No-pain custom SSL for SaaS and eCommerce vanity domains. Allow your customers to connect their domains to your app and be secured in seconds. Now via API!
Hi Hunters 🙌
Ever struggled to set up your own domain on a landing page builder, CDN or ecommerce site? Trust us, it’s a pain on both sides - which is why we built the Qloaked API.
With the new Qloaked API, SaaS, eCommerce and checkout companies can secure their customers’ vanity URLs with a single POST request after they’re pointed at your service. These days, there’s simply no need to handle customer SSL certificates or build complex integrations into Let’s Encrypt.
Our #1 focus is on speed - we provision SSL certificates in 10 seconds or less, and our clients can get signed up for an account and have their first domain secured in five minutes or less.
The API also brings a new billing plan - just $1/month for each domain we secure, with bulk pricing available for customers provisioning many domains.
The new API allows you to provision, check and disable customer domains which are pointing at your app.
Give it a try and let us know what you think!