Jason Dainter

It's not just about standing up - Learn how to hold effective morning meetings


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Jason Dainter
I'm thrilled to see the team behind the productivity tool Qlutter back on Product Hunt with their new book. The book takes a lot of inspiration from the Swedish workplace culture which put emphasis on empowering team members to build strong teams that get work done together. The book will guide you on the journey to successful and efficient daily team meetings. It covers why daily meetings are such a powerful way of working and hands on tips on how to get started. The book takes a pragmatic approach and is not governed by any one methodology, but takes inspiration from both Agile and Lean. @wiman_adam, @farorm what drove you to write this?
Adam Wiman
@jasondainter @farorm Daily team meetings brings a lot of value for the teams we meet. The short meetings allow the teams to sync on the daily plan, coordinate before important meetings, share knowledge, and help collegaues. This daily touch point also minimize the need for ad-hoc meetings during the rest of the day, allowing team members to focus on their top priorities. Getting started with short, efficient daily meetings is not the easiest if you haven't done it before. Therefore we put together this book with our experiences and tips. We hope it will help teams new to daily meetings get started and give inspiration and ideas to those teams already running daily meetings. What are the experiences in the Product Hunt crowd, do you have daily meetings, are they useful?
Fraser Smith
I've only had time to scan the key takeaway's so far, but already have a question. At the end of the book in the suggested timings, what size of team are you targeting? We currently do morning stand-ups, but with a team of about 15 people, it's not easy to keep within 15 minutes just for the basic updates.
Adam Wiman
@frassmith Hello, great to hear that you have already had a chance to look at the book! My experience is that you can get within the 15 min also with larger teams as yours, but it requires some time to tune in the agenda and flow. My advice would be to start with the basic things as you mention around updates, and then add more things when the first part runs smoothly, e.g. add a short discussion on mood. It is important, especially in larger teams, that each team member do not share all the details on the tasks for the day but focus on things where they need help or which are relevant to the the rest of the team. Personally I always set a hard limit at 15 min and then rather don't cover some things than extend the meeting, helps keep the focus and priorities straight. Would this work in your team?