood by brands when they are the only low tech solution to create a digital lead on your offline materials. I can see a trend in the use of QR codes in the US, definitely here in Texas.
Benjamin Claeys
@michaelkirkpatrick4 That's absolutely right, I'm confident that QR codes will become more and more important!
Hello there Conrad some lunch, how do you determine the location of the device scanning the QR code? Thank you very much
Benjamin Claeys
@francoolaami We can with the IP define the location, witch is enough to redirect on a level of city/country
Yulia Pavlenko
Hey Benjamin, that looks super cool! Does this location-based feature work for Europe and Russia as well?
Benjamin Claeys
@ole_julia sure it works in every country/city
Sergey Krylov
Look interesting but do you have voucher capability? Meaning I can generate a QR campaign delivered ideally via email for redemption in store. Once used, the code becomes invalid.
Benjamin Claeys
@sergeykrylov well it can be connected to any URL, for now Multi URL is made it can be used in the most flexible way by any brand. That means vouchers can be linked to it.
Barb Ling
I just had a look on your website, nice done, really like your smooth UI and the fact you can customize your QR codes. Makes them look very different then the traditional black/white QR codes.
Benjamin Claeys
@barbling Thanks we did hard our best to make a great product!
personally think it can be used among advertisement fields,perhaps
Benjamin Claeys
@rick111 Yes defenitely, advertisement is good use case for Multi URL QR codes.
Syed Ibrahim
This is great, recently made a messaging app with qr code stickers that I could use this on. Do you provide printing services as well?
Benjamin Claeys
@sibrah18 We have an API, but not for multi URL QR codes so far.
Juan Sarmiento
Totally agree that companies and people haven't explore yet all the possibilities of QR coding, I can immediately imagine a lot of different uses of this for PR meetings e.g.
Benjamin Claeys
@juanpablosarmi That's right Juan, QR codes are so versatile in use, many brands still need to discover all the use cases.
Jan Kaufmann
Smart idea, we use QR codes quite a bit and this solution is exactly solving one of our biggest hurdles, to have more then one URL.
Swen Barth
Tried out your software, looks pretty neat, good job!
Shun Yamada
Smart idea!
Gordon Green
Do you guys have an API for your multi URL QR codes?
Benjamin Claeys
@gordongreen3 we have an api for dynamic QR codes , but not jet for Multi URL QR codes
Jordan Erler
Not sure if QR codes will break through, but at least this is an awesome idea.
Benjamin Claeys
@jordanerler I can say that QR codes are totally back, growing quickly in the US and worldwide.
Danny Richman
Great work @benjamin_cl - Is there any way to create one QR code that will open multiple URLs in separate browser tabs simultaneously?
Benjamin Claeys
@dannyrichman We can make Multi URL system depending on the browser we detect. We did that already. To open more URL's would be interesting, but I don't see how we would be able to make that possible after you scan your browser takes control, meaning you need to have popups that probably most browser will block.
Matthew Laye
You say Multi URL can be used for time, how does that work?
Benjamin Claeys
@matthewlaye You can set a time slot for example from 3-5pm this URL and from 5-6pm another URL.
Great, thank you for sharing