Dre Durr💡

Pzizz - Sleep at the push of a button! Now with "Focus."


Pzizz uses specially designed music, voiceover, and sound effects that change each night, to quickly quiet your mind, put you to sleep, keep you asleep and wake you up refreshed. Recently we've added the "Focus Module;" music engineered to to help you boost your productivity and get more work done. Available for iOS and Android.

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ed wassermann
279MB is not a small download. I’ll give it a try though.
Rockwell Shah
@visavis_kid The size of the app is an annoying pain point right now. It's tough to balance the need for high quality audio that is playable offline (and can last up to 12 hours) with creating a small app. We're working on some creative ideas though that should solve this issue by June of next year.
Brad Kovach
@rockwellshah @visavis_kid You need Pied Piper's compression! ;-)
Dre Durr💡
The entire @producthunt team could use this.
Rockwell Shah
@dredurr Have they tried it yet?! Would love feedback :)
Brad Kovach
I have been using pzizz since 2007 and it never fails to help me sleep. The Pavlovian cues are the secret. When you hear some of the tones and sounds at the beginning, your body instantly relaxes.
Rockwell Shah
@bradkovach It's stories like yours that keep the pzizz team going, thank you!
I'm wondering if it's able to know when to interrupt my power nap?
Rockwell Shah
@svetlyak40wt I'm a bit confused by what you mean, can you elaborate?
YourBrownFriend :)
I used the old desktop version where you had to generate a "nap" and move it to your iPod or phone. It actually worked well. Nice to see an iOS app.
Rockwell Shah
@elpocho Do you still use it?
Brad Barrish
Been using Pzizz for many years and love the function of it. The design of the app leaves a lot to be desired.
Rockwell Shah
@bradbarrish Totally agree, the design of the app needs a big overhaul (this was done before my time with Pzizz); we're doing a big update that should be finished by June. If there's anything specific you'd like to see, we're all ears!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I used Pzizz years ago and found that it was the best of the binaural audio generators. Incredibly effective on airplanes!
Rockwell Shah
@chrismessina Chris, why'd you stop using it? We want you back! :)
Tarik Kurspahic
Will try the power nap on my flight to Seattle tomorrow :)
Rockwell Shah
@tariktech How'd the power nap session go?
Helen Crozier
Just stumbled on this - using it with my Bose noise cancelling headphones. Incredible! Love waking up from a nap not feeling drugged!
Rockwell Shah
@helencrozier That's awesome! Thanks for the feedback :)
I've been using their software to help fall asleep since 2004. It's always relaxing and each time is different. Couldn't recommend it more!
Brandon Larson
Went and got it. Love it. Great idea - super relaxing, especially on nights when I need an extra push into sleepy land.